
Won't be having a spliff right now because I don't smoke weed edition

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Don't forget about the clocks going forward this Sunday lads

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Realised it's only monday not tuesday so hate myself slightly less

Funny how none of you can actually debunk anything I say, it's always met with memes, strawmen and non arguments. Unfortunately you're all demoralised scum who can't accept facts even if they hit you in the face.

>tfw no scottish dork weeb britfeel friend to talk with

i miss the good old time lads orig

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Aw fuck I thought that was this Sunday just gone.

I may have a weak chin but at least i'm not this poor cunt eh

Fuck you apu you're always bearing bad news lately

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Nice avatar and enjoy the holiday it's on me.

Don't know if you are on about me. I said i will give it a watch later yet i am skeptical, i can't imagine the world is so centralized.

>even if they hit you in the face.
*unsheathes penis*

chinlets should be gassed tbf

>rickets girl is taking me out for dinner at a fancy restaurant tomorrow night

Kek what a retard.

Take your meds theres a good lad

I wouldn't be totally averse to that these days tbqh. Would prefer if you let me go in a more comfy way though

No chin is the dominant gene. In the future everyone will look like slug people.


Speak for yourself OP I cant wait to have a little joint

nothing to do with genes, plenty to do with not MEWING

h-he's just trying to help!!!!

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Honestly not arsed about all that bollocks as long as I can sit in my room and wank all day. Simple as.

I believe you based user

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Its not my fault I'm a chinlet. I already have to suffer being alone don't gas me on top of it

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if it all goes well you'll be leaving her weak at the knees wahey

>'so there's these jews that created socialiasm and want to push that everywhere'
>I thought jews love money and capitalism
>'yeah that too but they're all friends and it's all part of a big plan also Isreal controls America and hates white people'
>didnt America spend the last 70 years fighting socialism round the world? Also werent Israel one of the very few countries to support Apethtied South Africa?
>'rememeber Churchill? Saw him in a car with a jew once.'

sssh its ok little frog
no more pain, only dreams now


not forgot. got the weekend booked off work due to it. hahahahahahaha

Armored warrier bosss fight in Sekiro is the best boss fight From has done

>roadman behind me playing music on the bus
>open the window so all you can hear is wind and traffic sounds
Much better

>mum's a chinlet
>me and dad both have prominent chins
whew, thanks dad

Why don't you add me on discord ? its the same as usual 9756

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If it goes well she'll actually put out this time, it's her last chance and I'm only granting it because she's paying.
She literally makes me feel like she's not attracted to me, feels awful. Like I don't turn her on enough.

Wonder what it feels like to get shagged up the arse. any gay lads mind telling us?

Feels like trying to take a dump but it keeps pushing back in.

Anyone got sauce on these porn gif ads? some of them look very good

About to smoke my last twos after I have a wank

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Notice hes got no response to this the spakka

Take your pants off and I'll show you. x

Might do another unboxing for you lads. Not deep web stuff though its like a wrestling loot crate

Wtf the figs on about

we both know it's for you more than it is for us
normie show off

alri autism ashens, chill out lol

Its neediness like this that made me ghost ye lad

met some lads off here over the weekend, was a reyt laugh, if yas see this, cheers for the lines

This thread doesn't belong on Jow Forums. There is both Jow Forums and Jow Forums for you to have country specific threads.

Get rid of it.

Yeah you're probably right. Sorry

I've lost the ability to tell when I need a poo lads, I get the physical signs but I don't get the pre-poo "I need a poo" mental feeling you get when you need a poo.

>pigeon roastie turned weatherfu user into compost

*finishes pint and glasses you*
Cant stand forren basterds

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imagine seething over the fact a general can keep on trucking for years on end.

There is no place for Islam in based Modi's India

I know, it's really taking up space from all the valuable Discord, trap and women hate threads

Unironically incredibly based

>His country's prime minister has never been barred entry to the UK

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indian chicks can be really hot


Do your part and sign for the good of our nation's future!!!

