NEET and Hikikomori General Thread

What keeps you guys going despite the fact that you feel like your existence is worthless?


>The acronym for (Not In Education Employment Or Training)


>Hikikomori is a Japanese term when translated into English it means pulling inward being confined (acute social withdrawal) in context of a person the term refers to a shut-in who stays home and lives in isolation in their bedroom for 6 months or more

>Most hikikomori are neets and are supported by their parents or get money from the government however if you work or take classes online at home while still not going outside and having very little or no social interaction you are still a hikikomori but not a neet

>Contrary to popular belief most hikikomori go outdoors but are just isolated socially and still spend most of the day and nearly every single day confined at home in their rooms

>The Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan defines hikikomori as those who have lived in isolation in their bedrooms for at least 6 months do not attend school or leave to go to work have no physical injury or mental disorder as the cause of their isolation have no close friends or few friends (If any) and do not communicate with people besides the people they live with such as family members

>The Hikikomori Criteria and Diagnosis

>1. Subject spends most of the day confined at home, nearly every single day.

>2. Subject purposefully avoids social situations and social relationships

>3. Subject shows clear significant functional impairment,

>4. Subject shows social withdrawal symptoms for .a duration of 6 months or more

>5. Subject has no physical condition nor other psychological problem that is the cause of the social withdrawal

>While hikikomori is mostly a Japanese phenomenon cases of the condition have been found in other countries

People who go to work school or have a social life are not hikikomori.

People who go to work/school are not Neet

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being too scared to kill myself is what keeps me going desu

>being too scared to kill myself is what keeps me going desu

I am not scared i am just content with life even though i am very mentally unstable due to my past.

Even the effort to kill myself is too much effort. I'll just wait till heart disease takes me out.

imagine pretending to be a hikki online

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If it weren't for the guilt/shame of being dependent on my parents in my mid-20s, I'd be perfectly content being a NEET shut-in. Fuck going outside, and I don't really like shit anyway. I envy trustfund babbies whose parents are so rich nobody gives a fuck they don't work.

I'm trying to find a way to a slow suicide.

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Hinging literally everything on whether or not the Army takes me. Been NEET for three fucking years now and I have no plan if this doesn't work out. I meet with a recruiter this Thursday to go over my packet.

>imagine pretending to be a hikki online

Kinda pisses me off that people do that but i don't blame memes Welcome To The NHK or even Crywank no i blame our society for romanticizing mental illness. Having a mental illness is starting to become a badge of honor when it is not something to be proud of in the first place and while hikikomori itself isn't a disorder the condition comes with mental health issues most of the time people like Gunjy who view themselves as gods who are above everyone else and romanticize their fuck ups and the fact that they are a loser are seriously delusional and technically Gunjy isn't even a hikikomori by the Japanese definition he just has plane old agoraphobia so he himself is a LARPER and i love how he ignores all the facts i give him about hikikomori not knowing that if i lived in Japan i would be called a hikikomori and rightfully so because i fit the Japanese definition.

>What keeps you guys going despite the fact that you feel like your existence is worthless?i keep a rigid schedule with mmos/family related responsibilities
if not i just sleep all day

good ole opioids will do the trick.

>i just sleep all day


Good luck dude, the Army will fix your problems and give you ones that you can solve (though some of them are solved by not re-upping). Learn all you can, get some college credits, make friends even if going out with them means you won't get much sleep, and don't get serious with any girl that fucks you the night you meet.

Also, hydrate.

>What keeps you guys going despite the fact that you feel like your existence is worthless?
I keep telling myself that things will turn around tomorrow

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Thanks for the kind comment. I hope it works out because it doesn't I am left with minimum wage hell as my only recoursd. I don't want to go back to that. I REEally don't.

I don't care what other people think about me, I live for myself and just that. If I can find enjoyment in jerking off, trolling or just reading interesting things I'll do that. I'm a very proud (sometimes even arrogant) and egoist person, that's basically what leaded me into this reclusive life, been what society considers "trash" don't really matter to me, for me society is the real trash.

Quit my job back in August last year and my funds are running out next month.
So it's either getting back on my feet again and continuing my pointless life as a wagecuck or finally leaving this shithole behind.
Probably won't be the latter since i'm a massive pussy and never get through with anything.
At least standing on top of my roof in the middle of the night from time to time scares me so much i doubt i will do it even if i couldn't pay my rent anymore.

