When was the last time you had sex?
And be honest, none of that boring meme lol I'm a 20y/o virgin bullshit. Nobody is a virgin at 20.
My last time was last night (Sunday night)
When was the last time you had sex?
And be honest, none of that boring meme lol I'm a 20y/o virgin bullshit. Nobody is a virgin at 20.
My last time was last night (Sunday night)
>Nobody is a virgin at 20
o-oh ok
Looks like I have 2 more years before I can pull the 20 year old virgin meme card, just to spite you.
I'm a virgin at 22. I really do honestly and truly wish it was a meme.
Got close when I was 16, but things didn't shake out right. Got close again at 17, things didn't shake out right then either. When I turned 21 I told myself I had until my next birthday to lose it or I'd kill myself, so I guess I'm just not great at keeping promises.
Also, that ass is fucking enormous, excellent taste.
Spring break
I don't even like the girl
My dear robots, do not have sex with women you are not in love with. It will destroy and corrupt your soul.
I'm a virgin at 21 and I was never close to losing it. I never even had a female friend.
I'm 5'6. There's no hope for me.
Around 11am this morning in the shower with my wife.
21 and virgin
Oh just lift:
FFMI of 21 ish. 10% bf
Oh lol well you're probably just unfit:
4 hours of intervals on bike a week.
Lol well just get hobbies:
I like cycling, camping, skiing, dancing, jiu-jitsu and programming.
Lol just get friends loser:
I have several close friends and spend lots of time with them
Well you probably live in your mum's basement:
Currently finishing up my masters in comp sci with AI and have a grad scheme afterwards
Lol well your fashion is shit:
Get told regularly I dress really well. Don't autistically overdo it either
Who hurt you:
Every girl I have shown interest in
Mates of mine who haven't achieved half of what I do and objectively have little going on put a profile up on swipe apps and get matches. I get like 1 or 2 chubby girls who ghost me
Point being:
If you are fucked in the face there is no escaping it
I never had sex and am not a virgin, that's right, men can't be virgins it's not a thing, if you call yourself a virgin you are feminizing and humiliating yourself
Valentine's Day, I'm 19. Lost it so a 41 year old woman, kinda regret it if I'm honest.
But made me realise that all women are just women. Stopped putting them on pedestals
There's no chance you have all that going for you and are a virgin. Stop trying to be an edge lord meme machine
Why not? I just crave the physical affection and if I can get that on my own without having to pay for it I'll at least believe that I'm not wholly disgusting and unworthy of love
I'm 21 and I haven't had sex in almost a year
I fucking hate you normalfaggots.
Get the fuck out of my board.
27 and have never even touched a female that wasn't blood-related other than handshakes
My life is pretty good other than that desu
saturday night. gf slept over. it was pretty good but i miss the trip we took last week when we both got to go bananas in the hotel room
Nearly two weeks ago and I was a khhv till 23
>I'll at least believe that I'm not wholly disgusting and unworthy of love
This is a poisonous line of thinking that will leave you alone, resentful and bitter
You'll only get to be young and pretty once
Just try and find someone to hump that will actually give a shit about you and that you can somewhat tolerate back
Thank you based user
It's not hard to succeed in life. Just do small things each day that take you closer towards your goal. Stop doing self destructive things that you do because you hate yourself, do things for other people but don't be a pushover, offer to volunteer for things. You will expand your competence alarmingly quickly and gain friends.
But if you are facially ugly you can't fix that and will get rejected
I lost my virginity this year at 23 man. My formative years were FUCKED by Jow Forums.
Nutted in my ex this weekend before she broke up with me
Maybe its because ive came inside a handful of girls now but sex seems so unimportant
Obviously if a woman threw herself at my feet id smash but going out of your way for it or spending money seems dumb to me now
Failed normie feel I guess
10 months since last time. I need a car before I download tinder/pof/bumble/tan tan
>I need a car before I download tinder
i know that feeling
bitches do not go for low-status men
>I lost my virginity this year at 23 man. My formative years were FUCKED by Jow Forums.
Same to the letter
lol you're a fucking virgin loser
Very based user over here
Also, OP is fucking baiting and you all keep falling for it
I thought we had been over this boys
Get the fuck out of here with your normie shit.
