Why are men the ones who are EXPECTED to be aggressors/initiators in romantic relationships?

Why are men the ones who are EXPECTED to be aggressors/initiators in romantic relationships?

I'm a single woman and I've been going on tons of dates recently. Here's the thing I experienced sexual abuse as a kid & I don't like being touched first. I have a high sex drive but that drive only works when I can be in control.

I tell men this both in text and out loud but by the end of the date they usually try to touch me. This is usually just like a hand on the leg or trying to move in for a kiss or anything. Even though I tell them I much prefer to be the initiator they always 'forget'.

My biggest question is this: Do men even want to be like that? Do they actually want to always be the aggressor/initiator of sex? I'm experiencing a massive amount of doubt regarding that. I don't think they actually WANT to behave the ways they behave and it's a part of rape culture.

Isn't it a basically marketing idea that any resource that's easily available is not as desired? So why do men think it's a good idea to be so desperate Doesn't it create this insidious power imbalance between males and females?

MGTOW, redpill takers, blackpill takers, incels, vocels, simps, cucks and anyone in the manosphere feel free to reply.

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stop making this thread you autistic roastie.

you are insane and you are too jealous to be in a relationship. probably BPD. we get it. stop posting. nobody cares.

hmmm I wonder who's behind this thread... again

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>too jealous to be in a relationship
ROFL WHAT? I'm poly. I would willingly let my guy date another person........... Given we've made it that far into our relationship.

>Do they actually want to always be the aggressor/initiator of sex?
No, but the ones you probably want do. Passive men are left to rot.
> Doesn't it create this insidious power imbalance between males and females?
Yes. It gives women way too much selective power.

Because when men dont initiate nothing happens, no women initiates in the normal world. I am sorry but when i didnt initiate shit didnt happen, and when they initiated it did.

I would have liked if my gf initiates honestly, i would have liked that way more. But alas no..

Autistic loser stop spamming this thread. It's not interesting and you're definitely not interesting. Try coming up with a new idea every once in a while, you vapid cunt.

I'm OP and I agree with your post other than this part:
>No, but the ones you probably want do

I assume you meant the ones you *want*.

And you are wrong about that one point. The evidence you are wrong is probably in how many times I manically make this thread.

So is a woman expected to walk around with this in her box all day on the off chance she gets raped?

Yes, and it literally cut down the number of rapes in Africa by a huge amount because the militiamen are too scared of getting their dick ripped off to try it.

Op here. While I wish this was true it's not. That anti rape condom was proven not to really work and never got mass produced.

Hold on...So the dude puts his dick in, feels that he's hitting plastic, realizes what's going on...And at this point nothing in the whole fucking world will make him pull out cuz he don't want his dick sharktooth'd. Genius fucking plan lady, now you're gonna be stuck with a rapist dick-glued to your fuckhole while he carries you all the way to his alley surgeon friend for a safe removal and they both rape you. Great job!

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>Here's the thing I experienced sexual abuse as a kid & I don't like being touched first. I have a high sex drive but that drive only works when I can be in control.
Sounds like you're the one with problems roastie. If you don't want to be touched stopped going out with men it isn't rocket science.

You also fuck faggots. Go figure, you have no worth, not as a human and definitely not as a woman. STOP MAKING THESE TOPICS.

That visualization is hilarious. But the idea was the hooks go into the dick, its not permanently glued into the pussy somehow. So he pulls out and it's stuck to his dick. Idk why or how it would still be stuck to the inside of your vag during that. LOL.

He doesn't pull out though, that's the point. He knows that the second he does a backward motion, the teeth bite him in the cockshaft. He'll bearhugging her for his dear life

Then why the fuck did you post it? I hope you get something out of spreading misinformation other than a distraction from the emptiness of your life.

I did say probably. One outlier doesn't change the odds much. From my experience most women who tout this are in love with the abstraction of the relationship then the relationship in practice. But if you really are the genuine article, good on you. We need more non-NPC women.

As long as we're talking, how "forceful" do you like/are you willing to be?

>I'm poly.

Your pussy would need to be huge if you can walk around comfortably with that inside you

>He'll bearhugging her for his dear life
Why do I think that's cute.........

I needed an image to go with my post ROFL. If I posted a kitten saying 'can i haz cheeseburger' would you still ask that question? ???? This is fucking Jow Forums newfriend, r9k at that.

Pic unrelated, friend.

ROFL indeed my fellow 4channer!

Unfortunately for you, too many women say shit they don't mean because they like to play games, so men just have to try and gauge the situation constantly to see what they should and shouldn't do. That means a lot of men end up overstepping the bounds. You're never going to escape that reality, though I wish you all the best.

>As long as we're talking, how "forceful" do you like/are you willing to be?
Uh, what exactly do you mean?