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My existence is worthless but it's not because I'm a neet. People that work too have worthless existences.
>What keeps you guys going
I'm afraid to kill myself, I want to die so bad, but I'm afraid I'll fuck up and end up becoming a vegetable.

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>I keep telling myself that things will turn around tomorrow


Depressed hikki at university AMA

(i dont attend lectures or classes as neither are compulsory)

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I was hikki for years due to anxiety and depression, now when I live alone working from home I slip into it again

>Depressed hikki at university AMA

You can't be a hikikomori if you go to school.

>I was hikki for years due to anxiety and depression, now when I live alone working from home I slip into it again

Hikikomori is not depression nor social anxiety you're not a hikikomori hikikomori is caused by social pressure.

The thing about existence being inherently meaningless is that I can give it my own meaning so im good

how so? i meet all the criteria. For the past 6 or so months i have literally only left my place for groceries or exams. Literally all of my time is spent alone in my room.

>The thing about existence being inherently meaningless is that I can give it my own meaning so im good

Makes sense

yea and he's a faggot that kicks you from the server if you mention anything sexual. fuck that faggot. an absolute bottom of the barrel pathetic loser

>how so? i meet all the criteria. For the past 6 or so months i have literally only left my place for groceries or exams. Literally all of my time is spent alone in my room.

Because leaving home and going to school or work means that you are interacting with society and going outside regularly and no hikikomori does that all hikikomori are neets unless they somehow are able to work or take classes online at home with very little or no social interaction.

>yea and he's a faggot that kicks you from the server if you mention anything sexual. fuck that faggot. an absolute bottom of the barrel pathetic loser

That is very hypocritical of him given that he has mentioned sexual stuff before and is a degenerate himself.

Did you not read my first post? I said i only leave the house for groceries or exams which averages me going outside around once every 2 weeks. attending classes is not compulsory for me

Applied to like 10 jobs no replies yet.

Tried doing a masters in comp sci my major is bio, but the masters classes were too hard and I felt like I wasnt interested in coding.

I blame this on majoring in bio what the fuck was I thinking

>majoring in bio anything
yea you're fucked

>I said i only leave the house for groceries or exams which averages me going outside around once every 2 weeks. attending classes is not compulsory for me

You are leaving the house for your exams which implies that you are going to class and in school an actual hikikomori doesn't do that.

What would i even do. Get another undergrad degree? Or consider a masters in something else

I want to feel pain. I want to hurt myself. What should I do?

Griffith is a faggot. And, so is Ven.

>What keeps you guys going despite the fact that you feel like your existence is worthless?
Getting drunk as I am now. Reading manga
,crossdressing and sometimes vidya. Literally the only reason I'm still here. That be might be kinda sad but its what keeps me going. I know I'm all kinds of fucked up not letft my house but 3 times this year but I really do love manga and crossdressing. God I cant express how much I love cute things. Anyone else drunk and just fucking loving life? Also is anyone meaningful? I think we are all pretty meaning less in the big picture of the universe. Man I love life only when drunk and crossdressing thou I'm so fucked but atleast I can be happy with me.

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No it fucking doesnt imply im going to classes are you retarded? ive said it twice but ill say it a third time. I do not attend my classes. I only go in for exams which are in January and in May

Rip out your hair.
Atleast that's what i did 9 years ago, when i wanted to feel something.

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Why? You dont want to feel pain. Its not what you want tryust me I feel pain eveer time I;m not drunk its not a good place to be at. You should much rathjer look for happines or atleast what makes you happpy.

The disturbing lifestyle is the same either way

Regardless you're still going to school which hikikomori don't do ALL hikikomori are Neets.

>the fact that you feel like your existence is worthless?
I sincerely pity anyone who genuinely feels that way

>'Most hikikomori are neets and are supported by their parents or get money from the government however if you work or take classes online at home while still not going outside and having very little or no social interaction you are still a hikikomori but not a neet'

this is a poor attempt at trolling user. I never said i was a neet. Hikikomori and neet arent the same thing despite there usually being overlap

>this is a poor attempt at trolling user. I never said i was a neet. Hikikomori and neet arent the same thing despite there usually being overlap

