>have a shitty personality
>blame it on a made up mental illness
I hate women
Have a shitty personality
>I hate women
me too fren
The worst part is that isn't an uncommon story
It's like you think men don't do this shit too.
Men are honest about being shitty, they don't try to blame in on some made up disease.
I don't care about women, I hate garbage people of all genders. It's just that thirsty faggots give them tons of power. I especially hate how anyone can claim to be a girl on this board and get tons and tons of (you)s and derail or kill threads.
Are you a tourist or never seen robots bitch about depression and bpd?
Hahaha, that's not true at all. I used to blame being shitty to girls on my depression and whatnot.
Literally life on easy mode
All "men that say they have bpd are trannies. I've never seen someone blame being shitty on their depression, but it might happen. Still not as common.
Discord is a mental illness.