25+ Thread

Is there anything you still enjoy?

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Frozen jell-o pudding pops

i like drinking and not much else

If you mean from childhood, i guess i still enjoy Ramen and old cartoons, like Silverhawks, Tick, Batman animated series and X-men

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Drinking has gotten boring.
Anime is still enjoyable. But only the ones I have seen before that bring on sad feels. All gaming now is boring. Chans are boring. YT and music is boring. I work and it's getting boring. I enjoy buying anime on blu ray now and that's about it. Looking into starting a collection that women will judge me on and then my virginity will be cemented forever due to that. Idk, I want to stop drinking and live a monk lifestyle but I have low self esteem. I have become filled with rage, jaded, bitter, all because I have isolated myself and am KHV. I blew my chances when I was 12.

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All I enjoy is sleeping. I'm always tired and life is a chore that has nothing in it for me to enjoy.
Hoping that I'll just not wake up one of these days.

I play games sometimes to ignore things. I haven't played many new ones, so it's mostly older RTS with some mods to make things a little sillier.

I've been enjoying Orville, I don't get surprised usually but it can be "nice" when it happens.

Been thinking of suicide near-constantly lately. Almost 29, "employable" degree but no job for over a year, khhv. I'm worthless shit that only family wants to keep around, and it's not enough. I tried temp-work last month and it was physically grueling. My joints decay and my back discs are rotting from birth, and it prevents me from getting any enjoyment out of moving. No endorphins can mask the pain of multiple back discs and nerves being inflamed and all joints screaming at you to stop.

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I picked up book reading. Atleast it provides temporary escapism and perhaps i'll get a bit smarter.

I am just looking for a wholesome wife. I don't want to die alone.

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romance manga, early morning jogs, and... that's it