>Literally every female body type is desirable
>Only Chadesque body types are desirable in men
Literally every female body type is desirable
stop watching mainstream porn, user
for some reason dadbod is kind of popular with women, they're ashamed to admit it though
That's because every female body type has a pussy, and that's all we want from them, physically at least.
Women don't actually care that much about your dick, they want a big strong man to protect them.
If all women's bodies are desirable then prove it by fucking this thing without puking the last doritos bag you ate user
She is desirable by some guy
Meanwhile a 6/10 guy isn't desirable by anyone
Literally fuck off dude. I'm quite attractive, I would say 7/10 but people have told me that I'm 9/10 and even 10/10 (I had my pics leaked on r9k) . But I'm only attracted to chubby, hairy dudes with glasses. Can't help myself. Even better if he uses r9k and is socially awkward. FEMALES DON'T FUCKING WANT CHADS. Stop fucking shitting on us, u fucking nigger . Now fuck off.
>Even better if he uses r9k and is socially awkward.
Good one. You had me going right up until here.
Why? That just means that I can keep him all to myself. If he's socially awkward, he just spend time playing vidya, we could even play together. I wouldn't need to worry
Come one, it's just barely a step above all those "I want to suck a smelly neet cock" posts. You just need the Stacy wojock pic to complete it.
No, they aren't. Most female body types I would not date. Only a certain relatively thin weight with a B to C cup.
I should have said desirable by someone
S'mental innit
>Chloe Moretz body type is desirable
pathetic post-wallers say this as a cope. you know they aren't fapping to "dad bod".
Plenty of guys would date her
I'd probably would
But no one would date me and I'm not even that chubby
Dadbod just means an older Chad
this is wrong
only thicc pear shaped female bodies are desirable
LOL are you attracted to sam hyde???
this, it's a cope. I know girls who would drool on Jason Momoa's body and abs and then say stuff like "I love a man with a belly" or "gym guys are the worst in bed, ugh" just because they can't get them.
>women like ripped dudes
>women like fat hairy dudes
>women like skinny twinks
sorry but you are wrong
>Literally every female body type is desirable
I'll never understand the fetish you faggots have for this cretin
Dadbod in my 20s chicks fucking love it as long as you have some muscle to balance it out
1. That is a very recent post-partum body
2. I'd still have sex with her.
Women can like different kinds of bodies.
As long as they are all tall.
>people posting obviously deformed/out of the league of normal female bodies to disprove op.
If you're stooping that low to disprove it then doesn't that mean op is right?
"dad bod" is literally just a chad physique with a (small) beer gut.
>women like fat hairy dudes
This is completely false. What they mean by "fat" is only maybe 20-25% body fat, when actual fatass dudes (40% or more) are still fucking ugly to women, meanwhile there's entire forums dedicated to worshipping women who are that fat or fatter.
What's even funnier is that THIS WOMAN. THIS fucking.. GOBLIN, has found love.
They honestly aren't even ashamed to admit it. Normies on other sites talk about how cute they think dadbods are regularly and have for years, they still prefer chads though. They just think the dadbod is the safe approach after getting used and abused by chads for years and finally deciding to settle down for a "good guy" to raise chads kids.
That's still not applicable to robots
Not a she btw, so your entire post falls apart. It's some cross dresser.
wrong dude women barely care about body type, face is all that matters to them, 99%
>>Literally every female body type is desirable
Wrong. Men would fuck a woman with just about any body type, but that doesn't mean it's something they desire.
Obviously there is a general body type that is most attractive but a lot of girls have different preferences of fat/muscle.