Is this accurate of people and their political compass?

Is this accurate of people and their political compass?

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what does this say about me??

ami retarded?

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Literally political tribalism the post. Take your brainlet identity politics back to Jow Forums.

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Without a doubt, you are fucking retarded

No this is pretty genuine. the most intelligent would obviously be free market libertarians who would most thrive in that situation.

the liberal left being weak speaks for itself as well as does the authoritarian right considering the bible belt is where most us soldiers come from.


Where would teddy be?

I'm not arguing about the contents of the post, but rather its intent. It's like political comics in newspapers, it only exists so people who agree with it can feel justified in their beliefs. People post shit like that as if it was anything more than a big circlejerk about how their team is the best and everyone else is stupid, irrational, weak, etc.

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We get it, you took polsci 101 and you think youre smart

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>I'm not arguing about the contents I just don't like the contents
is the intent even that relevant if it's a truism?

Yes it is, mong

so you're saying the truth can be bad ?

>Be wrong
>Being to frame your opinion as a fact by framing it as bad
>'You just don't like hearing the truth!!'
Anyone who isn't central then leaning to one side probably doesn't understand the economics of it. Sure, you can scream and shout about politics, but there's a reason those lads get paid a lot less

>Black and white, childish view of political opinions that focuses on definitions, memes and namecalling

Back to Jow Forums you go.

The political compass is very flawed. Also your picture is greatly contradicted based off voter data.

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>the people who agree with me are smart and strong!
Yeah, because I'm sure you could talk circles around Marx, or kick Stalin's ass.

Am I a rightwing libertardian?

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> us soldier
> strong
fuck off bootlicker


where would that be but supports homos but thinks all niggers and sluts should burn be?

I would say authoritarian left are the strongest. Seeing as how communists have killed the most and stalin completely fucked hitler

>implying American troops fight and die for anything but THE LAND OF THE FREE
My dude, the most libertarian people I know are vets. Nobody loves muh liberty than dudes in the military.

Its unironically correct yes
There's a reason the libertarian-fascist pipeline exists. Fascists are just libertarians who gave up on society.

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>I want a big daddy state that makes me STRONG!

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yes its true
It wont be the state that will make men strong, it will be how we get that stare. Society is bout to go down and it would behoove you not to rely on it.

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Communist leaders are actually rightwing authoritians.
The only reason communism is not seen as a right wing policy is that jews invented communism in soviet russia just so they could undermine their host nation.
Same thing happened with utopia in germany: if you were not part of the leading elite, you would like to escape. The issue is that you get shot if you leave.
I hope that communists would understand that they are just tools for the right. For example there are alot of groups that make shitload of money from anticapitalist action.
Communism works only if all resources and decission are made in community where decissions are made locally and all freethinkers get hung.
Summa summarum: Citizen might be a communist, but those who build communism are on the right side.

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At least I am not a commie.

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this is really accurate

No fascist are Nazis fren
Have fun dying for mr Goldsteins oil

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>Oh no SOCIETY will go down. Instead of focussing on protecting and developing myself we should FORCE people to subordinate to a greater system of morals. That SURELY wont go wrong and surely isnt a historical symptom of the cycle you mentioned anyway

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fucking hell, I haven't taken this test in years. I used to be much more libertarian and more to the left. I guess it's true that you grow more conservative with age.

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What are somebody sort of tard how are communist right wing thier against class/social hierarchy Nazi are nothing but hierarchies e.g. Race,sex . And on top of that communist came from Germany Russia was not a communist nation but a socialist one And communism is a reaction to right wing capitalism .

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mainly because schools and the media try to brainwash liberalism

And gullible...don't forget gullible

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examples fren

>What are somebody sort of tard how are communist right wing thier against class/social hierarchy Nazi are nothing but hierarchies
Is this English? You appear to be using English words but in no particular order.
>communism is a reaction to right wing capitalism
So you are saying you are a reactionary? The people your pic implies will be killed under communist dictatorship?
I don't get why people are commies lol just stop being dumb

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>KEEP Jow Forums INSIDE Jow Forums!
>muh anime website

>breaking news 1 man btfos every transexual on earth

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>Unironically authoritarian
Absolutely retarded

>t. Phd in youtube politics
This is probably trolling but I'll bite. Here's a redpill for you user: there are people that are leagues smarter than you that are communists, just like there are people way smarter than you that are nazis, just like there are people way smarter than you that are conservatives. Every ideology has its lower mass populace common denominator mouth breathers. The difference is that, for some reason, commies and lelbertarians seem to think they are smarter than everyone else. I would advise you to listen to/read material from ideologies you think are retarded, if only to find out how you are not as smart as you think you are. This goes for you, me, commies, nazis and libertarians alike. Get out of your bubble and off your high horse. Or don't, who gives a fuck in the end lol

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one man antifa rally spotted

>mods move garbage threads from Jow Forums to Jow Forums because they are off topic
>mods refuse to move garbage threads from Jow Forums to Jow Forums where they would be considered on topic
Really crinkles my crackers lads.

Are you kidding me? Libertarian right is full of dudes who say shit like "it's not pedophilia, the term is hebephilia".

If anyone is joining in on the pedophile lynching, it's radical feminists.

That's a dumb meme made to discredit the libertarian right. Libertarians understand the importance of an age of consent.
Also if radical feminists want to join in on the pedophile lynching, so be it. Anyone who is a good person wants to kill pedos.

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>it's just a dumb meme
>no but seriously fuck age of consent laws
The jokes write themselves.

I'm a socially dominant liberal with an MS in math. Epic!