Fembots, describe your perfect guy

Fembots, describe your perfect guy.

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Muscular black man but none come here

i dont think theres a "perfect guy" out there. i would just like to be with someone that makes me happy and who loves me unconditionally

sadly you probably arent in europe

6+ feet tall
7+ inch dick
beats up losers and creeps for me
on a sports team

yeah, unfortunately not. im sorry :(

would you be willing to at least talk on discord?

don't exist, cringiest bullshit thread i have ever seen. kill yourself.

sure, as long as you dont expect anything from it

my ex with no mental illness

where are you from though


good ol' us of a

>likes me
>keeps me company
>talks a lot so I don't have to say much

That's it. Physical appearance doesn't really matter, but here are some traits I find attractive:

>bad teeth
>pale skin
>pectus excavatum

physically: ~6', dark wavy/curly hair, hairy, a little chubby but strong as well

even though it's not realistic, I'd like them to not talk to other girls, want to spend every second we can together, hold hands, cuddle a lot. tell me everything he likes, kind of just let me be obsess. and also have a really high sex drive

don't worry, I'm not dating anyone and I wouldn't force someone into a relationship with me because of my fucked up standards :)

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Literally me except the pectus excavatum thing lol, btw ive got one tooth pulled out lmao

obsessed* im dumb

okay emai me your discord if you want:

[email protected]

dont email him thats a hacker email incels use to steal nude photos!

But what makes you happy?

What doujin is this?


its just a throwaway lol

lots of things. i particularly like going out around cities and traveling. animals (pets) and weebshit also makes me happy ig.

Where do you live? I check every box except maybe hairy

A throwaway email means he plans to use you and throw you away afterwards!

>bad teeth
What do you mean by this? I've got fucked up and crooked teeth due to being poor so no braces, but have pretty good dental hygiene. Did you mean nasty, rotten teeth? Also is this a sentiment shared by anyone but you? Im always afraid to smile since my teeth don't look right.

unfortunately it's not from a doujin (the artist was just practicing comic format), but the artist is @Jennysoup2 on twitter she's an amazing artist and also does tattoos

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How are you thirsty retards falling for this? You just got baited into telling everyone about your disgusting lack of hygiene.

I don't give a fuck if some faggot on the internet knows I have crooked teeth, but my hygiene is fine. I brush twice a day and have never had a cavity.

This sounds interesting. I like some weeb things but not really all that much, I could get into it if you knew some good ones. I worked at a shelter for a while, I love animals. Do you ever do any sort of photography when you go out? Sometimes I do of the city or like a hike but they're kinda shitty.

you sound great but like I said I wouldn't date someone again bc im obsessive and i think i have bpd or some shit and its really fucked, but I hope you do find a more normal fembot

ah i see! i also volunteer at a shelter sometimes. its kinda sad seeing all the homeless animals there...
i try to take "aesthetic" photos when i travel but they usually turn out pretty blurry. the latest photos i have are from an art museum

I'm here bby, I got better

Hello fembot im writing all this shit long ass text just to show some interest in you so I can get a gf since Im some beta cuck, of course Im going to tell you about my life even when you didnt even ask questions about it, but oh well it doesnt matter since im here just to show my interest for you and get a gf even when all of this makes me sounda like a pathetic thirsty male, Oh you love pets? I love animals too! Lets keep talking nuch until I ask for contact because i deserve it after all the interest I showed for you in this thread, texting you long ass texts just because you're female and Im desperate and ofc, if someone calls me out Ill say im just talking to you here and I definitely dont plan on asking you for contact haha!

I dunno i really dont mind obsessiveness. Actually depending on its nature it can be a turn on

Yeah, it is sad, but I tried to give them love while I was there. I started going there after my dog was put down, started as a volunteer then got offered a job. Yeah my pictures always come out that way haha. What museum was it? I absolutely love museums, granted usually things more like air and space.
Hey man, what's your contact info?

Taller than me, one chin only, can laugh me into bed, smart enough to challenge me, non-clingy, preferably some creative tendencies, doesn't use insults in arguments (because a.) it doesn't solve anything and b.) it indicates to me that you don't have anything worthwhile to contribute)

aww, thats so sweet of you! im sorry to hear about your dog though. have you gotten a new pet since? ;;
it was the fine arts museum in houston. lovely place. if you like museums and space, i definitely recommend checking out the NASA center in houston.

