Jesus. How are reddit women so fucking based? I thought you said they were all fat prudish undesirable landwhales who are frustrated sexually
Jesus. How are reddit women so fucking based...
Other urls found in this thread:
>cheating slut
Fucking normie degenerate.
Also if you listened to anything Jow Forums told you, you would draw the conclusion that no woman can ever be sexually frustrated no matter what she looks like because she has dick on tap 24/7.
this bitch got smacked up by Chad and she loved it. her onions husband will go flippity flip like pickle rick when he sees his wifey like that
No. r9k states that these women are all cat lady whales who are frustrated because they can only attract beta dick and they are unhappy about that and lust for different cock preferably from Chad and alpha males. Does this woman in the pic seem unhappy to you? Seems like she has no trouble attracting men she likes.
That's exactly what Jow Forums would expect: since she's a non-Stacy she settles for a beta boyfriend, and then cucks him with Chad on the side. She just got dicked down by Chad so of course she's happy.
what subreddit is this? please tell me
The reality is that the people on Jow Forums who come up with these whacked out insane conspiracy type terms such as "chad" or "stacy" are actually mentally ill and severely deluded and out of touch with reality: psychotic.
Just try to ignore them the same as you'd ignore the bum on the sidewalk while you grab a coffee on your way to work who yells "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU BUM!!!".
But Jow Forums asserts that these women are not attractive enough to get Chads either in the first place or anymore since they gained weight, aged, etc, so how can she be fucking a Chad on the side if Jow Forums is right?
Most of the people on Jow Forums and other internet sites such as reddit and likewise are low IQ types who suffer from severe (retarding) mental illnesses. If we could afford it they'd be the sorts we'd have locked up in padded cells in huge insane asylums.
Unfortunately we can't afford it, so they're locked in concrete cells on city streets and small apartments with laptops and smartphones so they can spew their insanity out at everyone who will listen.
Plague of madness! Plague of madness!
They supposedly can't get Chad for long-term, committed relationships with a view to marriage, user. I don't agree with the argument, but there's no inconsistency here just because she got dicked down.
no, it's a secret
Are you a fucking mongo. Its said round here EVERY women can get sex
It's natural to fear the unknown (complexity = unknown risk, uncertainty, darkness and monsters) and to solve the resulting cognitive dissonance and calm their nerves many people seek to "white-wash" over the complexity of life and the situations we face in reality by using stereotypes and generalizations.
It shouldn't come as a surprise that when you test these generalizations they don't actually apply entirely to anyone... they're far too simple and the odds of every factor lining up to match is extremely low (although non-zero, low enough as to be impossible in reality.)
>r9k states that these women are all cat lady whales who are frustrated because they can only attract beta dick and they are unhappy about that and lust for different cock preferably from Chad
i mean i guess that's one way of saying they have it easy and demand even more
I used to be that bum and trust me. I was doing it ironically for laughs and kickdowns.
>(although non-zero, low enough as to be impossible in reality.)
Generalizations are rarely accurate enough to sit exactly on the mean of the population they attempt to identify. They tend to be skewed off outside the median somewhere due to their tendency to include several exaggerations and features of outliers (high sigma properties) mixed with their mean feature-set.
It is extremely unlikely to find an individual with entirely exactly mean or approximately mean properties. The probably is in fact infinitesimal for any infinitesimal point on the bell curve. The tendency to mix these properties (groups of properties both mean and outlier) makes it extremely improbable for the "generalized individual" to match any real individual.
A common fallacy is to identify one or some small set of properties from a larger source set and attribute a match based upon these few properties. In reality the distance between an individual and "generalized individual" is far more complex to compute but generally speaking the correlation is non-intuitive and non-linear with respect to the number of matching properties.
Statistics is not the easiest major.
>I used to be that bum and trust me. I was doing it ironically for laughs and kickdowns.
What about the one dude who took you seriously? Do you hold yourself accountable for his severe mental anguish and trauma?
guys will fuck anything, but they're more picky about gfs
It's a subreddit called CheatingWives. It was posted by a 19-year-old, apparently. It wasn't hard to find. OP is a cuckold fetishist.
Btw the board is full of fat bitches and LARPers.
No one said this op. We said they were normie moralfags, which they are. And you don't have to be a 10/10 to get dick, all you have to do is be alive (maybe)
>all you have to do is be alive (maybe)
Crisco brand special necrophiliac sexlube sticks.
>sexy losers
I remember reading them, Good times.
>people on r9k fucking defending a cheating slut
Traitors, the lot of you
>cheating whore
>not retarded larper
That's clearly not a 19 female.
Poly relationships are fine, but cheating is wrong and disgusting. She doesn't deserve him
>Poly relationships are fine
No they aren't. They favor hypergamy. If you want this, you're a roastie or a norman.
Cheating is hot as fuck desu
Hypergamy is fucking hot
>Hypergamy is fucking hot
Not an argument, degenerate.
Please get the fuck out, newfag.
Or I just have an actual cuck fetish but don't want to be emotionally cheated on.
Subreddit for cucks. It's fantasy, calm down.
>Or I just have an actual cuck fetish but don't want to be emotionally cheated on.
You have selected "Norman".
Whores are whores, but what is actually up with those boobs? Are those bruises? Did he just fucking punch her in the tits like some Rocky wannabe? Is that how normies usually do?
Fat pigs bruise easy.
Why it must suck getting something over nothing.
>doesnt get men she likes
Cry me river whore apologist. Stop fucking abusive chads and you wont get abused. End of story.
>picture literally proves you wrong
Gys will fuck anything, even chad given enogh beer. Some guys fuck fatties for sport.
Living proof that girls cant be lonely.
>>picture literally proves you wrong
A picture of some tits proves you're not a mentally insane retard? I'm sorry but you're a mentally insane retard and you're so deluded you can't even admit it.
ah hah, great post, my fellow redditor!
newfags don't know this, but SL is actually where the term "fap" came from.
They're hickies you dumb fuck
If somebody hasn't figured out that 99% of "women" you see here are men larping to satisfy their cuckold fantasies, then that person is irredeemably stupid. Unfortunately that's at least half the people here.
i don't know if you're joking but she definitely seems pretty unhappy to me lol. the fact that she needs validation online (& that she has nothing else to share with the world except her tit bruises) shows me how lonely and totally vapid she is -- not to mention the fact that she is obviously literally unhappy with her current boyfriend