
been a while boys, hows it going? starting off my spring break monday with a gin and soda

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babby got sprite in his donald duck sippy cup

its just gin and some soda water. plus donald duck cup is cool bro

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show us the snacks in the back

theyre not snacks, just some vitamins. D C and lutein but here a pic of some snacks i have on the little plastic shelf next to my desk

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bump once before ltting thread die. take it easy bros and bros

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solid haul. take a full shot for me

cheers bro. didnt want to swig the handle so i just drank half my drink for you. hope your monday is great

21 days sober currently

sipping some water, about to go to bed after uploading some music i made

very cool of you user, i hope your streak keeps growing. what made you decide to finally lay off the bottle? and wha tkind of music?

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cheers cunts

congrats, now go get some booze

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cheers bro. what kind of beer is that? never sen it before

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Told myself I wasn't gonna drink today but I'm ordering a pizza and you can't have pizza without beer right? h-haha

i give in all too often too bro..what kind of pizza and what kind of beer are you having?

try pink gin and lemonade its tasty

i like it but i want to drin k a lot and i cant hold too many sweet cocktails down for the most part

I've been drinking way too much craft beer IPA's lately so I'm gonna dial it back and pick up some good ol' fashioned malt liquor, probably some Olde English or Colt 45.
And I'm ordering an extra large double bacon with onions and red onions from Marco's, got a sick deal at 50% off.

i quit because it brought me no joy, was ruining my life and i was only using it to escape into despair, for me to be happy and healthy i must be sober

also the music is folky guitar/singing

im an IPA man myself, usually go for flying dog arging bitch but wanted to save some money for a while. never had marcos but bacon and onions is also one of my fav toppings, enjoy yout pizza and your dirnk bro. im prrobbly going to pass out in a few hours and wake up to drin kaagin later tonight
absolutley based. hope you can keep sober then friend, i hope to join you one day

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get in here mothe fuckers lets drink

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Got my 'za and OE

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looks fucing tasty cheers bro. im getting drunker and durnk er but i might be here for a bit longer. you watching or reading anything while imbibing?

Just shitposting on the chans before I eat, gotta get a nice buzz going before I dig in.
I'll put on the new Oney Plays vid on youtube when I'm ready to eat, I'm glad they're finally looking to finish their Pokemon Red playthrough.

ive heard of oney plays before but never checked them out. im a boomer nostalgic fuck though and a sucke for pokemon gen 1-3 youtube vids so il likely check it out this week cheers bro

Nigga what are you doing get that off your peets

posting a song i always listen to when i get drunk enough alone, which is pretty much every yimte


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Go for it, they're some funny idiots. I don't like Kingdom Hearts at all but their Let's Play of it is some good shit since they just point out how absurd it all is.

It's my pizza I can do what I want