Would you date a jewish woman if she was attractive and had large milkers?

Would you date a jewish woman if she was attractive and had large milkers?

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Obviously you mong.
>how else are we gonna infiltrate and subvert the tribe

>Pump and dump
probably, depends on the size and quality of her milkers

No because I have pride and class. Taste is involved too.

oh come now, nazi, surely you'd love a cute jewess gf?

No. Jews are fucking disgusting. Have you ever heard one talk? They are not humans.

>All Jew women are New York JAPS

fucking retard

She would have to be into anal

if she's jewish, she's into anal.


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>had large milkers?
I'm not into fatties, thank you.

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Potato nigger

Yes, and then shed go in the oven after my milk session

Memeflag nigger living hick

Real Jewish women are ugly as fuck, they have curly hair with mutt like faces

You can too nigger

even the "best" jewish women have ugly dog faces
>large milkers
flat/proportionate is justice

i wouldn't trust a jew with my home and children

No because then I'd have to deal with her mother and her grandmother and all her catty mercurial jewish girlfriends

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but pic related is a literal jewess...

>Real Jewish women are ugly as fuck, they have curly hair with mutt like faces

this desu

Any Jewess that looks attractive has "stolen" those genes from the goyim society where they live.

No, but I'd cuddle a cute one.

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>free ride for me and my family on the Ark that Israel is building (nuclear resistant bunkers/desalination for 150% of their population)

No, never

I'm married to an attractive Jewish woman. Her milkers look large, but it's just because of their shape and relation to her tiny body. She looks exactly like this porn star. Yes, she's Ukranian.

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but why? you two could go get circumcised together

I'd have no real problem with it, it's just that the girl comes with a thousand friends and family.

I just don't want to get sucked into that jewish thing...Listening to them spew about the holocaust and lefty bullshit while I roll my eyes.

I don't think I could hack it. Nothing against the girl personally, it's just that Judaism is so hostile to my background and so counter to my outlook... I doubt it would work.

It's too bad, because I actually find them attractive sometimes and I don't get that whole 'Jews are ugly' meme.. I know they have some real bad apples, but there are hot ones in there too.

Not only would i, I have and they love dick. Im also unmutilated and wear a crucifix.you're always reminded howevr of their jewiness

Would spill my potent Goyseed for days.

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i'd fuck her then ghost her, same as the last one

Um yeah.

Face looks like Leon Trotsky, have said this since people spammed CK's ugly mug on here 6 years ago and will be saying it until they stop

I would feel bad that any potential sons we had she would want to mutilate.
But there is a high chance these kids would get into the secret jewish millionaires club and have a good life and if i was a good father they share the wealth when im older.

yeah, but those milkers are so tempting...

If she was Orthodox Christian, or TradCatho, maybe

>posts a mischling
stop being misleading, shlomo

she doesn't have to be PURE jewish...

nice larp faggot, you're married to abo waste with jack o lantern teeth that clatter when she shakes her head grunting

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she would have to denounce Judaism

Yes. Gimme a hot jewess.

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And it's ugly
If I pump a dog full of silicon so it has tits will you fuck it?