BPD Feels thread

BPD Feels thread
My favourite person hasnt replied to me in a week so I cut my wrists and tried to DM them pictures of it, but they blocked me.

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yeah don't do this
I think scars can be kind of hot but I never, ever want to see your open wounds

Make a new account. Or send it to their phone from a fake number.

It's easy to get someone you like to talk to you, just cluster Be yourself.

>tfw Sheep Village is back

Get in pussies!


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You are fucking retarded.

>they ignore me therefore I harm self

How do you think THEY feel you fuck?

How else am I supposed to traumatise someone into never leaving me
It works better if its in person and they can see me crying

Well, I personally have been through that same situation where someone I really cared about just seemed to forget about me.

It really hurt and I didn't know how to manage my emotions. I think that, by sending those pictures to the person, you got the opposite of what you wanted. I try to put myself in the other person's position and I can definitely see why they could have felt uncomfortable.

Overcoming those feelings of missing interaction with someone will take time, do it at your own pace. Take your time and don't force yourself to just forget about that person from one day to another.

If possible, try to contact the person and explain them sincerely what's going on in your mind. It may help.

Just try to remember (and I don't mean to sound stupid and too optimistic) that eventually you WILL find someone that enjoys talking to you as much as you do. If someone ignores you and leaves the moment they see something's wrong THEY'RE NOT YOUR FRIEND.

I hope this helps and it doesn't sound too cheesy. As someone who went through that, I wish you the best of luck :)

get the fuck out of my board, fucking roasties

>only have one means of contacting your favorite person
He clearly deserves someone better than you.

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