I downed a whole bottle of distilled THC

You know, the stuff in weed. I drank a whole bottle.
Holy shit.
That was like 2 hours ago and it finally fucking hit me.
I can't even really think.
When it started I felt like I was having a hard time breathing.
But then I realized it was because I couldn't feel my body.
Like I had stopped feelings my muscles and fat.
Like I was nothing but the nervous system.
Still am just a skeleton. That's wild.
I'm thinking "what if it's like i can't feel myself when I'm not touching anything? that would explain why i can still feel other things."
my mouth tastes kind of nasty and my heart feels kind of weird and I'm getting odd sensations on m body.
i kind of feel like i have to remind myself to breathe.
yeah. what do you guys think?

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what the fuck, for real? you are alive after that?

get some vaseline or lotion and wack off mate. You know you want to.

a whole bottle of distilled THC if fucked though, you're gonna go to sleep and then wake up high tomorrow lool

Can you please tell someone to be with you n look out for you while that is happening, please.


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i drank some water, i'll be fine.

dude i had a sandwich too

Drink lots of water, drink ginger tea to help with nausea, I heard chewing on black peppercorns helps paranoia or some shit, and don't worry about forgetting to breathe, if you fall asleep your body will continue to breathe subconsciously just like your heart's beating without your control. Just get comfy, go to sleep if you want to, and enjoy the ride

nice. what was in the sandwhich? love sandwhiches. big fan here.

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You're a crazy nigga you are.

not op but ima try the peppercorns thing, thank you for this tip

they were grilled cheese.
mummy didn't make me tomato soup tho :((
but yeah grilled cheese is my favorite. ez to make, fun to consume.

whoa this is the best thread i've ever made.
thanks guy, you mean a lot to me.

VERY fun, that's a wild ride. Straight up family raft waterslide equivalent of sandwhiches. Even without the soup.
You've inspired me...

no prob bro. we're here for you.

you mean a lot to us. stay cozy

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>made a thread like this too
>Got called a faggot normie

Yeah fuckbyou

woah man don't go stirring up my positive vibes.
you need a healing crystal.

if i had of been in that thread i'd of asked how you are doing and made sure you were comfy. i'm sorry that happened to you, user

the chans can be a cruel mistress

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Holy fuck user, you're in for a hell of a trip lmao

love, life and laughter, is all i believe

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thanks man, i laughed.
i'm listening to mineract parodies
this is great.

yeah i'm fucking tripping balls.
this my first time getting really high.
like i had no idea, i'd only smoke like 1 joint.

Alright OP here, I had another wacky thought.
you know when you're eating something and you can flick your tongue in between your teeth and move the food around almost to a subconscious level?
You've have over 18 years of experience doing that.
And also it was necessary to be good through evolution. the was that couldn't do that quickly would bite their tongues off.


smoked a joint yesterday at the waterfront. shit was cash, although it wasn't as nice outside as I'd hoped.

I know what you mean about the mouth thing, it's really bad.


cotton mouth is a bitch

dude that was pretty funny.

Well. What're you planning on doing until you come down from your high? I heard jerking off while high is fun, but I've never done it. I've never done any drugs.

maybe i'll try to learn the guitar when i come down. that would be cool.
haha i'm going to bed lads. thanks for this thread, it was awesome, and my favorite thread. bye.


You're gonna be high for a while, so maybe watch the big lez show. Fucking hilarious and full of drug references.

Alright. Goodbye, user. Have a great sleep.

i smoked really strong cheese afew days ago and was stoned out of my fucking mind, couldn't even think properly.