Is terraria fun alone?

is terraria fun alone?

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Absolutely. You have the freedom to build whatever you want and progress at the speed you prefer

yep. doing things with other people is a lot of hassle

Yes but it is hard. It is even more fun if you have a few friends to play it with. From start to finish itll take about 70+ hours.

Call me a dumb loner but I prefer single player games in general. I'm that person that would much rather play an immersive story than some loud annoying lobby. But if it's with your best pals why not. Try it alone see what you can make of it, any game is fun either way.

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my friend beat terraria without dying, i was bretty imprssed

i think it took him 500 hours

You'd be better off with Slime Rancher for a single player experience

I like slime rancher, but it has no replayablility. I tried to start again, and it's boring as fuck. I have maybe 50 hours in slime rancher, but nearly a thousand on Terraria.

Terreria is such a fun game the music is so nice and comfy and just go mininjng or fishing make a town fight the bosses and just explore every crevasse of your world

i beat it without dying and maxed out my character on expert mode
only took something like 40 hours

Yes, also i absolutely recommend playing with mods, my personal favorite is Calamity Mod

Also, try to play in expert, the higher the diff the best

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It's a serious contender for best game of all time

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Its best with co op
But just be prepared to loose a friendship
There is a lot of arguing over simple shit
>nigger give me that boss drop I need it
>ok give me some gold for it
>why you already have one
>I bought it for blank amount
>no but it's a boss drop
>no its not, you thinking of b not a
Happened to me when i mixed up water gun and slime gun
The same nigger also refused to help me get a minishark despite having twice as gold as me
I could go on

What game do you guys prefer, Terraria or Minecraft?

what a dogshit build, user.
in-house fountains, fancy underground commieblocks and using unpainted stock blocks.
fucking disgusting.

How about Factorio lads?

>not working together to build a gold farm
>not transforming shared struggles into mutual memories

So you played with a horrible person. Every time I've played with friends, we all farm bosses together until everyone gets what they want, we all go do our fishing quests together, sometimes we split up to make separate comfy houses in our biome of choice but more commonly we have the super-autist NEET build a huge communal house and we all make our own little rooms attached.



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One of my favorite projects was an end-to-end rail. We could build remote cottages in commuting distance of the NEETfort.

Same my guy. We made one in the sky for fighting mech bosses and moonlord, and one in the underworld for wall farming and because the underworld is good for soul farming post-wall. Then we made houses along it/under it for fun. I remember one game in particular I made a huge mushroom biome area pre-wall, above ground and stretching below, with various mushroom shaped houses. Some rain clouds for spores off the bottoms of the bigger ones, smaller mushrooms growing on top, it was great. I wish I still had the screenshots, but it was a couple hard drives ago.

don't listen to this user, calamity is absolutely retarded, if you want advice in mods ask on the terraria general on vg

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i'm getting better
simplicity is the essence of perfection you philistine

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Such a comfy game. I wish I had the time and friends to do it again.