What keeps you guys going?

what keeps you guys going?

genuinely interested at what keeps people here from killing themselves

what in this fucking world gives you any purpose to get up in the morning and not just fucking end it
you guys are aware that true intrinsic meaning isn't going to magically appear any time soon

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till I hopefully die pretty soon.

Inertia. I will probably burn out one day but I'm still only 22.

I dont have a reason user and that alone terrifies me.

but for what purpose?
no matter how many drugs you do, you can't avoid the crippling reality, only distract yourself from it and hurt yourself even more

nihilism is the answer to our problems and honestly humanity should perish at once in a species-wide suicide pact
humanity is a mistake and there is no other purpose

I have no idea.
I guess I want to believe im wrong about the world and that its actually a really great place.

if you ever find an excuse believable enough that you can accept the lie, please let us know

Nihilism isn't an answer, it's an observation.
>But for what purpose?
Messing around till I've exhausted the few mildly interesting things left.
Then you know what the next cause of action is, dear user.

Decent Youtube channels

im at the fucking breaking point where any questions i ask myself all end up at the same conclusion of "no point, i should die"
the next cause of action in inevitably suicide, no?

I struggle to commit to things far less important than death

Because if I kill myself there's no chance something good could happen. I also try to just appreciate what I have, instead of live miserably thinking about what I want. It's not even only about me, I could make life better for somebody else tomorrow, or years from now.

choosing to live is hard, and choosing to die is easy, but simply existing doesn't even require a choice

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That feeling when you're smoking weed and the music starts to become one with you. Thats literally all I've got going for me right now. Its such a good feeling.

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>the next cause of action in inevitably suicide, no?
Of course, it's the only foreseeable solution.

the only winning move is to not play i guess

fast food

E3 soon, boys. Get ready to cringe and die of boredom.

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Dying is included in my lack of drive to do anything.

history is really interesting. slowly puzzling together how the world came to be this way is super fucking neat, too bad my memory sucks

fear of heights

I have to physically try to get out of bed each and every morning to go to work. I rarely find joy in anything that I do. I hate sleeping alone and being alone and I miss intimacy with every fiber of my being.
Basically the only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because deep down I believe that I'm a piece of shit who deserves to suffer and isn't worthy of an early death to save me from this living fucking hell

I don't feel like it right now.

The fact that I know that I would just wake up alive in a slightly different timeline. It has happened to me many times before, each one more absurd than the last, body covered in scars I know now I must stay and do something, I do not yet know what it is, but each day I get more clues. Is this hell, or maybe limbo? It's very confusing, I remember many things differently that can not be

Just living like anyone else. Getting stronger emotionally and mentally. Even physically. I'm going to claw my way to success. People who don't are just going to stay where they are. The weak who don't improve themselves will stay weak.

waiting for a miracle or something like that
I'm still young so I'm not yet convinced that it's all hopeless

I have nothing to lose, so I just try to witness the beauty that can be found and enjoy the little time we have in this weird blip we call existence

My own apathy prevents me from ending my suffering.

I'm so lazy that I don't end it for the simple fact that it's too much effort
I can get pleasure with expending any of my effort on something complicated
A constant stream of anime, music, and video games numb the void somewhat

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I'll die eventually why do it myself?

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