If you want to know a fantasy of mine. I'd like to (CONSENSUALLY of course) rape a guy. Do it by holding a knife to his throat and while he's crying just tell him in a sweet comforting voice that I'm only doing it because he's beautiful and that's what he wants right. Draw your own conclusions based on that fantasy how forceful I'm willing to get. I've never done anything remotely like this though and can't even imagine a situation where it might happen, and of course I'd want it to be consensual so maybe this could just be a role play LARP thing.

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I would entertain that fantasy so hard. And i am manlet too so it would work even better

Manlets are blessed. I remember being in middle school and loving love lord of the rings so hard. All my female friends were asking each other which guy they wanted from it and of course it was either legolas or aragorn (mostly him), when they asked me I was so fucking embarrassed but I still said .... merry, pippin, frodo, or sam. They were all like 'ew'....

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>I'd like to (CONSENSUALLY of course) rape a guy.
100% Kino, user. I'm not big into knives (seems like things could go wrong by accident quickly) but otherwise, very nice.

>Uh, what exactly do you mean?
Partly what you answered. I also am curious about how agressive you'd be is someone was a little hesitant. Not rejecting your advances outright, just a big shy. I guess I'm asking how tenacious you would be.

>inb4 5'8.4" """""""""manlet"""""""""

Alright, if you are in Europe this is a done deal..

Proud 5'3" here

Oh, you're the other 5'3" sub manlet I keep running into here. Hi again, brother.

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>I guess I'm asking how tenacious you would be.

I'm not sure how to reply. The thing that's actually worked irl is when... the guy gets nervous giggly. Like if I'm making him laugh a lot ESPECIALLY from compliments and he gets nervous, bushy, giggly; the happiness he is giving off is what makes me feel like I'm getting the green light to go for it.

How will that thing stop anal rape? You'd have to wear two

Don't forget mouth rape

Yea cos there's not more than one man out there posting on r9k who's 5'3?

Doubt i am the same guy, but i hi i guess..

But you already have natural defenses there in the form of teefs

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Yeah, that sounds about right. What kinds of things do you look for in men? And where does one find a woman like you, user? There's not enough that I can wait for someone to show up at my door step.

The guy I'm talking about always seems to show up though, and recognizes me back. If that's not him, the odds were still in my favor.

Teeth can be punched out

>And where does one find a woman like you, user?
I get this question a lot online and I hate it. So fuck you for that.

>What kinds of things do you look for in men?
Here's what I look for condensed down as much as I possibly can:


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>inb4 5'8.4" """""""""manlet"""""""""
>rejected as a manlet
>rejected by the manlets
You don't even understand this limbo.


Those are also the traits that I think are the best about myself BUT if you have too much of those traits here's what it can (but doesn't have to but can) turn into... Or I guess the dark side of each trait.

>being a doormat

>I get this question a lot online and I hate it. So fuck you for that.
Sorry. Count your blessings though. I've never been asked that question.

>Here's what I look for condensed down as much as I possibly can:
Those are all nice, and I'm not doubting you. But I suppose I should narrow down what I'm asking for. You can't know these things without approaching someone and getting to know them first. So what catches your _eye_?

got me there. What about getting metal teeth

Can't go through airport security

People with metal implants get through security all the time. They just use the wand.

Okay I'm conceding mouth rape given metal teeth

If you were a rapist and got caught in one of those, wouldn't it just cause you to react violently towards your victim instead?

Because girls are insecure and assume men don't want them so they wait for him to show he wants her.

Reminder that OP admitted to being a man in a previous thread.

Lol, i hate it when girls put this crap out. Because it isnt just those are they? I know that you know that.

Also, be my tall dom and you can knife me anytime, well maybe first time then we will see.

>not Faramir
Shit taste.

I think a lot of men would love it if women initiated. The problem is they don't.

can females please finally stop with their creepy rape fantasies? it's fucking annoying.

>I tell men this both in text and out loud but by the end of the date they usually try to touch me. This is usually just like a hand on the leg or trying to move in for a kiss or anything. Even though I tell them I much prefer to be the initiator they always 'forget'.
Because you're full of shit and are not attracted to non-attractive men
The type of man who would remember what you said, take you seriously, and not initiate, you do not date. Otherwise you wouldn't be having a problem with aggressive men "forgetting" in the first place!
Women are such a fucking meme, incapable of basic introspection.

I'd rather they shut up and go through with them already.

I assume he means the fantasy of getting raped, only a handful of women fantasize about doing rape.

No I didn't rofl. But it's actually flattering as fuck and turning me on that people keep thinking I'm a guy.

Ahhhhhh an reverse lookist enters the thread. Applying the halo effect to ugly people instead of good looking ones. Time to take the Opalpill

Oh god, please leave.

I know this is probably a larp but I wish I could find a girl that'd initiate everything