Anyone else fucked over their workplace before? One of the best feelings I've had is when I just stopped turning up for my shift at a supermarket. Dozens of raging voicemails, rhetoric like 'You can't just quit without notice!!!' And yet they were happy to fire people on the spot and treat employees like dirt. I quit on Easter Sunday too, didn't tell them in advance so they were massively understaffed and probably got tons of complaints.
Anyone else fucked over their workplace before...
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>You can't just quit without notice!!!
You can't? Jeepers, however did you pull it off, OP.
My favorite trick is going on job interviews with job recruiters but I only pick the pretty ones and never call them back. "OMG Chad pls call me back :(" begone thots
Based. I would steal so much shit from my last retail job, lie to customers, damage goods and devices, throw my trash wherever I please, eat unopened snacks brought and left behind at my department. Kinda miss it not gonna lie
My last job as with all my jobs I agreed at the very start I couldn't work monday and wednesdays evenings.
Actually I had a contract I couldn't work any evenings but they threw that away quickly and then eventually started putting me on for monday and wednesdays and ignoring my holidays I'd booked a month+ in advance. I stuck to my guns every time.
Including one time were they covered for me by just forcing the other guy to work a 14 hour shift by surprise. So I fucked him over. I gave him money and chocolates to thank him and smoothed it over a bit and they mocked me forever for it.
I was the only one in my area that could read and it was horrifying to see how those poor guys live. Modern day fucking slaves.
I had the exact same experience. I signed up for 11 hours a week. Great, we are both happy, contract signed, willing to work hard and do an honest job. 1 week in they start demanding I do overtime, signing me up for 35 hours a week. I said I didn't sign up for more than 11 hours and I won't forget the look I got. They were utterly incredulous that someone in retail wouldn't want to work as much as possible, because everyone there was desperate and poor. I said straight up I thought it was dishonest of them and I wouldn't be working any more than what I signed up for and after that everyone treated me like shit, even the other workers. I was seen as spoiled. Stopped turning up for work and just dealt with being poor for the rest of that summer.
You were just right to do that. I should have quit very early but I'm so done with being NEET. It put the proper fear in me though realising how some people are forced (by their own spinelessness) to live.
Recruiters/agencies are scum. I signed up to a few when I was fresh out of college and looking for work, stating explicitly that I wanted something that involved no interaction with others and that I didn't mind repetitive, boring stuff like data entry as long as I was left alone in front of a screen. Every single day some Stacey would call and offer me 'an exciting role in business support' or something similar. When I asked if it involved phoning people or dealing with complaints they'd always bullshit and try to twist it. And then they had to audacity to sound angry and insulted when I refused to come for an interview. I may be relatively unskilled and poor but I'm not obligated to do a job I hate. Cunts.
I was in the fortunate position of having some savings at that point and a family that (at that point) didn't mind me sponging off them. But it really hit me that so many people are almost literal slaves. Before that job I was quite an arrogant person and thought of retail workers as dumb peons but now I have nothing but full sympathy for most of them
his name is Meryl.