Would you gf a girl who was completely flat chested?

would you gf a girl who was completely flat chested?

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this is pretty much what my gf looks like with slightly thicker thighs. she's 5' flat and korean

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only if she had pale skin

Yes, then I would cry every night

Shit taste.

whatever suits you bro, i hope your girl or the type of girl you are after makes you as happy as i am

Yes, but I'd tease her relentlessly about it. Like come on, can you even call yourself a woman if you're below a D cup?

Flat chested women should be with pedophiles so they can get their urges out on someone who can consent.

To quote a rapper I like,
"I love tits I don't give a fuck what size cup"

>that nice looking pussy
>that cute face
>not a lardass

8/10 would fuck

She could do with shav-
Shit they found me.

>in C. Falcon's voice

yes flat chested girls are extremely cute

>implying children can't consent
You meant LEGALLY consent. LEGALLY.

but what if there is no cup

Definitely. FLAT IS JUSTICE.

I think flat chests are pretty cute. Stop yes, I definitely would.

yeah I like smol tits, im prob a pedo though.

I would, but only for the purpose of humiliating her. I don't just mean light teasing, either. I'd bully the fuck out of her every chance I got, especially while we were fucking. I would also start jerking off exclusively to girls with natural big tits, and be extremely obvious about checking out busty girls while we were in public or on dates. Eventually I'd cheat on her with a big titty escort and record it. Then I'd start being super nice to her and apologize for being so cruel. Then, on her birthday, I'd tell her we were going to watch her favorite movie, only to play the video of me fucking the big titty girl. I'd laugh hysterically at her tears.

Edgy, but also cringey. Like a rusty edgy. 0/10

Without question, assuming she meets all the other criteria.

Make up your own fantasy then, you condescending prick.

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I was right! I wanked to her today. Took me a while to find her.

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her name bro?
>fuck you robot this comment is original i jsut wanna fap in peace

Devmodels Alla. Search with DuckDuckGo, Google doesn't show her pictures.

good job on finding her brobot, now do the community a favor and gimme her name!
also checked

ahh yes, thanks buddy. patrician taste. here have on on me

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Based chillposter