Gonna watch JoJo part 5 while watching pasta

Why not eat the pasta you freak

poley likes his anime like his video games
30 fps and shit

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*takes off pants and poos on your willy

>just got fired
time to die

What an embarrassment, banning someone entry to the UK, then having to unban them when they got 171 million votes, more than any candidate has ever gotten in any election in the history of the world.

So many posts in this thread are deliberate bait begging for a (You). It's the Jow Forums equivalent of clickbait. Like 51629319, instead of just telling the story he wants someone to ask.
Well don't. I don't give a shit.

What did they fire you for lid?

4-4d c-chess...

>Poley chose estrogen pills off the internet, rather than be handed that on a plate

/britfeel/ is an addiction and is negatively impacting my life
takes me 3 times as long to get through my workout because I keep stopping to post

Wrestle crate wasnt that thrilling anyway lads. Signed art print of Edge, a t-shirt of a Scottish promotion I'll never seen and some other indie stuff. Thanks for reading my blog

Who are you even talking about?
this post makes no sense

it's shippy and his latest autistic obsession

crikey lad, you cant stop posting for an hour to have a little workout? Practice some self control

This, the amount of times I've burnt something in the oven because I was too busy chatting shit on britfeel is worrying

how many reps you done now?
it was a crate?, no offence but that would have been more interesting than the call of duty parcel the other day/could have been the other week, i'm not too good with muh memory

60fps is too fast for me, it looks unnatural

Was he the lad banging on about the Frankfurter school and all?

You just don't get gender dysphoria, do you?

>Market Jew street

What did Penzance mean by this?

i wonder if anyone's ever put a machine gun up someone's arse and fired it before. must have happened

Dont hate the bater hate the mongs who reply especially the who reply to me and the gf posts

onto goblet squats now, one set done

I pause between sets and need someting to do

Nah he wasn't me, but he basically is right though

I think 'box' is a better description. The parcel was a total mystery so that was the appeal even though it were wank

Happened in the Bataclan.

where the jews sell stuff, or somewhere you go to buy a jew?

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>poleys brain cant comprehend 60fps

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You are a virgin at 27, this unnatural state has affected your mind. A good shag would sort you right out

>but he basically is right though
How would you know?

What are your thoughts on the Jude out of interest? You've admittedly got it right on the pak.

I dont think you do have gender dysphoria tbqh lad, I think you created a persona for yourself because you are full of self loathing and this LARP is a symptom of your delusional attitude and heavy mental illness. Thats just me tho

Saw Maggie Thatcher in a car with a jew once


Rather fittingly we're all talking about the Jude and I stumbled across this I thought you'd find interesting. Starting to think Palestine are maybe treated similar just with rockets and missiles.

gender dysphoria is one of his mental illnesses

I always think of the UK town first.

Saints row 3 hasn't aged that well lads but the character creator can still give me a boner

>hes basically right
Ar I could tell he was a bit right wing, shame about the bollocks he was spouting though. Did you put him up to it Shippy lad? Like when you tricked Poley into thinking honourary white was a real thing

moni likes a youtuber called knowing better who infamously made a video saying people can't actually perceive true 60fps
very interesting

>virgin at 27
>used to speak about fancying his sister and was clearly attracted to that Polish bird
Poor lad just gave up being a straight bloke and thought hed have a stab at life as a woman didnt he?

Maybe I'm just not used to it but either way I don't have a problem with 30fps

I've hated my body since before puberty

Too much power and influence, need to be out into line
I suggest the same castration/slavery system for them as I do other non-white species

It's an idea, it might even be right but self loathing and gender dysphoria go hand in hand

He is honourary white, will never be an honourary woman though. He should just punch the Imam who Diddled him to restore his masculinity

>turn up with a camera shoved in people's faces trying to confront random jews about Palestine and act shock when they get pissed off
>call video 'jewish hatred for non-jews;