>be a scientist >gf showers me with rants on sexy singers and how dreamy they are
I've tried to not get insecure but it's fucking hard when you listen to this daily, and I do have my shortcomings, so it's like she's rubbing it in my face and I just gotta take it.
I've learned to absolutely hate artists thanks to my gf. They've worked 1% of how hard I've worked and reap all the glory and women. And no throwing tantrums at your bandmates and learning the guitar isn't hard work no matter how much you pretend it to be.
>be engineer >don't have a gf Quit your whining op.
Josiah Foster
I think it's very disrespectful, but isn't it common for couples? Women will comment about how ugghh Channing Tatum or whatever is so hot, and men will obsess over pornstars and Instagram models.
>but isn't it common for couples? Women will comment about how ugghh Channing Tatum or whatever is so hot
This is common. And it's so fucking annoying, women just PLEASE STOP IT. Because the thing is, if you comment on Pamela Anderson and shit, she throws a tantrum but.
John Walker
>learning the guitar isn't hard work no matter how much you pretend it to be. if it's so easy, then why don't you do it you lazy boring fuck.
Mason Smith
>They've worked 1% of how hard I've worked and reap all the glory and women. The reality is that only a tiny tiny percentage of artists find success. Most are wallowing in poverty.
Brody Ross
The guitar isn't that exciting really. I have a friend who's obsessed with playing it and I always wonder how he can stay so autistic about plucking some strings.
Robert Lewis
Normies are that retarded user. "ohhhh noises clap clap"
Bring up attractive female singers and talk about how nice they look when she talks about these things. Obviously, bring it up naturally and not obvious that you hate it when she does it.