How do I tell if god or Satan is cursing me

How do I tell if god or Satan is cursing me

I have a curse and I cant tell who to hate try Christianity life sucks. Still get struck down with disaster after disaster. Get life ruining disaster. Still pray to god. More disaster strike and strike as my life is already a living hell. Keep praying to god more disasters

Try praying to Satan. Nothing happens but Im paranoid of going to hell and not sure if Satan is doing it or god

What do i do? How do I tell

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Have you considered the possibility that no paranormal entities are controlling your life?

I literally have a curse and my life is my own personal hell and I constantly get signs and horribly timed coincidences rubbing my face in it and making it worse every day is suffering

Not him but can you elaborate?

Literally everything bad that can happen does and anytime I find anything good some disaster strikes down and makes my life even worse its a curse

What happened recently? Did someone in your family line do something bad before?

You are developing psychotic delusions. There's no supernatural powers fucking you over, you just got unlucky. Snap out of it or you'll get full blown schizophrenia.

I've been stuck in this small town and I'll never be able to leave. City/uncursed fags have no idea how lucky they are. I'd give anything to be born in LA.

heaven, hell, it's all the same! in this wicked game laid to bring us shame!

Hello user, I've read your posts before and have left some racist comments I'd rather not repeat and ask forgiveness, I'm sorry. I hope God gives you a way out of your situation soon.

Literallly everything like every time i find any sort of happiness god instantly rips it away kicks me in the face rips it as far away from my face as possible and seals it up. Instantly glimpse of light i find he instantly rips away and seals it up

I could find a thousand ways to fix my life and one by one god rips them all away and destroys it all

Ive had one super freaky paranormal incident but never had shit moving on its own hear anything supernatural never have doors open or close on their own shit moving i never have anything paranormal happen except the one thing

can you update us on your current situation?
education level reached? maybe we can try to offer some solutions

Nah man nothing realistic or on this earth will help me not even making a shit ton of money saved me from god

Literally as soon as i find a way to be happy god rips it away and bad shit keeps happening. God made it so Im completely stuck in suffering with no way out and nothing i can do about it he made sure its impossible

just give us the info and we will try to brainstorm some things you can try

Trust me, this guy is beyond help, both in terms of situation and mentality. He's going to suffer and make us suffer until his probation finally expires and he gets stabbed in the nearest big city.

Ive posted before yall just call me nigger and tell me not to post

If there is a way out i would do it. God is out to get me so i cant its the only reason. If there was anything humanely possible i would do it but theres not because god is out to get me and make me suffer

You are not unforgivable. God still loves you because you are still breathing

Yeah reading his posts I realize that there's no way he can be convinced that his problems are his fault/due to bad luck. For some reason he's convinced it's a magical deity's fault

I think he just keeps me alive to make me suffering or he doesnt hate me enough to kill me but just to make me suffer literally nothing but bad shit happens and Im just watching my life become irreversible hell while i just sit powerless

Snap out of it you fucktard. There's no such thing as God. The only one that can fix your life is you

Or maybe the things you just said are lies told to you by Satan. He is the accuser of the brethren.

No man Im stuck in my small town on probation the only way out is a miracle like getting a genius cool lawyer or transferring my shit both of which are impossible out here

And bad shit always happens and i feel like Im cursed and god is just coming after me whenever i trip balls

Christianity is bad when it comes to curses.
Pray harder.

how old are you?
can you answer this question?

You use drugs? Meth?

try applying to some of these you don't need a degree

If i want to trasnfer my shit i need a place to stay AND a job down there its like impossible

I was motivated i begged people on craigslist offered money i submitted my resume to a bunch of companies and told them i wanted a phone interview before i move there and then i got told i just have to wait and cant do it right now and then i lost all motivation and ive been anxious like scared as fuck shaking anxious cant even think anymore

I need to find a job and someone renting out a room both that would wait around for me to do my shit and then somehow confirm a job or something

No i just smoke weed, do kratom, sometimes alcohol, and the occasional pill but usually weaker stuff like painkillers

you probably need to stop smoking weed user

i literally just gave you a list of jobs you can apply for, contact them, you can sort everything else later. ask a relative for a ride the day of the interview

Well i have a bus right outside my house and i have ideas for jobs i want in the city and i can submit my resume on craigslist but i need permission just to visit the city and i probably cant visit it as often as i want so Im assuming if it goes wrong Im fucked

And i doubt even visiting is easy being on probation literally means you have one foot in jail and one foot in the world at the same time. You cant go anywhere you have to give them your number, address you staying, tell that what youre doing when youre doing it what time youre leaving when you get back show them the bus ticket show them the hotel booking call and check in and all this shit Im sure

I just dont know how i would find a job plus apartment both at the same time and have proof of it

The weed probably activated your schizophrenia, dude.

I dont hear voices or see shit i just have bad as fuck luck all the time and non stop disaster striking me down and i always have weird as fuck coicidences and shit like the universe is just mocking me or something

I literally always have bad shit happening and its all bad luck and everything just happens with such perfect weird timing

off yourself already, fucking hell