I'm turning 40 years old in June and I've been feeling a bit sad...

I'm turning 40 years old in June and I've been feeling a bit sad. I've never had a girlfriend before and I don't have many friends. I'm not great at socializing, I was diagnosed with autism when I was younger and most people think I'm kind of weird. Even at work, people consider me kind of a weird person. I spend most of my free time at home, I don't really go outside much. Is it too late for me to find someone to like me? I never really developed great social skills, I don't know how to talk to women.

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It's been too late for you for 15 years.

What are your stats OP? Height, weight, race, income/occupation, sexuality, what you're looking for in a partner?

Aww but I was so hopeless and sad at that age. That sucks.

I'm 5'10", 150lbs. I'm a white person. I'm an aerospace engineer, I make about $100k. I think I like everyone. I'm just looking for someone that likes me. I don't have any real preference. Just be a nice person I guess.

40 years old. damn
I would've given up and became a religious person long before then

You could always give dating a tranny a shake.

OP you should die a pure autismo boy. Don't let roasties defile you and ruin your pure heart.

That would just make him kill himself faster.

>40 years old
Damn, almost as old as my dad.

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Trannies aren't that bad user, they can be cute and they suck a mean dick.

I would date you. I'm also autistic and I'm going to go to school to be an engineer.

I'm less than half your age though and a tranny. So I doubt I would be what you are looking for.

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i would not date you (sorry) but i would be your friend definitely :)

>i make about 100k
are you fucking kidding me dude? why the fuck don't you go to thailand or the phillipines with a few thousand and just smash your way through a bunch of petite brown qts?
>he makes 100 thousand fucking dollars

godammit. why are financially successful people so shitty with women and then vice versa?!

he doesnt want to do that user or he already would have he is sweet and wants something more long term :) that is cute imo

1) It's not too late.

2) You need to try something new and different, since your past method of just going to work and spending your free time at home doesn't work.

Try getting a new hobby like playing a tabletop game. It won't cure your autism, but it'll help improve your ability to think on your feet socially and put you in a position where you can meet new people.

This is not a bad idea. I feel like I'm too autistic even for this, but it might be worth a shot. How much math is involved though? I'm literally retarded at math and would rather not embarrass myself.

My heart goes out to you man. Im gay and have only known one love but go out and try, try to find a dating site you might find someone who you find something with. My stepmom has autism and had trouble finding someone for 45 years. Honestly its part the fucked up society that isolates people easily without compassion. Normies are honestly to blame. You just have to find the pockets of people that arent normie. Even if its just one person. I weep for you that this fucked up place we live in dejects people like you so easily. Too easily and too permanently.

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>you're 40 and still not over this
what the fuck am I also still going to be angsty over this in 15 years

your honesty is refreshing

How are you making 100k a year and bad at math?

I need to know because I can't math.

>I never really developed great social skills, I don't know how to talk to women.

They're not worth talking to, believe me.

Hey user! Can we ask you for a favour? Come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server we promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


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youre an aerospace engineer but bad at math? cool, now we know who to blame when the next rocket blows up

Nice, can I have your money? Thanks.

That's obviously not OP, he's not using a trip.

He wants a gf man not some random lay.

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


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