Now over halfway through the last March in the 2010s edition
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Beware the ides of the last March in the 2010s
found a couple for you lad
Spain, Russian and even China had loads to deal with too
Girl coming over tonight to watch a movie and get a takeaway.
What should I stick on?
We loved a cheeky scrap back in the day
Stupid roastie on my facebook feed going around calling meat eaters stupid. What is it about vegans that makes them so fucking insufferable. I'm a vegetarian myself and they still drive me up the fucking wall with their preaching.
Somebody really ought to do something about this problem we all have in common.
tbqh i do agree with guns being banned.
Pirates of the Caribbean followed by interracial porn.
Hmm well I don't have any Pirates of the Caribbean.
>British forces: 43 troops killed, 126 troops wounded
>Muslims 10,000 killed, 50,000 imprisoned
400 killed v 6,000-10,000 killed
Chat shit get hit by bullets
Post link I want to read the ones I had no idea about
not eating animal products is literally a mental illness, vegetarian i guess is okay as long as you still eating eggs, some dairy, grassfed butter. vegans look like holocaust victims they are starving themselves of nutrients we get from the best source which is animals, tasty steak EAT IT
Honestly, its easier to say you are not for gun control when you are a middle class white yank. imagine being a working class mong here and having to walk the streets with mongy chavs having uzis. fuck that.
Fun fact, the Anglo-Zanzibar war is the shortest war to ever happen.
I feel like we were just better at keeping records than most countries.
>not eating animal products is literally a mental illness, vegetarian i guess is okay as long as you still eating eggs, some dairy, grassfed butter. vegans look like holocaust victims they are starving themselves of nutrients we get from the best source which is animals, tasty steak EAT lT
Me thinks it's going to be a large portion of cheesy chips, one plain cheese burger, and can of pop, chicken pop corn, onion rings and a portion of donner please.
just sitting here bored like a boring cunt
quackers for din din lads
this is what ~90% of people who act incredibly hostile towards vegans look like
britfeel is a no niggers zone thanks
who /forever alone/
at least the cats will be alive for the next 10 years or so
>[YouTube] Vegans: The Epitome of Malnourishment 3 (embed)
Legendary poster. Where's senor btw?
>applied for a job through an online form
>haven't got a confirmation email
>probably put it in wrong
keep drinking your onions faggot!
>Legendary poster
it's me. Dont like to make a big deal out of it thogh
Where's Smithy, lads?
Hanging out with L-Dot
Black Mesa is good game
Want to get some monster and rizla but I'm lazy and it's windy as fuck
who else /drinking/ ?
I'm finishing off an excellent bottle of vodka, little tipsy
Morning lads
Cant be arsed with life again
You lads are boring me, I'm off to the gym
oh dear lad.
I keep going through depressive episode, then happy episodes, then average episodes. Despite nothing having changed in my shit life.
rip kyle massey
Gutted about this beef jerky lads its not dry, its moist and as a rank texture.
I've noticed that lad.
I think biltong has a higher moisture content to jerky.
Fucking love jerky but biltong can fuck off.
why do you never hear people from Jow Forums doing something fucking decent? the fact that its always killers and psychos that are associated with this site really makes you realize how bad it is for your mental health.
mexican andy on the daily mails
>have a paki IT teacher in high school
>he would always flirt and give extra help to the girls
>he spent half the lesson chatting to the fit girls in my year
>looked slightly noncy but i figured I was just being racist
>find out he's shagged 2 girls from my year after they left school
Can't even make this up
I remember when asdas used to do bacon jerky, much nicer than any other jerky
They were fucked before they came to Jow Forums, no decent human being comes on Jow Forums.
Waste of 18 quid but at least the dog will eat like a king.
I'm sure /b/ tracked down some lad who killed his cat, but that would have been a decade ago now.
>makes a typical boring saracastic lefty post
Damn. Based paki
plenty of decent lads in here who go out of their way to help each other
/britfeel/ is an example ot the rest of Jow Forums
Is a joke how expensive it is innit.
I only get it as a treat.
