How can i stop with being obsessed with white girls as a brown dude?
How can i stop with being obsessed with white girls as a brown dude?
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realize that it's pathetic as fuck
Why would you want to? Haven't you watched Kingdom of Heaven??
It's a beautiful feature of progressivism to love your fellow man and take his daughters hand in interracial marriage
By realising you haven't got a chance in hell and moving on accordingly.
not the OP, but a few weeks ago i saw a guy post a photo of his white wife with proof and he was brown. rare but possible
Shouldn't it be pink people? Like brown makes sense bc they don't have black skin. And white people should be pink people cause their skin is more pink right?
Prioritizing a woman's race or individual features over whether or not she'd be a compatible partner is a one-way ticket to dating a psycho.
If you're in a good relationship, you'll develop a fetish for whatever she is. I used to obsess over nerdy black girls, and I missed my one chance to date someone I would have really loved because I was fixated on my fetish.
I wish I knew
I swear I would do anything for a white gf
I don't even care if she's ugly or rude, and I would be faithful until the day I die
>brown dude
What kind of brown?