Would you date a girl that horribly bullied you during your entire childhood?
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I don't know user, but I've dated girls that I have horribly bullied in my entire childhood and all worked fine
is this the famous reiko shit
didnt they ever stab you? did you ever feel like bullying them again?
How did you get into this situation, user? Where you'd want to sleep with the enemy, so to speak?
Met the girl who used to bully me all the time again after years of separation. Havent seen her since highschool. And surprisingly she was really nice and we suddenly really got along, she invited me for a drink tomorrow. But I cant lie to myself, a part of me is still really resentful for her shit.
Yes, children are not adults. Plus you get to make her scream for all the times she made you cry
Of course I do bully them again when I have the chance, and no, no one stabbed me for any reason.
I honestly thing girls like to be bullied
Fascinating. What all did she do to bully you?
Also, this gives you some leverage conversation-wise. Light playful jabs at her being a dick to you could do wonders for establishing the power dynamic. She'll feel embarrassed and want to make it up to you, but since it's a lighter, more playful atmosphere she won't see it as you being a dick.