Anyone else use Pokémon to deal with their loneliness or am I just a projecting faggot who should kill himself?

Anyone else use Pokémon to deal with their loneliness or am I just a projecting faggot who should kill himself?

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I care more about Pokemon than I do about people, and I think Pokemon care more about me than other people do.

Gamefreak don't care about us sadly.

Accept the nihilism in your heart, make it part of you, make that emptiness as you are and then when you stare into the void, it'll just be like staring into a mirror! Then you'll never be alone, the darkness will always be there and be your friend!

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I've never had faith in Game Freak. The only good Pokemon content is fan-made anyways.


That some angsty teen shit right there

Loneliness is aesthetic as fuck. I don't know why weaklings feel like interacting with two-faced normalfags would wash away all their problems.

I do the same thing man

Allow me to rephrase it in a different fashion then: Become your own friend. Not an imaginary friend. Not a tulpa. Be your own friend. If your only value of self-worth is the value you place on a relationship or extrinsic friendships, you ain't ever gonna make it! There will come a time when your friends don't want to hang out, or your significant other leaves, and you'll be alone. Then what will you do?

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Wait from them to come back

what's your adress
im coming over right now to be your friend

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that's nicer

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I do and everytime I stop playing it or any video games, I realise how lonely I am, how pathetic my existence, how empty it is and that nothing will change because of me and my lazyness. I'll die as I lived, alone and forgotten.. But thanks to /vp/, I feel like I've found some good place to come by everyday. I love you /vp/, please never change.

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1234 Street st, City Compass Location, Province

Psychotherapist here.
If you're suffering from depression caused by loneliness or a lack of human interaction, do the following:

2-3 times a day (or more), for five minutes at a time, smile at yourself in a mirror. It sounds silly and you'll certainly feel silly doing it, but it will help you immensely.
The way the human brain works, seeing someone's face smiling at you, and smiling back at it, causes you to feel a lasting sense of self-worth and belonging. The human brain cannot recognize your reflection as being you, and instead sees it as being a separate entity, so smiling at yourself in a mirror "tricks" your brain into thinking that you are happy and there are happy people around you.
You can even try it for yourself right now, Go into the washroom and smile at yourself in the mirror. Again, you'll feel silly, but after a few seconds (usually less than a minute) you'll immediate start to feel good. Even a fake smile will turn into a genuine one after enough time.

Having said that, you should strongly consider just going out more. Staying isolated will only increase the strength of negative emotions and symptoms brought on by isolation, which continues in an infinite spiral.

Why the hell would a psychiatrist be wasting their time on this site? Or wait there’s enough crazies on this site to make a fortune

I beat the yellow elite 4 today, and started a new ruby game (old savegame is lost due to empty clock battery).
Picked Treecko, of course. Just like, what, more than fifteen years ago? I can't imagine it's the same cartridge, "Made in Japan", is has lain dormant for such a long time.
There's also Leaf Green, I still own the original box.

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>Psychotherapist here.
Can I ask you something?

How do you start doing the things you know should be doing? I've thought and thought endlessly about my situation, weighted in all my options, written out all I want to do, what I can actually do within my means, and what I should be doing so I can start progressing. I've mapped out everything. And yet I've not done a single thing about all of it, I have it all there, but I do nothing with it or about it.

How do I start? How can I start? Why do I just do nothing instead of doing what I know what I should be doing? Why I am so scared of doing something for myself? Why I am so scared of failing at doing those things when I am a failure already it would be just one more drop of water in the ocean? Why do I fear change when it would be a positive one where I end up changing myself for the better?

I hate myself for knowing and yet not doing anything and just wallowing in self-hate and self-pity at my own uselessness.

Hey man it sounds like you’ve got a bad case of anxiety

I don’t get lonely but at this point the constant talk about friendship and the bond to your pokemon do annoy me

It’s a children’s game for god’s sake i

>grr become normal or else
there’s no way youre a psychotherapist

But do lobsters do that?

Bro. Get a hobby that forces you to get out. For me, Hot Wheels hunting became my thing. I learned about Treasure Hunts and Supers (basically the Hot Wheels versions of Shinies and legendaries) and every weekend morning I drive around to my local Walmarts and Targets and Krogers looking for rare cars. It's early enough in the morning where there are few people out, and those who are out are generally too sleepy to care about you, but you still get the beauty of the sunrise, the feeling of the wind against your skin, and the dopamine hits of finding cool cars that cost a whopping $1 a piece.

I owe Hot Wheels my happiness right now. I'm getting my shit together, putting even more care into my looks, and I'm getting a lot more confidence going out in public when there's a lot of people around.

What if I just feel like I have enough of outside user.
Everything I put my mind into just feels like a waste or time or a failure. Would spend hours, days, and weeks working to be under appreciated. I thought that if I at least turn myself into a cog in the machine of society, I would at least matter. But I see the world in chaos on the interweb, news, and outside my window. Mostly just tired, not exhausted, but tired. Can't keep a relationship going. Never have a plan for the day, don't even have any idea what to have for breakfast or dinner. It's all meaningless.
It's not the smile user, it's the faces of disappointment and indifference I see everyday.
Pokemon, vidya, movies, etc keep me going at least.

