You only listen to vidya/anime/movie soundtracks?This is not right. You're supposed to have a favorite musician

>You only listen to vidya/anime/movie soundtracks?This is not right. You're supposed to have a favorite musician

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What soundtracks would you suggest? My favorite band is the Cranberries.

>you dont listen to music ever? how boring pfft

>Wtf earrape versions are just distorted crap and dont automatically make any song better

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this but unironically
sounds better

>You're incapable of emotion or empathy and your hobby is mocking others for being inhuman robots? Makes sense to me.

My favourite musician is c418

Why do retards think not having opinions makes them less NPC? Top 40 is usually trash but feeling superior for not really listening to music is even worse

>If you dont listen to music it must be because youre trying to prove something to someone. It cant be that you just dont find music interesting. You must like music

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I like vidya/anime/movie soundtracks but wtf why would that be only thing you listen to. there's a whole world of music out there.

There is unironically something wrong with your brain if you don't find rhythmic sounds appealing
Not a bad thing, just wanted to point it out

how can you not like music?

this. only non human animals dont like music.

So what about people who listen to shit like xxboxtentacoon ? Are they super fucked up?

>You only listen to german marches, you are such a nazi

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I already said that i listen to music (anime or vidya osts) but im not interested in music itself. If you would ask me to name my favorite musician or a band i wouldnt have an answer and that triggers npcs

Yes they are. It's called shit taste

post high quality vidya OSTs

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Then phrase your maymay for twelve yos better next time.
The OP was fine but the second one was garbage. Not having a fav artist=/ not having interest in music

I find chaotic rhythm to be better than simple rhythmic sounds desu.

I barely listen to vidya anime or movie soundtracks.

Fav musician is pic related

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Music fans are literally the most obnoxious. I remember people constantly taking the piss out of me in high school because I didn't listen to whatever indie trash they were listening to at the time.

Ever since then I never discuss music with people, no other medium causes people to get this fucking obnoxious.

So you like deathgrips?

You're literally fucked in the head if you don't enjoy music. It's one of the things that separates humans from lower animals and it's one of the things that all cultures in the world enjoy. It's like saying you don't like hearing stories or you don't have empathy.

No. It's music. It doesn't matter if you think it's shit music, it's music. If you meet someone who straight up doesn't enjoy music, it's a huge red flag.

Death grips is nice.

I mean playing video games also separates people from animals but you'll never see someone become this level of autistically enraged by someone who doesn't play them.

You forgot one.

Vidya is a subgroup of being playful in general. If I met someone who doesn't like playfulness in any way that guy is redflag af too. These two, music and playfulness are essentially part of the creative side of our brains. The part that makes us most human

>video games also separates people from animals
Ummm no it doesnt.

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Tbqh I don't see how people exclusively listen to soundtracks

Yeah and a lot of animals have songs as well, so neither does music in that case

Animals dont have songs. Bird noises dont count

Don't bother with anger it's a waste of energy, it will make you weaker.

Lack of lyrics for me personally, I usually listen to music while I'm doing other shit and lyrics can be distracting if they're too pronounced. Also a lot of songs have straight up cringy lyrics that ruin it. Nine inch nails has this problem, with great instrumentals ruined by Trent Reznors emo ass lyrics and singing

It's why I also tend to gravitate to stuff like trap and other EDM kind of stuff. There's also the fact that the majority of music is just very mild, which makes it boring to listen to.

Feels dude with npc anger, this is deep.

Yes they do boyo, plenty of animals have been shown to respond to music.

Remember the "minecraft music is better than 80% of modern music"? Well it most certainly isn't a meme

Also I listen to anime OPs because they are fucking good. Never gotten into soundtracks tho

Dunno man I love listening to Genesis. I've been listening to a lot of prog rock recently tho.

even worse
>what's your favorite BAND? album? track? record? artist?
Why can't I just like a goddamn song? it seems like these kind of people obsess more over the personalities of the people in the band itself than they do the music they make. I usually just say David Wise when people ask me this and then the normalfags stop asking me questions

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Yeah for me very often I'll like one, maybe two songs from a band and hate everything else. It's very rare for me to find a band that I consistently enjoy.

People who ask that kind of shit are usually more into the dumb subculture side of it all, like moshers and hipsters.

It was a long time since I played vidya, even these are a bit on the new side.

>Yeah for me very often I'll like one, maybe two songs from a band and hate everything else. It's very rare for me to find a band that I consistently enjoy.

Dude so much this. I think the most songs I have on spotify from one artist is like 6, including 6 lol, and on average like two per artist

>ugh you and your anthems
>here, check this negro music

OP is a plebeian

Where my Foreground Eclipse niggas at?

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Just found it, it's pretty nice, though I do like UD Co, BLANKFIELD and ICDD more

>I only listen to anime/vidya/movie soundtracks

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>I interacted with this one group of people that liked a certain genre of music once. WTF I HATE ALL MUSIC NOW!!!!!

