Femcels dont exis

>femcels dont exis...

Attached: bCCrp7y.png (600x800, 445K)

Make a tinder profile and you'll see how many guys are willing to fuck that thing, some of them will be probably above average looking.
In this new technology society pussy has more value than ever, every guy out there is desperate to fuck whatever he can get online, and roasties are more entitled than ever.

>looks like a literal downie
>can still get dick on tinder
Is it really that bad?

If she would be willing to love me I would do the same.

yeah google pig lady experiment

>Is it really that bad?
Its reality. Women are valued, men are disposable

Just like the girl with acne you posted yesterday, this is another 1/10.

>Is it really that bad?
do yourself a favour, hit up reddit and go on r/Dyingtobefat
Literally 500 pound women being worshipped by thousands of men
It's over buddy

She could get fucked tonight if she wanted. Men are pathetic and desperate

Googled it, that woman is absolutely repulsive