>How do I start? How can I start?
Usually when someone says something like this, it's means they're suffering from chronic fatigue, which could be caused by all sorts of things ranging from overeating, oversleeping, porn-masturbation-orgasm (PMO) addiction, isolation, or any number of factors outside of one's control.
Start small. This is a Pokemon board so I'll give you a Pokemon analogy: Think your goal as the Elite 4. You can't just walk into the league and take them on. You need to get the eight badges first. Even if you could just waltz in, you'd get trounced if all you have is your starter and a mon you caught on Route 1.

Start with the lowest of the lowest of baby steps. Resolve to do a few pushups a day. Clean your room. Spend ten minutes cleaning up junk files on your computer desktop, even. Something small enough to handle.
Then work your way up from there until you can see a professional. I know it probably sounds like shilling, but seeing a professional will give you a direct way to interact with someone that wants you to achieve your best interests.
If you're afraid of going out, consider a Skype service, or a phone service, or even a chatroom service if all the alternatives are too much. Work your way up. If money is an issue, there are free or otherwise inexpensive alternatives typically provided by the government with little to no downside aside from potential wait lists.

You don't need to become normal by any means. You should just be able to be happy with yourself. Living in isolation isn't bad, but if you're suffering with it then you should consider solving the issue first.

retard I‘m isolated when I‘m with people not when I’m alone

I don't use Pokemon for those types of reasons myself.

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If you really are what you say you are, what should I do about my paranoia? It's sabotaged my attempts to be more social since every time I try I get these paranoid delusions that if I do so, I'm putting myself in danger and should withdraw for my own safety. I know these aren't reasonable assumptions but I can't stop them and once I think them even though I know they're irrational I can't go against them.

That's the issue user. I can't even bring myself to do the things I like, or used to like rather. That's how bad it is.

>I'll give you a Pokemon analogy: Think your goal as the Elite 4. You can't just walk into the league and take them on.
That's genuinely one of the issues I have. Whenever I wanna start something I see how there's so many people already being pros at it and my desire dies inmediately because why bother when I'll never be as good? I know they didn't get there from the get-go in one day in my mind, but still. Just thinking about how much time it would take me to be at their level and how I'd be playing catch-up forever really discourages me even more.

Which is why you need a hobby where no one can be better than you. In my example, Hot Wheel collecting, there's no defined goal or objective or standard of comparison between you and the guy next to you looking through the racks. Just buy the cars you like and feel proud of your own collection. My other hobby is Starcraft 2 eSports. I don't play the game because it's the hardest game in the world and I don't have the IQ for it, but pro-level matches are entertaining as fuck.

So don't try to do things you don't like anymore but once did. Branch out and find new things that you might like. The simple act of wandering through the toy section during my oil change gave me a new hobby. It's just a matter of stumbling around until you find it. But the key is stumbling. Sitting around doing the same things you always do won't bring you new experiences.

I’ve been planning my death for 2 years and I set it up for my 30th birthday. Thinking to death makes me slightly happy, or something similar to happiness. I play Pokémon just for addiction.

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[Spoiler]you're playing pokemon because you're seeking comfort remembering happier times in your childhood, but you need let go, stand for yourself and move on.[/Spoiler]

Nope, I've come to accept loneliness as a part of me.

I kind of get your points user. Thank you for yours and psychotherapist user advice. I'll think about them a little more and see how to apply them on my own life.

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Nice spoiler faggot

And thank you for the adorable artwork. Have a good day!

Source of this please


I can barely make myself finish a Pokemon game anymore. Or most videogames or whatever else for that matter.

I only have online friends, most of them normalfags that don't really know what this feels like, except one girl, she's also the only one I've ever met out of all of those. But she's so mentally unstable that I just don't know what to do. Plus the fact that I'll never be able to see everything there is to see gnaws on me, since games, websites, movies and videos are the only things distracting me from my loneliness and pathetic life. Like I get there is some shit that's not worth my time, I'm not isane enough to watch bullshit 1 hour flat earth videos and podcasts or all the other insane shit there's out there, still something inside me keeps telling me that I need to know everything. Might actually be legitimate autism, but I don't really know. All I know is that I wish I'd just vanish without affecting anyone around me.

Fuck the crazy out of her and get the hell out of your basement with your newfound gf and go fuck around all over the world. Traveling is cheap if you know what you're doing.

Pokemon, Runescape, a few other games... really just games in general to deal with the crushing loneliness. But yeah, Pokemon does it well. I want an Espeon to cuddle with.


I replay gen 4 and 5 like crazy
1, 2, 3 are meh to me, I liked 6
I am a poorfag so I didnt get to play gen 7 but the Alola loli waifus always makes muh dick hard

Just never join a discord server from /vp/. fucking trust me on that.

Really, what happened? Full of degenerates or what?

yes except i haven't been able to enjoy any of the 3ds games. i get so far and give up. i like everything up to and including gen 5.

Gen 1 is the best, only loser weebs like the generations after 4.