Hey Jow Forums i'm going to attempt to overdose today and i just want to say thanks for keeping me company the last few...

Hey Jow Forums i'm going to attempt to overdose today and i just want to say thanks for keeping me company the last few years

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Thanks user. I'd like to keep you company for a bit longer tho. But I won't butt in your desicion.

>thanks for keeping me company the last few years
Thank you as well for doing the same for me. Gonna miss ya fren

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Keep in mind that overdose as a suicide has a high failure rate.
What you overdosing on?

>We lose another one to the void
Why does the Universe torment us so?
Best wishes OP, I'll miss you.

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Goodnight, sweet prince
and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest

Your wording suggests you don't actually want this. Must be unconscious but take a look at what you've written.

godspeed user see you in afterlife

dont do it user there is still a lot to live for get out of the echo chamber and you will be surprised

Drugs are a super ineffective method of suicide, chances are you could just hurt yourself bad
What drug are you using?

They didn't really have a choice desu

user, don't let the demons get to you. we will be deeply saddened to see you go.

Thanks for the time. If you actually do it we might meet on the other side at some point.

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I tried to OD once, it was kinda fun.

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Ain't gonna try to convince you otherwise like other bleeding hearts here.
It's your choice, just know of possibilities of your future being thrown away with this choice, and I don't even mean the effects on those around you.
If you think your future holds no further happiness for you then all the best, cut vertically in a warm bath for best results though

See you space cowboy

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So you're going to attempt to get attention by faking a suicide attempt?

Whatever you choose, I hope you are able to understand and experience peace

Take the normalfaggots with you faggot enabler.

>attempt to overdose today
Lol. You are 100% an attention whore. First you say attempt and second you make it known to people that you're attempting. You probably don't want to and will not die. You're also probably a tranny or woman which makes this all the better.
"The vast majority of attempts at suicide by drug overdose alone fail. Use of a plastic bag (see Plastic bag & drugs) significantly increases the chances of success if the dosage of drugs itself is not lethal."
"It is worth once again stressing here, that the odds of a successful drug poisoning suicide are around 40 to 1 against."

Robots are dying. This place is dying. I wish we all the robots could mass suicide

preach my brother

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Give me a few years and maybe I'll do that

Was a hell of a run, user. See you on the other side.


You're just gonna vomit. Get a double barrel if you want to get the job done.

Suicide is a meme, just do something else, there are infinite options you can choose from.

Please don't do it user, get the help you deserve instead. You may not be able to see it right now, but there are people in your life who love you and want to see you succeed. Your life can and will get better and you have the power to make that happen. We're rooting for you user!

Nice copy pasta, you really think your soulless words has any meaning when you dont even know the person?

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Well it's worth a shot. We have to try something to stop user from ruining his own life. It's not a copypasta btw.

Remember that Jesus loves you, Anonymous.

>gotta stop him from ruining his life
His life is in ruins if he is reaching for the suicide pill

gn fhg hkjh origin

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>last day on Earth
>only thing he thinks of is thanking his shitposting comrades
You're a sweet soul OP. Good luck in the afterlife, see you soon.

Wont work, never does, you just get found and taken to hospital then sent home, you need to complete overkill

Why the fuck am I actually tearing up?
Thanks for being with us OP

pills are for faggots, a sword through the chest that's how I'm going out

Hopefully you don't but if you do send me your hentai folder before you go.

Godspeed user
hopefully you don't get reincarnated

LMAO, OP is probably going to survive

I hope your attempt is successful and you don't end up as a vegetable. See you on the other side bro.


It may look bleak, but it can always get better and this is when we need to remind him of that.

>it all returns to nothing
it all comes tumbling down tumbling down

if you're still alive then good luck with the attempt, if you are in a state where suicide is an option in the first place then the lack of existence is likely a better option than the one you're forced to go through, if there is an afterlife then i hope you'll be happy in it user

Good bye. Rest well prince.

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I need you :< you have probably helped people in this world before and you're still needed out there

have you even begun?

AT LEAST go out by attempting live your wildest dreams or die trying


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Overdosing probably won't work, but good luck user

And another robot dies, gone to the wither of depression. I hope you pass peacefully user.

Can't post "See you later space cowboy". Feels bad man. Gl on your next life op

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