Blow it out your ass Amerisharts and Europoors alike

Same goes for all the Asians, Brazillians, and Kiwi's/Aussies too

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Stick it in your urethra, Cucknaydian

>be aussie
>lose a war to flightless birds, even with guns in hand

Attached: 1519511700377.png (361x391, 14K)

Moose riding faggot. Go drink some maple syrup.

>be canadian
>only know for being america's hat.

Sorry we are still Friends

> be canadian
> ride moose to work
> boss calls you in his office to tell you that you're layed off for more diverse workers
> phone your wife's son to tell him that you're fired
> well at least we have free healthcare
> decide to go buy a pack of molsons to get wasted on the way home (THE "'"BEST""' BEER)
> beaver crawls out of fridge and rips you a new asshole
> phonefag on a chinese cartoon image board for a final shitpost before dying

Attached: 1524928567609.png (150x150, 43K)

>be aussie
>only be known for that one guy that got stabbed by a manta ray
>be american
>eat a triple patty burger with deep fried butter on the side
>and a diet coke

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holy shit I remember making that
can't find it in the archives though

>be canadian
>drink molson's "beer"

>Be Canadian
>Flag is a fucking leaf

Attached: bambam.png (825x972, 129K)

>be aussie
>eat fermented vegetable paste
>be american
>flag is a fucking star spangled banner

Attached: 1519354601506.jpg (1111x597, 379K)

better than a leaf

no u

well aren't you clever

Canada, The Great White North

Are you implying canada is small?

No, just a shit country

>be canadian
>justin trudeau government
>you are canadian
>you live in canada
>you produced kevin smith