Lives in beanies.
Has a nose ring.
Not happy unless she can chill/is chilling.
Has a group of guy friends she calls /my boys/.
Friends with a band or goes to shows and talks about how *theyre my boys! I love them, theyre my boys!*
Her perceived personal relationship with an established band sees her calling them /my boys/.
Calls everyone dude.
Says duuuuude, to express approval, disapproval, shock, excitement, to get someones attention, just like saying like by most people basically.
Always wearing or deliberately buying XXL guys sweatshirts, but definitely not because she has to.
Mountain Dew.
/Sweet/, /Sick/, /Stoked/.
Always texting you or posting things about what new piercings shes thinking about getting, thinking shed look good with, what blink lyrics shed like to get tattooed.
You wish shed leave her hoodie at your place so you could be like aww, dude, it smells like McNuggets and weed!
Lives in beanies
Charles Ramirez
Jace Campbell
Sounds like a dead end human being
William Cooper
sounds like a cool dude. would smoke with/10
Justin Edwards
god i wish i could find her
Brayden Wood
absolutely haram
Carson White
Great friend, terrible gf. One of my closest friends at uni is the stock stoner waifu archetype, she's fun to hang out with but even if she wanted some fug I wouldn't do it
Cooper James
>tfw regularly bang this type of girl, except nowhere near as spazzy as you describe
>tfw she has a bf but likes my dick better
Feels good anons
Matthew Cruz
Straight up me at 18.
Glad I grew out of that.
Henry Jones
Suck it, finncuck
Zachary Murphy
NOOOOOO you were perfect