I have a curse and I cant tell who to hate try Christianity life sucks. Still get struck down with disaster after disaster. Get life ruining disaster. Still pray to god. More disaster strike and strike as my life is already a living hell. Keep praying to god more disasters
Try praying to Satan. Nothing happens but Im paranoid of going to hell and not sure if Satan is doing it or god
Have you considered the possibility that no paranormal entities are controlling your life?
Eli Collins
I literally have a curse and my life is my own personal hell and I constantly get signs and horribly timed coincidences rubbing my face in it and making it worse every day is suffering
Ethan Kelly
Not him but can you elaborate?
Owen Ramirez
Literally everything bad that can happen does and anytime I find anything good some disaster strikes down and makes my life even worse its a curse
Leo Murphy
What happened recently? Did someone in your family line do something bad before?
Sebastian Anderson
You are developing psychotic delusions. There's no supernatural powers fucking you over, you just got unlucky. Snap out of it or you'll get full blown schizophrenia.
Christopher King
I've been stuck in this small town and I'll never be able to leave. City/uncursed fags have no idea how lucky they are. I'd give anything to be born in LA.
Jacob Fisher
heaven, hell, it's all the same! in this wicked game laid to bring us shame!
Hudson Hughes
Hello user, I've read your posts before and have left some racist comments I'd rather not repeat and ask forgiveness, I'm sorry. I hope God gives you a way out of your situation soon.