What i meant by that was that they don't go outside if you work or take classes at home but still go outside because you are required to you're not a hikikomori.yes a hikikomori can work or take classes from home however the majority lack the motivation to do so due to mental health issues and i think we should discuss reality here for a second working from home in the west is shit because working from home completely in the west is not realistic unless you're doing like cryptocurrency mining programming or investing in the stock market there are basically no at home jobs for hikikomori because almost every other at home job requires you to leave your house still for meetings and requires you to go to a in person interview or talk to a stranger on the phone which an actual hikikomori could not do plus this lifestyle is not completely sustainable and the only kind of online jobs out there for people like us are jobs where you only make a small amount of money on the side because it is impossible to support yourself long term while being locked in your bedroom in the house that you live in in the end if you want to work from home you still have to interact with the outside world which a hikikomori can not do and in the end if you can not support yourself long term you either commit suicide return to society and become a wage slave or just wait to die that is kinda the truth of this whole thing desu.

hikki you faggot stop lurking cuckchan and do something to make /hikki/ more alive.

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>be me
>hikki for 2 years NEET for one
>live in my comfy house with a mommy who throws shit at me
>orders everything I need online
>no point to leave house because everything is right here
>hate the outside
>mommy says to get out in 3 months
>proceed to go on a drug spree experimenting everything with all my saved monies
>dead 3 months from now
Its over now lads

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>hikki you faggot stop lurking cuckchan and do something to make /hikki/ more alive.

I only do it because i am bored i hate this garbage website also it has been active recently.

>What keeps you guys going despite the fact that you feel like your existence is worthless?
not worthless, but social relationships is based on what you like - you wouldn't like to be in company of someone who plays single-player games, or does not like the same games as you do. playing casually is better because of this, rather than being "le hardcore gayman".
if you legitimately like something, the other person will too. that is what it means to be yourself. while that will help you with social shit, you can't stop being or feeling bored. psychopaths does that shit almost automatically, so it is impossible for them to be non-"charming". everyone likes drugs either they admit it or not, everyone likes to be drunk, everyone hates to be bored, everyone loves sex, everyone loves food, everyone loves to be heard.
but to be able to apply this theory, we need to find what we truly like. for those who already found what he truly likes, you should (and it will feel effortless) be able to get the other person into whatever you like.

the problem is i don't know what i like besides vidya, and that won't earn me a living. my grandfather was, and still is somewhat addicted to playing card games.

Hey user! Can we ask you for a favour? Come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server we promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


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look, we all spent the last decade of our lives online. the only interaction weve had was in chatrooms, xbox lobbies, forums, Jow Forums etc etc. so tell me, has anyone online ever changed your life for the better? please let me know because i feel alone in this. this is my sad story not worth reading.
>dropped out of school at age 14
>simply because i hated getting up early
>plus i planned my suicide already
>but, i want to spend the last few months of my life doing what i like best: playin video games from muh childhood
>for the first time ever i received allowance from dad because he blamed himself for my failure
>after all the first thing i did before dropping out was rant about how other kids have way more than me (more/latest video games, can travel, disneyland, etc etc)
>im american so impulse spender
>meet a guy online who sells me pokemon cards
>spend maybe 500 finishing the first 3 unlimited sets + a few neo cards
>discover anime, entry level stuff
>already at rock bottom, i just didnt know it yet
>i wasnt completely wasting time though
>i studied watching youtube videos to improve my math, maybe because of habit?
>because i was lonely, and socially inept, i would blog in the comment section about my situation
>literally went to math tutorials videos to post about neetdom
>one guy didnt like this at all
>wrote a whole essay calling me a leech, a loser, failure, etc etc
>even though i wasnt on welfare i felt something
>it was a slap i really needed, a reality check
>yeah ive heard this from chads at school alright
>but all they ever gloated about was dating some bitchy midget girl and trying to act as black as possible
>i wasnt jealous of their shit attempt of emulating nigger culture
>but this guy really put things into perspective
>i began to notice how unhygienic, selfish and cringy i am
>i then realized a male is supposed to excel at something impressive, something worth showing
>since i had no irl friends to compare myself to i turned to e-friends

>i noticed one thing about them, besides being weeaboos
>they dont just play pokemon games all day
>they work towards a goal and have plans with their hobbies
>i noticed they all like to draw
>i thought id take up drawing as well and beat them at it
>show everybody im no failure
>for the first time in my life i felt a competitive spirit!
after a fire was ignited in me i went and finished high school. i didnt make any friends but i worked on a skill. for almost a decade now ive been aspiring to write a book. i dropped drawing because the drawing community was full of aspie furries and roasties. but you know, it feels just great to have a passion. i study and plan so much to be an author some day... some day soon! i have a shitty part time job but i dont care because i love to think about new ideas for a book. its my only reason to live. i wish i could thank that guy who gave me a reality check but my account got banned for uploading animal gore. im just happy i have something that i can call my own

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


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Not really sure what keeps me going. Ten years NEET, and each year becoming more and more reclusive.

