/Failed Normie/

I'm almost convinced this is a worse fate than being a robot. I've had sex a few times, and I have some friends, but I'm wasting my potential and going absolutely nowhere in life. I'm a depressed, bipolar alcoholic that can present as normal and make people laugh, but at the end of the day I'm miserable. Anyone else know this feel?

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i know it exactly. i can never quite blend in fully and be accepted but briefly the mask works

stop drinking dude. i know its hard and im struggling with it too but all it does is make things way worse on the longterm

>had sex few times
>have friends

Dude atleast you have that to fall back on

how else do I stop the intrusive thoughts, anxiety, and self loathing? I don't drink for fun, It's just the only thing that calms me.

i can give you a list of things that help but you probably already know them so i dont know what to tell you. you have to get to a point where the alcohol isnt worth it and you're disgusted with yourself enough that you'd do anything to quit it and even then it might not work.
things that i found helped me:
cold showers
eating somewhat healthy
exercising (pushups, pullups, riding bike, going on walks)
finding a timesink to take your mind off things (browsing Jow Forums, playing mmos)
sleeping enough
cutting out caffeine (makes my anxiety noticeably worse)
reading (mostly non fiction)

>I'm almost convinced this is a worse fate than being a robot. I've had sex
Stopped reading there bucko. Get the fuck out of my board normie scum. You will never know true suffering.

I was exponentially happier before I ever got laid, drunken meaningless sex is disgusting and worse than beating off. Nobody's ever loved me or dated me, just because I've humped people a few times doesn't mean my life is anywhere near good.

^if this is you, then you are a beta male, a woman.
Real men do not have emotions. They simply are what is right and what needs to be done. They don't need a shoulder to cry upon.
This is why you are thinking of killing yourself, because you are acting like a woman and don't feel comfortable in your own body.

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i remember being 16 too (originally of course)


You're underage and larping.

pah, I'm an old man. You shouldn't be talking to me little girl.

>thinking you can rely on your friends

>I was exponentially happier before I ever got laid, drunken meaningless sex is disgusting and worse than beating off

At least you're not ousted as that "virgin " by your peers, jackass. At least you have some leverage

not op but it really doesn't matter, unless you're underage fag
the only thing that has changed for me is that I don't get boners while sitting next to a girl or walking beside one. I'm still miserable and a total jobless shut-in.

you virgins putting so much value on the pointless act of recreational sex is gonna blow up in your face so hard when you find out its overhyped by the unwashed monkey brain masses who would follow any social trend that becomes the norm.

>I'm still miserable and a total jobless shut-in.

Get a job. It's so easy to bullshit an interview for 20 mins. Its not the same as interacting with a woman for romantic /sexual intentions.

>society itself puts value on sex
>gets surprised when lonely virgins get insecure about getting no sex


holy fucking shit you must be 4 levels of asleep right now if you put a single ounce of care into what "society" values and should begin appraising yourself while also learning about the one million different ways were being manipulated/lied to/sold out/poisoned/gas lighted by "society" so you begin to find something that you can value while also hardening yourself against the afromentioned tactics that are being used on us all as mass demoralization you fucking faggot

This is known. Failure hurts more the closer you get to the pinnacle of what you're striving for.

Consider a foot-race. Robots are non-qualifiers, they just yearn to be in the race but instead they are not even recognized as competitors. They feel isolated and think they have it bad (which they do) but they can't really understand what someone like you would go through. You're a participant in the race, but as a runner you never show up on the list of finalists, you never have your true 'win' even if it's just for one race. Other successful runners would rather compare themselves to you than people who aren't even in the race, and so you even suffer the brunt of the disparity in respect that follows.

HOWEVER, by the same token we can consider another person who is truly suffering. The silver medalist who can never strike gold. He is so close to savoring the victory he's always pursued, and he can't even begin to complain because most around him see him as better off. In real life this would be the person who has loved and lost, had the real thing and watched it fall apart through his grasp, perhaps on more than one occasion.

In the end, everyone has their own demons, their own reasons for misery. Yes we can bicker about who has it worse in a non-subjective sense. However, everyone with a bad attitude that is just trying to exclaim how badly they have it compared to others would have the same attitude REGARDLESS of their position in the chain of suffering. In other words, you fuckers would be miserable NOT BECAUSE you have it bad, but because you don't have it better, which will always be the case. It's your terrible outlooks that make you suffer.

To escape this, you need the ability to adapt to your circumstances, to accept life as you have it and make the best of things. In other words, COPING (fuck everyone for turning cope into a meme, being UNABLE to cope is the real failure, coping is a success so long as it's done in a healthy way).

>Hahaha you care about a dynamic people uphold that can influence individuals

>haha he dislikes the current twisted dynamic that is the root cause of most of todays issues

Thanks Jordan Peterson

Okay, but you cant just go off saying "Lol idc if I'm a virgin I'm proud " because it isn't by choice if its because you keep failing to pursue the opposite sex

my intention with the rambling is hopefully guide you on a path of self growth that will lead to a more fulfilling life. you will be alone, it will be hard, and no one but you is truly gonna care about your plight but when you emerge on the other end you will be a better man who will see past such simple desires such as a gf and even acquiring one will be but a stepping stone

Digits and green text both good

>but when you emerge on the other end you will be a better man who will see past such simple desires such as a gf and even acquiring one will be but a stepping stone

Itll take time for me to fully grasp this but you do have a point

>depressed, bipolar
Wait what, how does that work? Are you depressed even when you're manic, like wtf

happy to empower you brother, remember that in todays world we are divided in every way possible sex/color/ideals and this is why we feel so disconnected from eachother, when we should not only be wanting better and more for ourselves but everyone aswell.