Be the children of an asian man and a white woman

>Be the children of an asian man and a white woman
>have urine thrown at you

is this fair?

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Other urls found in this thread:

why are people racist against asians we are literally the best race

It's the muslims, they hate chink fags cause they work hard and have money

>hapas have shitty asian eye fold
lol so pathetic. WMAF kids don't have this issue.

bretty based, they diddle their kids too

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The parents should be punished, not the kids

They're all future elliots most likely (even though the chances are astronomically less than WMAF), makes sense. Modern hapas are only good as girls.

France literally has no french people left. Pretty much everyone in France (who isnt a direct full breed migrant) has been mixed with arab or eastern european breeds. I guess asians are still quite rare which the other breeds might resent.

Because frenchies want only niggers and jews in their country

Woah woah woah. Why are french people throwing piss to begin with? Wouldn't it be easier to piss on them - not piss in a cup or in your hands and THROW IT.

Why frenchies carrying around piss like belongs in a nalgene.

French people just have bottles of piss on them at all times in case of asians?

>One idiot goes nuts and kills some random people because he's a virgin
>Happened to be mixed with white and Asian
Stop this stupidity.

its actually crazy how much blacks hate asians lol.

don't think this was blacks

You tranny LARPing cuck. You realize all AMWF children become CHADs while the embarrassing little asian female settles with some retard and passes on shit genes and creates a turboretard that will permanently be picked on for life.

Spotted the retard. Never seen such low IQ before racist shit.

truly a mystery...

France is an african country, why wouldn't they be black?

there are also a lot of north african arabs living there

>You realize all AMWF children become CHADs
(2018) David Suzuki; arrested for drug dealing and possession
(2007) James Hu; arrested for terroroistic threats
(2010) David Chow; arrested for fraud
(2013) David Kuba; arrested for child pornography:
(2015) James Han; brother of hapa criminal Charles Han, arrested for assault with serious infliction of injury
(2015) Charles Han; brother of criminal hapa James Han, arrested for assault
(2009) Patrick Nakamura; arrested for aggrevated sexual abuse
(2014) Koen Kang; arrested for narcotics use and possession. Brother of AMWF Hapa criminal Skylar Kang
(2015) Joseph Watanabe: arrested for domestic violence, victim intimidation, and infliction of corporal injury
(2018) Dylan Chang; brother of Marco Chang. Arrested for battery, resisting arrest with violence, and grand theft
(2018) Marco Chang; brother of Dylan Chang. Arrested for aggravated battery with use of deadly weapon
(2018) Jeremy Muda; Convicted of brutal knife attack, stabbing
(2018) COLE IKEDA PIOWATY; arrested for stalking, criminal trespassing, and resisting arrest
(2017) Yuzo Nishi; arrested for murder (fatally stabbing his Italian mother Maria Bertalmio)
(2017) Andrew Keh; felon arrested for drug dealing activity
(2017) Jack Yip; Arrested for attempted rape and murder via stabbing.
(2017) Tyler Matthew Yee; arrested for murder
(2017) Brandon Kwok Lee; arrested for masturbation in front of a public middle school; when witnesses told him to stop, he looked at them, turned back around, and continued to masturbate
(2017) Evan Ye; convicted felon and serial thief with multiple arrests, including grand theft
(2017) Brandon Lee Pham; arrested for homicide
(2017) Evan Ye; convicted felon and serial thief with multiple arrests, including grand theft
(2017) Brandon Lee Pham; arrested for homicide
(2017) Shaun Nishida; arrested for stabbing, attempted murder

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(2017) Coleman Chung; serial sex offender, used a hatchett to violently attack victim's faces when attempting abduction; police also discovered over 1,000 child pornography images in his possession
(2017) Eric Kang; arrested for connections with terrorist group
(2017) Alek Huynh; arrested for heroine trafficking and larceny
(2017) Darrin Kang; Arrested For Assault and Reckless Endangerment
(2017) Noah Ling; arrested for serial speeding and charged with multiple felonies
(2017) Margaret Chen; arrested for retail theft
(2017) Kelly Chang; arrested for harrassment
(2017) Leo Xiong; registered sex offender arrested multiple times, including indecent exposure at Waffle House
(2017) Anthony Li; arrested along with his girlfriend for brutal battery and assault
(2017) Dominic Liu; arrested for theft
(2017) Robert Chin; former teacher and registered sex offender arrested on seven counts of child seduction and sentenced to three years in prison for sleeping with a teen student 22 times
(2017) Jay Soo Choi; Arrested For Multiple Felonies Including Larceny, Breaking and Entering, and Threats,
(2017) John Nguyen; arrested for auto theft
(2016) Nick Wu; viciously stabbed his own father to death; reported that voices in his head told him to kill his father
(2016) Chris Lee; Arrested and Sentenced to life without parole for the murder of Erin Corwin - a married, pregnant woman with whom he was having an extramarital affair.
(2016) Patrick Wong; sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for pedophilia; told police he wished he had a sister he could rape
(2016) Amber Nakamura; Psychologically disturbed serial offender arrested for assault, property damage, vandalism and terroristic threatening. Attempted to run over people with her vehicle.
(2016) Eugene Choi; Arrested for Marijuana, Cocaine, Xanax, Oxycodone, and Hydrocodone possession