Each year I tell myself "this time I'll get a job/start studying" and each time I believe it. Right up until the last moment, where I shut down and cut all contact with absolutely everybody for a month in shame, often becoming so unwell from stress and neglect that I end up taking a trip to the hospital.

There's really only one thing that bothers me about this lifestyle though. It's just so god damn dull and lonely. And nobody has the time to give a shit. Family members will call once every 6 months or so with the old "still alive I see" joke and gloss over the fact that I have nothing to tell them about the half year since we last talked.

Just a couple of years away from hitting 30 now and I don't know if I want to see much more past that at this rate.

>What keeps you guys going despite the fact that you feel like your existence is worthless?
I don't know, probably the fear of death and that I'm relatively physically comfortable.

Every 1-2 years I make a big push and start going to the gym to try and lose weight, apply for a bunch of jobs and usually work for a month or two, before I get burnt out, feel like I'm getting nowhere and quit. I have no desire for friendships or relationships, and I don't want to do anything than sit at home. I think I would achieve maximum happiness being financially independent, having my own place and just not interacting with anybody, but that will never happen so I don't really know what else to do.

I'm turning 30 soon too, which means getting established in any field is more or less impossible with so little experience, not that I even want that

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Are you a NEET if you still go to talent development aid? Not really education, but idk

yeah this.
I'm still trying to find out what's fucking me up. I have no sense of time or anything honestly. I can't leave my house and go into town because i'm very afraid of them all.

I've spent most of my life as a neet but I want very desperately to not be a neet anymore. I'm always working towards not being a hikki.

I don't have a job, but I still work pretty hard.

I laugh at the idiots here who live in a country without NEET welfare.

music keeps me going. i'm going to get rich or die alone and penniless. i know my shit deserves to be heard. but i am autistic and can't network at all.

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a small favour? C-come join this Jow Forums Discord server p-please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


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How are you guys? I'm not a NEET but a wage slave. I can tell you the grass isn't greener.

I don't know if any of you remember me, but fuck my life. I hate it.

it counts as training, so no

You have to have structure and discipline or else you will sleep and use the Internet all day. I fixed my sleep schedule so that I only sleep eight hours and I'm up early so I can be of more help around the house and just generally have more time to do things. I started learning a little Japanese each day and walking for and hour each day. I'm slowly going to add more activities to my plate like drawing, programming and playing the piano. I'm also thinking about doing online tutoring for an hour each day. I'll be able to cover my expenses but also still be able to feel like I'm a NEET because it's only and hour a day. Whatever changes you make should be done gradually.

On this week's episode of "exiting NEETdom"
>get interview (last tuesday)
>they mention being on time and availability as a core part of the job, and describe it in moderate depths
>then they ask me a couple questions, goes ok
>until they bring up the gap (6 months) meme
>pretend I've been doing art freelancing and shit
>they give me the shittiest fucking look
>rest goes ok, nothing very noteworthy"
>"alright thank you sir, we'll contact you on friday"
>friday, nothing
>saturday, nothing
>sunday, nothing
>today, monday they tell me I'm refused
>flashback to them mentioning being on time as very important

And now the gap is on its way to grow, thus making things harder. Boy do I love living in an age where the work market is ultra oversaturated.

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>what keep you guys going despite the fact that you feel like your existence is worthless
I found a boyfriend who likes me despite being a NEET and trans.

Same. Had to get a job because I'm sure that my parents' patience would run out if I was ever unemployed for more than a few months. Even though I have a job they still don't think it's good enough because the job sucks. The pressure of being a neet must be overwhelming unless they have patient and at least somewhat wealthy parents. Weak people like me succumb to the pressure and work even though they're not happy and it isn't what they want.

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>find a boyfriend who likes you despite being a NEET and trans
>suicidal ex-hikki that gets panic attacks if you say anything wrong
I love the guy, but jesus what a depressing person to be around. I'm not sure if we're actually better off together even if it's nice to have someone who accepts and gets you.

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link to discord
orig pls orig

Can I have an invite, too? I don't have any friends, at all.

Any server with gunjy in it is something you're better off without