Is reincarnation real?

It better be. It's my last chance.

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Sorry op no. Your flesh pile doesnt contain any special magic to make you and your consciousness transfer to another flesh pile

I'm a atheist, but I always find it incredible that consciousness exists at all.

There's no evidence for it.

It's probably because you're an atheist that you find it incredible.

Kind of, yes.

>last chance
Oh boy you do realize the chances of it getting worse are bigger than those of it getting better right?

>you will be reborn as an Afghan kid

even if it is you still won't remember what happened here

I wasn't always an atheist, I was raised as a Christian, but still, since I was 6yo, the only reason I ever believed in the possibility of a god existing was because of it

>last chance

are you retarded? if reincarnation is real, why would you assume this is your first life and that the next life is your 2nd?

this could be your 300th life for all you know

I meant it's my only chance left of ever experiencing life as a girl.

if reincarnation is real; how many people are living there first life?

>you can only reincarnate as one sex for your entire existence

im gonna ask you again

are you retarded

What? That's pretty much the opposite of what I said.

dunno lad i often think about that whenever i discuss the topic

a better theory is that every time a person dies their soul fragments into two instead of the 1-> 1-> 1 -> 1 theory

explains triplets and what not

but youre going to have more chances of experiencing life as a girl if reincarnation is real user

yea but in terms of contentiousness isn't that a logistical nightmare?

he already changed last chance for only chance, as in only possibility

Yes. That's my whole point. That's why I said that reincarnation is my last chance.

consciousness happens in a parallel plane to the physical one. in a way youre experiencing others lifes right now but your ego prevents you from seeing it that way

reincarnation is real but not in the way youre thinking of, theres no "you" to speak of

no, someone who's lived my life and had my experience's would be me to an outsider but without my consciousness there would be no me.

Yes. Just because religions are demonstrably silly, it does not mean that materialism is true and that death implies oblivion. There is a tremendous amount of empirical evidence that suggests that our mind or consciousness continues past the point of physical death and that there is an infinitely amazing afterlife awaiting unconditionally around the corner of a ceased heartbeat for everyone.

Easily digestible tier:

World-leading research tier:

In essence, the purpose of these lives is to learn to be an infinitely loving and kind person despite the fact that the world is demonstrably shitty and it is really hard to develop character here. But the person who is infinitely happy, kind, loving, accepting, and forgiving while they are being tortured, to take the ultimate example, will quite figuratively explode from happiness in heaven. So use your challenges as gifts to develop your character. After all, you had the multiverse as your smorgasbord while you were still in paradise, and yet you chose this life; being this character, in this society, in this world.

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I hope that no religions are real. They're all way fucked up.

>my consciousness
"your" consciousness is not yours, its simultaneously shared in the astral plane between all living beings and some highly advanced computers

its hard to explain, just know theres nothing special about you

why don't you give the TL;DR of how possible an afterlife of some sort is.

i respect the fuck out of this opinion.

I had this experience when I was high on cough medicine once
It was dope and probably the best state of consciousness I ever had
All the other mes were aware of each other simultaneously and for them it was completely normal
Made me wonder what the hell I'm doing here. If my life seemed pointless before that it REALLY seemed pointless afterwards

I'm the other way round - though I'm from a Christian family, I didn't believe in God when I was little, but I started believing as my understanding grew.

Why do you think reincarnation would affect possibility of any deity existing?

In a sense yes
however, you're actually in hell and part of the punishment is reliving shitty lives over and over again

>tfw when you get depressed you start believing in wack shit like tsuki just purely as a form of escapism so that you can calm down about the fact that you won't get another chance at life when your life is already crumbling to pieces before you

anyone else know these feels?

i swear the tsuki project was just made to rope in perpetually depressed losers just trying to believe in anything that will give them purpose or make them feel better

but isn't that pretty much all religion?

>but isn't that pretty much all religion?
yeah, but depression serves tptb goals
>muh crusades
>muh promised land
>muh kill infidels
whats tsukis project endgame? i mean who are they going to conquer? if they dont plan on harming anyone theyre not a real religion yet

why the fuck did i write depression. i meant religion sorry

isn't that ironic? :D (if it were true)

tsuki could just be delaying his suicide pact announcement to keep the feds off his ass until he does the deed himself. ang taking that time to make more fanatical people.
i could understand wanting to believe in that stuff, even if it weren't true at least you'd die with a purpose or with something to look forward to. that's also why the devout followers are probably clinically depressed

50/50, it either exist or it does not.

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Nope. Heaven and Hell are very real though.
If you accept Jesus Christ you will be saved, animeposter.