I'm gonna get drunk and an hero on stream for you all, it's the least I could do for you guys

I'm gonna get drunk and an hero on stream for you all, it's the least I could do for you guys

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plz dont do it op

can u hurry it up i got places to be

Good taste edgelord

you sure you wanna do this bro? who knows what's on the other side

lol pussy faggot nobody cares about your life story we just want to see you end it, see you on bestgore lmao

he ditched it, op will not deliver. that's ok I didnt really need to see this anyway

it's pretty hard to kill yourself with a knife dude, what's most likely to happen is an extremely painful death or a depressing hospital visit

I'd say postpone and hope your outlook on life changes

it gets better op, hold strong

Don't know if he's returning or not.

start streaming again faggot

He won't bruhs. 11 people in an instant suddenly caring about his life? It's unlikely he feels lonely enough to do it now.

We are waiting, though you're quite nervous by that handshaking.

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It's asking me to download app. Are you shilling this app? Please kys.

You're right, I bet these people didn't give a shit before.

>tech illiterate

Lol, just use a gun faggot.

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Look you didn't go through with it. Good call, user.

Just looked through the first parts of the stream, you said something like "Kate had her chance, she fucked up big time, blah blah"
You want to kill yourself over a girl?

Test is board down

Pussied out, fucking gaylord.

Pussy didn't do it

fucking PUSSY. imagine failing at something so simple. you're so fucking scared man it's pathetiuvc