What do you mean by creative tendencies though?

its def not a turn on thing, its like shutting down and crying from having the other person text another girl thats mildly attractive lol. I'm trying to work on not caring so much but I'm probably just gonna stick to being single

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Likes to create SOMETHING. I don't care what it is (within reason). Music, visual art, games design, coding, acting, pottery, writing, baking, carpentry... there's probably a lot of things I'd consider a "creative outlet".

Yeah, it was extremely sad :( I havent gotten a new pet recently because where I live right now is kinda small and doesn't allow them. Do you have any pets?
Oh yeah, I absolutely love space, and the space center in Houston and the Kennedy space center are at the top of my bucket list.
I've been to the ones in DC and some others around the country. The art and history museum in Denver are definitely something you should check out if you like the arts. How often do you travel?

Well I wrote songs based on how I feel or just stuff I like in general or about other people and play guitar and if i feel confident enough to record something like some song or just covers, I do it although I feel bad cause my voice is shit and have an accent and well i guess im good at cooking kinda, but this is just some basic shit, prob not that interesting


ugh i cant type

Bitch that doesnt make any sense, stupid arse

>likes to give compliments and show he cares
>likes clingy girls
>is clingy in return
>likes chubby christmas cakes
>can drive or will learn to drive
>under 300 lbs over 140 lbs
>over 5'3 under 6'2
>age 25-35

6'0+ rich good looking and has many friends

Damn shame im only 23 otherwise id fit perfectly

ah that's understandable. and i do have a cat and a dog; theyre quite young.
i hope youll be able to visit those places one day! space centers have the coolest stuff. and ill be sure to keep that museum in denver in mind, though ive never really beein interested in going to colorado. i travel out of state once or twice a year, and out of country every other year

what's a chubby cake?

It's just an age range, I'm fine with anyone who is legal. Also I forgot to add

>is a virgin

post cat i wanna see

Well i dont fit that but ive only done it with one woman and literally destroyed my life completely but whatever

>literally destroyed my life completely but whatever
What happened? Did she break your heart? How long ago did it happen?

>Tfw pectus carinatum

im shit at taking photos

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Yeah post your animals if you're able to, would love to see them!
How did you set up that travel schedule, if you dont mind me asking? That would be an absolute dream to have. What countries have you been to?

yeah something like, the thing was really toxic, it was pure and all at the beggining but it ended up really bad on both sides, I basically had to be senet to a mental ward, and 2 years ago, its not something i like to talk about but im doing well now despite of that terrible thing

>smart enough to challenge me

Okay you had me believing you were a female until you said this

nice catto i like it, is a he or she? also looks like my cat that ran way feels sad

Do you think that would happen again or is that the type of weight you feel from first love?

>what's a chubby cake?
cakes are 26+ years old usually and I happen to be fat as well as an old fuck

>as long as you dont expect anything from it

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honestly doesn't matter if you're good as long as you've got an outlet

Someone exactly like my boyfriend of course!

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Its just the type of weight from first love, but now im just aware and dont jump into things that fast, i just like to take it with calm and all which is for the best for the relationship to last forever honestly

i dont have any pictures of my dogs, but heres another one of my cat! do you have any pics of your old dog?
i usually get travel offers from family, so i tag along with them. ive been to singapore, canada, and the philippines. if you cound stop-overs, ive been to russia, japan, guam, and china. ill be going to japan this june to hopefully meet an aussie friend of mine.

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thank you! its a guy cat.
sorry to hear about your cat. ;; maybe it'll come back soon?

> Okay you had me believing you were a female until you said this

I bet you live in Florida

i dont they will, i dont give it much though i tend to feel really bad about it, ive got new cats and all though and they cheer me up

Yeah i know Florida Man, he's a wild guy

well that's good! how many of them do you have?

Unfortunately, not right now. I have them all in physical form in a box. Your cat's really cute! I'd love to pet him.
What does your family do that they travel so often? It sounds like a great setup.
I got to go to Japan once with my jap teacher after JAL gave us free tickets.
Honestly, Japan was amazing, but my jap teach had a tight leash on me Haha

two, a black/white one and a white/yellow one, theyre both like 6 months y, got them from some family who coulndt take care of them, they told me to take one only but i feel really bad since theyre brothers and all so i took them both

oh, that's cute! physical pictures make better souvenirs, imo. and thank you, im glad you like him. ^^
my family just loves taking vacation time ahaha. one of my aunts is loaded and goes everywhere, so i try to go with her whenever i can.
and woah, free tickets? that's pretty good! it must've been so much fun in japan. did you bring anything back from your trip?

oh my goodness, so they're only kittens? that's adorable! please send pictures if you can; id love to see these cute babies.

