Is it drugs? What is it?

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the internet cuz u can now google everything

and obviously that link was not original.

I want to know too. I think it's chemicals in food and the media subversion.

people just stay on their phones all the time. people hanging out is just talking on their phones to other people.

people were always stupid. the majority of the population were always retards, nothing has changed.

People are smarter than they've ever been. If you could talk to just about anyone in the past, you'd find them downright retarded even compared to modern normalfags.

low effort posts with nothing but retard cancer man for a picture

most people were retards during all of human history, it's just easier to see it now because of the internet

>everyone is stupid, everyone but me

Relative to available information, maybe, but it took brains for people of the past to discover the things we take for granted
Just because I know something that someone of the past didn't know does not necessarily mean I'm "smarter" than they are, especially if someone else put in all the work to make that information available to me
So I'd say the stupidity of your reply only works in support of OP's post

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99.99999% of people did absolutely nothing to provide such knowledge, beyond helping create a habitable environment for the handful of people who actually contributed to such information. Most people are just here to be mindless slaves so that the few people who actually matter can flourish well beyond what they would have been able to accomplish living in a natural environment.

Im kind of guilty of this. I make up bullshit about a topic im interested in in hope others correct me and provide me with information.

Now thats the big stupid right there. It seems to be a very culturally american thing to believe the governent is always up to something, that there is some sort of hidden conspiracy and agenda, I guess having the CIA and FBI and all these sorts of crazy spy shit didnt help though.

and both of us are not in that group

I know. I never said we were. We're trash just like everyone else.

And plenty of people today contribute nothing as far as "providing that knowledge" goes as well, myself included

That's because the American government is always up to something. We literally have fluoride in our tap water. We have perfectly clean tap water we can't drink because they purposefully poison it. That shit's worse than just an incompetent government that can't provide clean water in the first place.

Yeah, see the post above. Why do people assume that you can't acknowledge the group you're in is shitty?

What? Fluoride is to help our teeth, the water is perfectly drinkable. I drink tap water with fluoride where I live and the levels of dental problems diminished thanks to that. Fluoride in the ammounts they put in the water is perfectly fine to drink.

This whole post is ridiculous.

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Also no one ever die thanks to that

Yes, this is absolutely perfect.

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I really dont understand americans and their paranoia. The studies and the results are all there, Our body literally needs amounts of fluoride daily that we usually dont take in the modern human diet, so the fluoride in the water serves as a supplement to that. It helps your bones and your teeth. A simple google search brings the answers you need. Unless america has an absurd amount of fluride added to the water, which I doubt, there are literally no side effects

It's because there has been a disgenic situation going on for 50+ years.

The stupid are ENCOURAGED to multiply. Ever see Idiocracy?

This, most people used to not even know how to read and write. You just never heard or saw anything about them because there was nothing noteworthy

Pride? Some desire for validation or to identify "meaning" in life? I don't know, I can't relate to that shit
I know I'm extremely insignificant, I know I don't contribute shit, but I'm indifferent to the fact that I think most people, myself included, are similar in that sense, regardless of whether they acknowledge it
But meaninglessness/incompetence isn't inherently bad, might as well enjoy what I can while I can. Or just hop in front of a train if existence itself isn't worth it

Actually, incompetence can be considered bad if you're leeching from others' work, especially without putting forth a considerable amount of effort
For example, I'd never voluntarily give my money to NEETs here unless they provided me something of value

Life has always been stupid, you just weren't alive to realize it.

you have no idea how big of a betrayal that has become the common man, and nothing less than a complete uprooting of our civilization will fix it.

We're not really dumber. Information overload and overexposure to social media has just made it more apparent and people in the past were oblivious. People really underestimate how much technology has changed our lives. Everything's out in the open now and everything's so interconnected. So many of our previously held notions about humanity are being exposed/disproven every day because of how many different people we now interact with and are exposed to. The sheer scope of humanity really shows you we're actually not all that great and most people are actually shit.

If you ask someone about their job they can probably tell you a lot.

if you ask someone about anything outside of that they probably sounds pretty stupid.

turns out we're the aggregate of our time used. So people with jobs are running on fumes and don't have time to argue with the freshly rested no responsibility neet.

that's you user. you have clarity through no dependency. enjoy it while you can. life will get you too.

In the event that you do work and you have this clarity of mind- congratulations on finding the work life balance that 80% of people lack.

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