psychotic schizophrenic degenerate, sexual deviant sickfucks. All the products of Asian men with white women.

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You only "care" cause of yellow fever OP.

That's a hoax.

How many hours did you put in to make such a long list?

I swear no one has been to France in this entire thread.

Why the fuck do Americans and third worlders insist they have insight into things when they cannot get the fucking date right

For living in France? Surely that's its own punishment?

lol. those are full asians

Maybe they were considered "yellow vests" and the cops threw urine at them cause its Europe so no guns only gold showers.

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Thise kids are 100% asian. Whos bringing hapa shitposting into the mix?

these are prob full asians

some user that doesnt like hapas, or AMWF hapas specifically.

French here, I find it hard to believe and the original article doesn't specify who did that, and what city it was. They also don't seem to have been to the police with it so I wonder if it's not some kind of weird marketing + victim play flex.

I'm sure that sounded funnier in your head

i dont think anybody blames the french lol

Based and le Frenchpilled.

How do u define best race?
You have the highest iq in the world but weak bodies and smol pps

theres some big ones

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prob muzzies, they hate everyone.

Why does he look like charlie sheen

Wasn't France the most racist country in the world?

i wouldnt say the best race, but we are generally civilized, which is more than can be said for other groups.

hes a giant korean charlie sheen, deceased tho. theres some giants in asia but theyre extremely rare.

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why wasnt i giant asian?

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Not all asians.

Yes I'm sure "French" "people" did this to them and not the retarded brown subhumans living there rent free.

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You're passive aggressive and beat women behind close doors. That is a sign of a coward rather than a civilized person. I have no respect for you.

Could've been "native" French people actually, who were cucked enough that they only want the most subhuman of races to ruin their country. Asians aren't destructive or vindictive when it comes to France and we can't have that right?

Asian here, who grew up with Turks and other ethnicity also in the neighborhood.
You have to learn to defend yourself and also get some street credentials.
I scuffled a lot as a kid.

It's unclear who threw the bottle at them.
Some other kids or adults?
If the latter case, the father is a huge cuck.
Wars have been started for smaller things.

true. -I- dont beat women, but i wont deny that asian men can be psychotic abusers.

You don't know it was whites. France is full of Arabs and Africans now.

>we are generally civilized

yeah sure bro

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Tbh it sounds like a hate crime hoax to me

oh are you a brit? "asians" amirite

That's the Philippines.

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what is this, these are drug slums. i said "generally" civilized, go to japan, south korea, and NE China. cus thats who im talking about when i say asians.

yup, i looked it up.

lotte world, Seoul SK

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SK is a relatively tiny country

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such a crowded place, you kind of have to have manners, or chaos will break loose.

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>muslim country
What did they expect?

leave the poor asians alone, they arent the ones bombing the place and praying to some goatfucker in the middle of the street

>bootleg Cinderella castle


Attached: Lotte_World_Theme_Park.jpg (1024x768, 535K)

lol. i omitted this pic purposefully.

>ywn visit your girlfriend in SK and go to Lotteworld

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How does it feel knowing that every major asian country has a legit disneyland and korea will never have one because they couldn't keep it in their pants?

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Isn't it possible for them to clean the mess and use that trash to built better homes?

There are people out there constructing homes out of nothing.

who couldnt keep it in their pants, Chad and Kim Stacey ?

i say its #worth

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There's literally zero chance this guy made that up on his own.

Obviously the camera guy is the brains behind this.

>Wars have been started for smaller things.
the father himself said it, hate crime hoaxes don't work in non-anglo nations either

i hate that clickbait grass shit they edit into their thumbnails, comfy vids though

anyone have any updates on this? was she ok? bet they weren't prosecuted

based muzzie

>pol-shit on Jow Forums

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