Why cant girls just play Video games?

Why do they have these shallow hobbies like instragram and facebook. Why do they turn to social media for fun. Why are the games they play farmville and other shitty phone games.

We could solve almost all the worlds problems if girls would just play the vidya. Why are women so selfish.

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Social media is like a video game where the NPCs are thisrty betas.

They have no desire for competition or to conquer.

Life is pretty meaningless without those.
You end up just taking pictures of yourself and counting the likes.

Girls want attention, they get that from social media.
Guys want accomplishment, they get that from video games. (You know what I mean, don't even start)

You have to have a very high IQ to play vidya


Fuck off I don't want girls in my games, they are annoying

>Guys want accomplishment, they get that from video games.
what did he mean by this?

Pretty well-put.
Attention Whore Tycoon when.

Because men's and women's brains are wired differently, and video games just don't generally attract women as much as they do men.

Video games are becoming more popular with women nowadays for secondary reasons: fitting into geek culture, getting attention/money from betas, and proving that they too can slay just like the boys yass queen


This is wrong. Their competition is instagram, getting likes and outdoing eachother. You're just mad cause theirs affects real life and yours doesn't.

That said, typical "gamers" have a knack at turning away women who actually like video games. Sad, really.

>women who actually like video games
Probably because those usually are ugly outcasts.

Gamers are dead! And that's a good thing!

Most video games worth playing require skill and a little dedication. That is woman kryptonite. Instant gratification is more valued by women.

>We want girls to play video games with us!
>"I'll play games with you :)"
>BUt you're ugly and bad at it.

I wonder why girls don't want to play games and hate nerds.


> why do girls have shallow hobbies
> shitposts on Jow Forums

the absolute state of Jow Forums

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>We want girls to play video games with us!
Why would we want that?
Girls shouldn't even be allowed on the Internet desu.
Or at the very least they should be on a separate Internet.
>BUt you're ugly and bad at it.
Most nerds are just tsundere I'm pretty sure. It doesn't mean girls should be allowed to invade our Internet though, go be ugly and bad at games somewhere else we're busy being ugly and good at games over here and you're being distracting.
It's always a problem when there's 1 girl for 10 guys. It ruins everything. It's better when there's no girls.