>Mr Berlusconi has always maintained he is "no saint" but firmly rejects claims he has ever paid for sex with a woman, saying: "I never understood where the satisfaction is when you're missing the pleasure of conquest."
Top lad
noncey teacher at my school used to drive girls into town when he went to get supplies
his wife was the deputy head
bunch of girls tried to complain to her, but she didn't take it seriously
he died of cancer not long after i left
always wondered if he would get done for cp if he was still alive
Meant to last a while too but because its so damp you have to eat within a 48 hours.
Might dry it in the oven.
Remember there being jerky I liked maybe it was buffalo or bacon because this beef jerky is wank.
why are you lads paying mad prices for beef jerky?
Dont tell me you are a bunch of "muh protien" fags
>10 quid for 56g of protein
just use a powder
>why do you never hear people from Jow Forums doing something fucking decent?
A bunch of anons organised a nice birthday card to send to this lad
Also it makes sense that you only hear about bad things happening, that's what news is all about. No one really gives a shit about some small charitable act
just eat tuna and chicken lads lmao
>just use a powder
that's almost 3 scoops of powder. A chewy snack is preferable to feeling bloated and shitting yourself
I feel like shit and nothing is cheering me up
I know going to just make my own
I got 500g for 18 quid but given how damp it is its probably like 300g.
I don't think that is completely true. There are some decent lads here, i know some irl, but the general culture and political attitude of this site is degenerate, at least in my opinion. my mental health was better before i came here. i reckon the problem is that lads who are a bit lost come here and due to already being outside of society they pick up silly views that make their mental health even worse. its especially the case for the lads that come here in their early teens
you are right tbf, although i was thinking more of a grand scale. britfeel can be decent a lot of the site but it also often has a crabs in a bucket attitude sometimes.
that's 3 scoops yeah but at 120 scoops per 25 quid
but that's pretty much your protein supplement for the day dusted then
>falling for the protein meme
lmaoing at your life lids
Lmao how old are you lad. Can't imagine schools letting kids out for a drive with their teacher nowdays. I'm 21 and when I was at school everything was incredibly strict.
Beef jerky is expensive especially the prime uk prime ones
*tweaks your nipple*
cheer up luv xx
you are right tbqh. i was being a bit rash. i know Jow Forums has done things on a small scale. I still think the site is unhealthy over all.
Imagine blaming a website for your mental health problems.
>that's almost 3 scoops of powder
I paid 12 quid for 1 kg of whey protein, that's 14x the protein. Also whey doesn't make you bloated or shit yourself
>has a bag of biltong washed down with a 2 scoop protien shake
lmao what now skinny faggots?
>Also whey doesn't make you bloated or shit yourself
if you have a Rich Piana tier post-workout it does
Any Vera lads in?
Mentality wise yeah, it's far too negative and people just like to bring others down to their level. But there are good people in isolated places here
Post-workout is caffeine mixed in with a bunch of other shit, nothing to do with whey protein. Whey is just a by-product of milk, if it gives you the shits then you're just lactose intolerant.
>Post-workout is caffeine
i'm 27, tis a bit odd now that i think about it. Guess you can get away with shit when your wife is deputy head. I maybe wrong about this but she may have been acting head as well because this was probably the same time that real head unironically embezzled a load of money and disappeared
your thinking of pre workout, not post workout, post workout is usually whey protein, bcaa's, creatine etc.
I was thinking of pre, what even is post-workout? Like mass gainers?
It may not be the source but i certainly think this site exasperates them. picking up incel views and general Jow Forums bollocks can't be be good for one's mental health.
Gym rats can fuck off
Thanks to that user who helped me with my toothbrush plug I made the right purchase because of you
*flexes a cep*
Oi fatty shut it
this is a perfect example of the crabs in a bucket attitude.
fitness makes people happy, let them talk about it if they want.
best pre workout is adderall though fuck caffeine :)))
Any lads here cum in a cup of coffee and then drink it? I swear it's making me slimmer.
This is going to be me lad my shits will be right ring stingers
>Gym rats can fuck off
>crabs in a bucket attitude
What did he mean by this?