Hopefully one who doesnt know what Jow Forums is

>cakes are 26+ years old usually and I happen to be fat as well as an old fuck

I'm an old fuck too but I keep in shape so meh

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hey cutie i fit the bill. when do i get your discord and your affection?

>I'm an old fuck too but I keep in shape so meh
I have times that I stay in shape and then times when depression takes over. Currently I am a potato. It is what it is.

yeah theyre both kittens and fight/play with each other so much and other funny stuff and eh i would send but i dont wanna post pics here, im bit paranoid..

Well that's really lucky! I've been to a couple other countries but not as many as you. Yeah it was amazing, I spent most of my money on food, little snacks, and tourist traps haha. I was able to get two free tickets because I won some Japanese speech contest ran by the state. I saved some little plushies, and even some paper towel thing haha.
Do you save many things from your trips?

Last ''perfect gf'' I had that could've fit just well in this place turned out to be a fucking tranny that cheated on me twice and started stirring up way too much drama out of nothing.
I've heavily been doubting any sort of ''girls'' online ever since then desu, so be careful guys.
Unless trannies are you sort of thing, then I guess just go do whatever you want.

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>talks a lot so I don't have to say much

You are the worst type of girl

Not the guy who replied to you
But Im a dude and any relationship I tried to start was ruined because of me being a clingy beta
Was called an "owner"
So yeah, don't be upset, there are male clingy bitches (though even clingy girls don't like clingy guys)

that's understandable. well, i hope they grow up to be strong and healthy cats. good luck with them!

>won some japanese speech contest
wow, guess you're a big brain guy, huh? but on a more serious note, congrats on that! im happy to hear that you enjoyed your trip. :)
yeah, i usually buy a haul of foreign clothing and merch! i swear foreign shops have better clothes...

Nah I wish I was big brained haha. It's more like memorizing and practicing pronouncing things. What kind of clothes do you get? Any specific style? I always try to get into fashion, but I'm kinda shit at it and a bit shy to wear some very "loud" stuff.

lmao this nigga asking her about clothes, you sound like her best gay frriend my dude, she wont be your gf like that

women don't love men

this. they can only love their child or a dog

I mean I wasnt even gonna talk beyond this thread. I was just having chat here, you have a problem with people having interests? It's good to practice talking to people, if it's just simply over the screen.

it still takes skill to memorize and practice efficiently. :p i take lots of inspiration from korean fashion, so most of the time i get "cutesy" stuff. and ah, yeah fashion is kinda difficult. i can help you pick stuff out one day, if you'd like? though my taste in men's fashion is,,, eh,,

yeah pretend you are not talking to them just because they said theyre female lmao this nigga

Most of the hard work was trying to get my voice to sound more powerful and not get too out of breath while talking. That took a ton of practice. My Japanese teacher would make me go to crowded areas and then he'd stand on the other side and make me do the speach; felt like I was dying hahaha. Sure that'd be great, I usually just try to wear comfy clothes. I used to have a pair of weird shoes that people would always point out haha. Like I said I wasn't really intending to add you because I've added like two people in the past and had horrible luck with them, but it's up to you and if you're not too crazy Haha

never heard of anyone else using your teacher's practice method. but at least it worked out for you; your practice paid off!
comfy clothes are the best kind of clothes desu. what kind of shoes did you have? :o
and ah, that's fair. people from r9k are usually not the best to socialize with haha.

The only women I know in my life are my mom and my grandma. You'd be literally the only other woman I ever communicate with, ever.

Well they werent really that crazy
They were the Adidas tubular gen 1 in a cheetah print :o have you ever had anything like that?
Yeah, but you seem pretty great though!

>cheetah print
user, why would you do that to yourself ahaha. but nah, i usually stick with the basic-looking shoes.
oh, thank you! you seem like a really nice dude too :D

Yeah, I dunno. I was sort of in this spot where I wanted to come out of my shell, and saw them and thought they were perfect haha. They're all busted up now, so I dont really wear them anymore. They were made of pretty much all knit too, but they were comf.
Alright well, user. I gotta get going now, bit it was talking to you. Hope you have a great day!

oh, have a good day as well!!

Ive been watching your posts all the time and i think yourre sweet user, i just did say anything bc i didnt want to bother

Okay this might come off as hypocritical, but you do seem pretty great, so I dunno if you wanna swap contact info or not before I get off Jow Forums. It's cool if not though

you're not a bother at all. thank you for the kind words, i really do appreciate it!

oh!! sure thing, though i don't really want to post my tag on here. um.. do you have an email i can send my tag to?