I'm getting harrased daily and i'm fucking tired of this shit

I'm getting harrased daily and i'm fucking tired of this shit.
I'm in a closed community and i can't just turn around and leave for another month.
How do i stop them robots, i fought two already and i got my ass kicked more than theirs. They're stronger than me, but i'm not afraid to get hurt at this point. Still there's always more of them. They started a war in a sense and i can't win it with violence. Ignoring doesn't help and i lost count of how many times i got in verbal fights. How do i survive mentally for another month? I need your help.
I'm 20 and no it's not school.

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guns are the ultimate equalizer, if you can then get a gun and or go pro so that you could show the cops that they either started attacking you and you acted in self defense, or at least that they attacked you.

Not happening, i'd rather not get involved in something that will land me in court.
Not even a knife. I just need to survive a month, not get fucking jailed after this.

Well thanks guys, when i need your advice the most, no one gives a shit.

what the do you want? you don't want to land yourself in court so keep your head down and knuckle out your last month bitch

Why are you being harassed? What did you do?

Solid advice? Not "lmao just shoot up the place"?

How about you give the whole story, jackass, and tell us why you are getting beat up and by who?

Nothing, to be honest. I'm just different.
They know i'm weaker, but i can't take shit from anyone, so i escalated the situation to the point where they gang up on me.

So are you saying a bunch of dudes decided to gang up on you because you are physically weaker?

How old are you?

guns are valid tools of self defense, i don't think anyone was suggesting you 'shoot up the place'
get something you can legally defend yourself with if it comes to an altercation, avoid the situation by taking other routes, or cope until you're out, you're almost there

20, they're about the same age.
Call it racism in a way.
They wanted to make fun of me separately, but one on one i don't take shit from them, fought some of them, but i'm weaker so it wasn't that effective. It kinda worked, but now they just harass me in packs. They enjoy fucking with me and the fact that i resist makes them angry i guess.

Kill those faggots

Dont take shit from no one

You sound like an idiot third worlder.

Probably eastern european or something.

Who the fuck in this world owes you shit?

People like you deserve to get their shit pushed in. Get the fuck out of here you fucking wimp.

I can't get a gun man, I'm cornered and it's not an option.
I fucking wish. But in a month it will be over and i don't want to ruin my life over some cunts.

If only there were a number you could call that would summon public servants who are trained to deal with and diffuse this sort of thing by dragging aggressors off to buildings with cages in them...

I wouldn't post here asking for advice if i could just call the cops. It won't work for me.
Anyway, should have asked in Jow Forums right away instead, at least anons there care a little.

You make no sense. Why would calling the cops not work and what even is the actual situation? You never even went into detail. If doing all the normal things suggested won't help, there's obviously more going on than you're letting people know about and that's your own fault.

does op live in a favela or something kek

What environment are you in that you keep getting into fights? Also what region do you live in because culturally most people here abide by American customs and standards of interaction

stop focusing on the fucking gun retard
post more deets or go away

Not a favella. The guy few posts above is right, i do live in Eastern Europe.
I don't want to get into detail because it's not relevant. Most of those options won't work for me and if i explain why it won't change anything.

You're anonymous here, so you may as well post everything in the hopes that someone with a more abstract mindset or similar life experience sees it and helps out.

That sentiment aside;
My advice for you would be to go hermit mode for the next month, and only go out when you absolutely need to. Avoid anyone at all costs.

(and if you can't avoid people, explain why, or get off this board, because if you can't explain why you can't avoid people as much as possible, you don't want help, not trying to be rude, but it's not hard to type a few extra words)

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If you want details, whatever.
I'm in the army. I have a month left.
I can't go to cops and mp doesn't give a shit. My superiors would rather cover it up than try to deal with it.

r u a dude or a girl

we don't owe you anything faggot

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In that instance, I can't give much advice since it sounds like you're surrounded by assholes, and being in the military means you can't just leave, you have to interact with them. You could try to make those interactions as painless as you can, but I understand not tolerating disrespect. You are right. There's pretty much nothing anybody here can help you with because of the nature of your situation. I wish you the best, and try not to get severely injured.

(also thanks for provided the one crucial detail that let's us know a ton more about why your situation is as it is)

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try to avoid being alone with people who will gang up on you if possible and weather your last bit, avoid what you can and try not to die

are you like the unit rape twink or something? i know how you slavs get

Nah, it's just that they're typical chavs and i am not. I never interact with them, but they always try to approach me to fuck with me for fun. And now the rest of the people here prefer to clown me or ignore me because they're afraid of those cunts and don't want to end up like me.
Thanks man, regardless. Oh, and from what it sounds like I'm gonna get into a fight this night once again, wish me luck.