Be me

>be me
>watch video of the shooting while eating milk chocolate peanuts
>feel nothing
>it's like watching a videogame
Is this desensitization?

Attached: allah.png (643x355, 367K)

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yeah probably. what brand peanuts

can you link the vid? pretty bored and want to watch some gore

easy on the edge faggot

you arent special, I didnt feel anything either.
i wasnt happy sad nor angry

there's basically no gore

It's weird I was reading up methane doomsday articles and literally shaking at points, yet even though I barely watch gore I hardly reacted to this. I think it's because the low quality

Same. Not trying to be edgy btw but, there were not enough cries and blood to be shocking imo. When you compare this to hollywood production ISIS decapitation, you feel nothing.

It was taken down from kiwifarms unfortunately
And everywhere it is reposted it gets deleted

100% unironic

Here you go