Humans are social animals, they say, again, and again. They won't stop saying it. They just repeat it endlessly...

Humans are social animals, they say, again, and again. They won't stop saying it. They just repeat it endlessly. Someone somewhere once said "humans are social animals" and now I have to listen to hundreds of automatons regurgitate that line to me just because I like living in a big house all by myself and working alone and being alone.

Humans absolutely cannot stand each other. Everyone hates their roommates, the cashiers at the jc penny's hate the customers, the brown people hate the white people, they people over here drop bombs on the people over there, the liberals hate the conservatives, the DC fanboys hate the Marvel fanboys, wives hate their husbands, old people hate young people.

uh yeah, humans are social animals. Actual animals can get along better than we fucking can. You never see a whole whack of cats doing this sort of crap.

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Ultra based and redpilled

They also say humans are 'sexual creatures' and 'selfish creatures' and 'visual creatures', basically whatever fits their argument.

>and now i have to listen to hundreds of automatons regurgitate that line to me just because I like living in a big house all by myself and working alone and being alone

"""Normal""" people don't like being reminded of the truth. They stay inside their echo chambers chanting the same old prayer: "WE ARE NORMAL, WE ARE GOOD, BE US". They wear that mask every day because they are ashamed of their own feelings of hate towards eachother.

Thank you for reading my blog.

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I hate the "being alone/being depressed is just as bad/even worse than smoking!"

First they bully me and harass me for living and mock every thing I do and every attempt at fitting in or bettering myself. So finally I give up and go hide in the hole where they forced me to go, trying not to cause any trouble for the people who pushed me away, but then they invade my cave and mock me more! "You're slowly dying for being sad and alone!" If they don't want me to be sad and alone they did they tell me to go be sad and alone?

Hate is still a socially driven emotion. Humans would rather hate others than be alone.

We are designed to fight each other for the best mate of which is violent and hateful but social experience. Most fail and get killed by Chad. Modern medicine kept you alive and unhappy and modern laws. We should be dead.

Jow Forums is social media you know.

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There's a difference between socializing and conversing.

Humans are social animals, like wolves. Wolf packs do not get along with other wolf packs, they compete.

Tribalism is your nature and you resist it and suffer by your own choice.

Conversation is one of the corner stones of socialization. I don't think most robots would be able to cope if you were truly alone, with no human contact.

>Conversation is one of the corner stones of socialization
Exactly, you can converse without socializing. Jow Forums can be used to socialize, that's what tripfags do.

Define the differences between "conversing" and "socializing" please.

hating is social

Socialization doesn't require onymity though. It's possible to be completely anonymous to one another and still socialize.
You shouldn't try to define yourself as the opposite of something else. It never works well. Just think about what kinds of people you think are morons and try to avoid the mistakes they're making.

Socializing is bringing yourself into a conversation. If two mathematicians email each other about a proof their working on, it's not socializing. If they bring up anything about each other, it is.
>It's possible to be completely anonymous to one another and still socialize.
I agree.

brainlet. fucking pathetic

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And it's hateful and full of fucking bait faggot.

>Socializing is bringing yourself into a conversation
So if I say "tfw no gf", I have brought myself into the conversation and I am socializing?

Yes. You're trying to connect with people. Socializing has to be personal, conversing does not.

>I hate the "being alone/being depressed is just as bad/even worse than smoking!"
The study and the people who repeat is fucking stupid in the first place. The study for example, who were the participants? Are they obese? Do they smoke or drink? Do they do drugs? Do they have any family history of any sort of diseases? Do they exercise? Are they sedentary?

It doesn't occur to people that being alone and being lonely are two completely different things. So they repeat some shitty blog or study like it's gospel. I fucking hate people.

Well why the fuck do you post here then if you like being alone so much

Because I like YOU user. You, personally. And I knew this exact thread and these exact posts at this exact time would draw your attention.

I'm crazy about you.

Prove it. Post feet right now.

It's meant as in "we need eachother to survive" not we love to hang out 24/7 and need company constantly (though you go outta your way to tell some unrelated virgins about your feefee every day) you aboveitall wise man
Also animals tear eachother to shreds constantly
Why am I even replying jesus

This is because you live among strangers. There is no social cohesion. We are meant to live in small tribes, not this endless sea of shitheads.

>mfw old ai is teaching new ai human psychology

Am I the only person that is alone and doesn't cry about it or blame society like a faggot? I just like being alone.

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They're actually trying to cleanly get you to off yourself. They know you're not quite right and so with no real danger around, they need to rid you from the gene pool and you being alive uses up resources.

I feel lonely like once a month. But Jow Forums is also socialising in a way

can someone red pill me on why this dumb animeposter doesn't understand that humans are social animals?

You couldn't take the critic and banter

He thinks that society is only functioning if people kiss eachothers asses like in a cartoon

This is actually really fucking based

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How do you plan to argue we aren't sexual creatures? I hope you can formulate a better answer than OP's comically stupid "humans aren't social animals because conflict"