Gotta agree with you guys. Rock music is my favorite genre, but I never really follow bands. I just go for the songs. Really pisses people off when I tell them this. Kyuss is the one and only band that I enjoy every song from.

>Nein! Take some alt Frankfurt marsch

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Honestly I don't even have a specific genre that I like, which pisses people off even more. I literally just bounce between various bands and genres depending on how I'm feeling at any particular time.

...And you haven't found a favorite band/musician among all those different anime/vidya/movies? I found Asian Kung-Fu Generation from anime, they're one of my favorites.

>You only listen to East German music? Fucking Nazi.

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>>You only listen to East German music? Fucking Nazi.
I know you're desperate to show off your persecution complex, but nobody ever says this.

That's because you're plebeians. Would gladly not discuss music with your boring asses.

>I know you're desperate to show off your persecution complex, but nobody ever says this.

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I remember in 9th grade we had to fill out a personality sheet for the start of the year. For favourite music I just put down "music from ps2 games" and the teacher yelled at me, made many demeaning jokes in front of the class and told me I have to write down a real musician, basically forcing me to write down michael jackson so the interrogation would end.

Gee whiz, wonder why I'm such an outcast :^)

>the teacher yelled at me, made many demeaning jokes in front of the class and told me I have to write down a real musician,
Legit lol'd irl. Based tach

>Legit lol'd irl. Based tach

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Might as well tell you more then if you kek. After that incident I was obviously very moopey and didn't fill out the rest, he asked what my favourite food was and I just muttered "idk.. anything" and he just retorted with, "anything? so you eat poo?"

He was a cunt, heard he had some sports injury a few years after I left school I hope it was serious.

Good thing I don't listen to music to entertain your faggot ass then

Yeah, this teacher sounds like a fucking hoot, to be honest.

It's not about entertainment, it's about taste, You lack it.

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I know OP's overblowing it but it honestly bugs me a bit how nobody gave a shit about game music until they started performing orchestral remixes of it, it's like there's a huge contingent of people who just think any music with synths is beneath them (I won't say no lyrics since most classical music doesn't have lyrics either) and if a song isn't long enough without looping then into the trash it goes

Tell me more about the generic indie shit or retarded soundcloud rappers you listen to user

not to indirectly poke fun at you m8 but i had this actual conversation in middle school with a bunch of normalniggers used to only listen to ost but have moved on

That's easy

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Good one too

How can that be an NPC? Literally no one says that IRL.

Now shut up and SLAM

there's nothing racist about listening to German marches

this is racist though

The assume from the start you listen to the nazi era marches, those marches are not bad, but i prefer imperial marches.
Good playlist with a shit ton of marches

>You only listen to vidya/anime/movie soundtracks? Same
>What? B-but weren't you gonna say that's stupid?
OP obliterated

>tfw both Metal and Anime elitist.

I listen to jpop when I'm not in the mood for angry Scandinavian Metal but I appreciate older music.

ur sense of humanity is way off, normie loser

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>tfw mosque shooter played music you like as he was killing Muslims
>Now everyone thinks you're a racist terrorist

Is it bad that I don't seem to have any musical taste at all?

I seem to enjoy listening to music from a heap of genres - hip hop, metal, jazz, jpop, all sorts of shit. I don't seem to have any capacity to discern quality. I listen to something enough and I eventually take a liking to it.

I grew up playing the FF games and found their music to be quite enjoyable, they put a lot of love into it and I ended up downloading them for background noise and I also liked the Black Mages. Most RPG music is above average and I enjoy some of the theme songs from SMT/Persona, Tales and Atelier.

>You're supposed to have a favorite
I never understood this. I feel like you can only have a favorite something if you're not that into that thing.

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I didn't listen to music most of my life but then i discovered Eminem he's top tier his fans are unsustainable though

For me, it's Touhou music.

Musical anhedonia is a neurological condition that affects 3% of the population. Maybe drugs like shrooms or ecstasy could cure it.

If you dont enjoy music I mostly pity you

Earrape versions are fucking memes. Nobody and I mean nobody ever actually listens to them to actually listen to them not for the meme.

Touhou music is fucking banger

>I feel like you can only have a favorite something if you're not that into that thing.
That's an extremely retarded mentality.

Why were you such a fucking pussy that took that shit from fucking gay ass hipsters?

>All this weeb shit
Disgusting, imagine thinking a girl would ever even look your way if she heard what you listen to. Maybe try some underground hard rock, like Green Day

aaaaaaa I only like the Beatles music. I have no one to share this feel with. ;-;
I'm from a non-english country and I discovered Beatles only this year and I keep listening to them on repeat for the past month.

The era of Beatles is over and no one listens to them exclusive anymore.

I posted this on r9k and npc robots just call me normie for listening to Beatles.

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Red flag for what? Is liking silence a bad thing? Or what about listening to audiobooks and stand up comedy instead of music?


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>Only listen to memecore and ear rape

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It means you are in fact damaged. You don't enjoy something that comes natural to people. It's like saying you don't like art or well made food.
Sure some are like that but that isn't just bordering off from the norm, that's borderline leaving the species.