Are there people that actually like working or is that just a way to cope for throwing away 30% of your existence doing meaningless tasks just to survive and make someone else rich?
Are there people that actually like working or is that just a way to cope for throwing away 30% of your existence doing...
I CAN imagine actually have fun with some project for a while. But waking up every morning at the same time to go and do the same sort of shit? bleh.
user I love working! Working just gives me so much purpose in life and I love working for my amazing boss, you sound pretty negative man, you should lighten up and enjoy the bright side of slaving for 50 years of your life! Have sex! Have sex! Have sex! Have sex!
Jobs can be fun or fulfilling at times but more than anything it's more of a having money, being independent, being productive and fitting in socially. (You) can bash working all you want, but it's what functional adults do. I'm guessing you're a low level wagie, so I recommend a non-meme degree/certification, then you'll have a career you enjoy more.
Humans need a routine as it prevents you from staying up too late and then sleeping too much which = depression over a prolonged period because your internal clock gets fucked. It's easier to keep a routine if there's a monetary reward attached to it and you'll eventually need money for basic shit like food and rent so it's a pretty good means to an end.
I've done the neet lifestyle twice and it's honestly fucking horrible. You can pretend that you have all this time for activities but what ends up happening is that you browse YouTube and Jow Forums for absurd amounts of hours while telling the same stories in the same 5-7 r9k threads that appear each day on a rotation. When you have a limited amount of free time you end up using it way more effectively.
The only people pushing the wagecuk/neet memes are like, teenagers who have no idea that a lot of things cost money and you'll need some sort of income whether you like it or not.
money does bring happiness
just think where'd you be without the internet
I should further add that there's a difference between having a job and being a wagecuck.
Having a steady source of income in exchange for remedial tasks for a company is pretty cool.
Being so fucking emotionally invested in your job that you go on company retreats and sing the Walmart song in the morning and spam instagram with your "hahaha look at our totally rAd morning crew" selfies is fucking embarrassing and the only people who go to this extent with their jobs are those with severe emotional problems trying to fill a void.
coping wagies. Get back to work, Mr. Shekelstein needs a new boat
Yeah cause browsing Jow Forums and YouTube for 14 hours a day (which is realistically what you do) is so great.
My gaming buddy has been a neet for most of his life (lives on a farm, no traditional education save for sporadic college classes cause mommy wanted to homeschool him). He absolutely hates it. The lack of human interaction, never having true financial freedom cause he has to pinch every penny, every single social interaction being through a shitty chat program. You can only take up so many projects (and he's taken up several) before your biological instincts want you to get the fuck out of the house to cope with the crushing loneliness.
depends. working at burger king and making burgers... nah
doin what u love at work which is in a field u love? sure
also there are people which only purpose in life is working. maybe bc they earn a lot, love the success or its their own business, built up by their own hands
He generates ad revenue and helps google make self driving car software 12 hours a day for freeee
Yes, I have an easy job and I get to make myself pizzas for staff food (once every four hours), also can make unlimited lattes, cappucinos, hot chocolates etc. when we're not busy. That and its the only place where I talk to people in real-life, feel valued being there.
I kind of like the hands-on work I do. There will always be landscapers and gardeners taming nature for the benefit of mankind. It's not as meaningless as being in the wage-cage at an amazon warehouse.
Some people don't have much else in life other than work. It's what they find purpose in. My supervisor at my last job was like this. She was absorbed in her work - she came in earlier than everyone else and left after everyone else, and she took work home to do in the evenings and on weekends. It seemed like every waking moment for her was spent on her work, and she seemed to enjoy it.
Kind of made me feel bad, though, because I hated the job and didn't give a shit about it beyond it giving me a paycheck.
Holy shit desu that's comfy, where do you work?
Op is to too too negative
>I've done the neet lifestyle twice and it's honestly fucking horrible. You can pretend that you have all this time for activities but what ends up happening is that you browse YouTube and Jow Forums for absurd amounts of hours while telling the same stories in the same 5-7 r9k threads that appear each day on a rotation. When you have a limited amount of free time you end up using it way more effectively.
This is very true. Evolution and natural selection has rendered us broken creatures, we require hard work and struggle be happy. We must forever be occupied with building a road to somewhere. Being a neet with no responsibilities and no ambitions very quickly starts feeling like a terrible existence.
This. Also, if you have an emotionally fulfilling job where you're actually helping people, it's even better than just chilling and working in an office, since you can see the results of your work and know that you're contributing something. I'm just an office worker right now, which is still pretty cool, but I'm going to start training soon to be a speech and language therapist. Gonna teach those autistic kids how to speak good to give me some sense of a purpose in life lmao.
I have no doubt that there are people who truly enjoy their jobs, but most of the time, people say it as a coping mechanism or because it's what they were indoctrinated to say.
You're just jealous of my ghetto mecha
> had speech problem as kid
> 10 years speech therapy
> therapist frustrated because I'm not getting it
> dad mad because sessions are like groundhog day
> gets me new therapist
> new therapist actually understands what I'm doing with my speech
> cracks it in 3 sessions
if it weren't for that 2nd therapist I'd literally just never speak to anyone
Normalscum sincerely like working.
They enjoy being a worthless animal who only exists to be bossed around, they crave more hours every week so they can throw them away.
Sounds like your buddy is a normalfag retard who doesn't know how lucky he is
Yeah, some people aren't very good at their jobs. There are people in every field who are incompetent or half-assing it because they don't care anymore. Sometimes you have to shop around to find someone who cares or has some sense of what they're doing.
Fuck off, any food related job is slavery
Sure you get free meals and coffee, but tell me more about your work time
>Fuck off, any job is slavery