You ever think relationships might not be for you? Have you accepted you might not find someone? I am not asking these in a condescending way.
Found the leddit posting normalfaggot
Fuck, dude. I feel it. I've been going here since probably 6th Grade. I kept coming back because (get this) I actually thought it helped my communications skills.
28 year old khhv reporting in. My penis will never enter another person.
Aw mate. This board has turned into absolutely garbage, sexfags weren't supposed to be here at all baka
Went to a Prostitute 2 days ago in Japan so then. Before that it was 10 years ago.
22 year old khhv, but i haven't given up yet
Literally impossible. Noway you've not so much as held another's hand. Fuck outta here
27 y/o and never. It's ok, I guess.
I had sex with my wife on saturday night. I'm scared she's pregnant because i nutted in her. The good news is we are both white. The bad news is we are broke
Believe it, buddy.
You're a virgin too and your bait is low quality.
How far on your self improvement are you user?
Shit thread, who cares.
2 hours ago in the club bathroom
I didn't even want to have sex with her, but she had blow
>Nobody is a virgin at 20.
Then im a mistake
t. 26 khv
>Nobody is a virgin at 20
I would be a virgin at 26 but I fucked some hookers ... so I get at least a lil bit of sexual satisfaction
I am not a virgin but also not a real non-virgin... I guess
Girl was bleeding from vagina last time she was over (and not into that sort of thing) so I fucked her mouth. That was Sunday morning.
Last time we banged was the prior weekend... so... 3/16?
lt's storytime, user.
>be me
>around 11am
>this morning
>in the shower
>with my wife
Well, some more detail would be appreciated. C'mon user, I'm trying to fap here.
>on my 16th birthday
>11 years ago
>drop the soap
oWo wot's dis.webm
>feel her hard futacock pressed against my boipucci
>come immediately and start farting
Saturday night. Going this long without sex is like a fucking eternity
Goddammit. l just wanted to hear about that comfy married shower sex.
>"just talk to girls bro, put yourself out there!"
>literally every girl is on their phone or has a boyfriend and doesn't care about me
>"don't treat them like royalty, you'll come across as creepy!"
>stop talking to me because i come across as a piece of shit/don't care
>"just get a prostitute!"
>live in the middle of nowhere without a car with parents. there are no prostitutes.
i hate this game
That's better than the 30 bitches I've fucked In the last year. I'm just going keep on plowing till my dick falls off, fucking anything and everything in sight. But nothing can take away the pain of Missing out on young sex.
preach bro
looks are everything
>soap each other up
>grab her by the throat
>watch the sudden panic in her eyes fade as she passes out
>cock like diamonds
>continue to press her against the wall until she starts to go limp
>let her slide down the wall onto a lityle built-in shower bench thing
>throw down washcloth in front of bench as knee pad
>kneel and shove it in
>she's already sopping wet as a panic response
>loosen grip on her throat
>watch her regain consciousness and have a mind blowing orgasm
>continue fucking while she sobs and comes uncontrollably
>getting close
>stand up and come in her hair
>immediately direct the hot water on her so it denatures and coagulates
>fuck her mouth while she can't breathe properly due to the shower directed at her face
>continue until dick is flaccid
>slap her hands away from her crotch and pull her to her feet
>finish showering
ironic for you to call anyone a normalfaggot with that life of riley you've got there.
dead straight, anyone who's complaining when they have the luxury of even caring about girls needs to shut the fuck up.
>It's not hard to succeed in life
t. well adjusted silver spoon norman
wow, I literally never even thought of this. But it's totally right.
If you honestly think that it's impossible to be a virgin at 20, you probably shouldn't be on this board
Never. Haven't really ever talked with a girl either.
t. 24yo khv
last time i had sex was 7 years ago.
On Sunday. We had spent basically two entire weeks together, all day every day.
We went into the city and saw some people from my year, now living lives.
We got home, kind of drunk, with plans to get naked and sauna and fuck.
We fucked for quite a while. I completely forgot to be gentle with her, which I should have been, since I ruptured one of her ovarian cysts while banging her too deep and hard last week.
Anyways she begged me to use her, and I held her down and slapped and choked her and came deep in her pussy
>one of her ovarian cysts
Last june. I want to kill myself.
April 2015
But I went to the hookers last month
>my dick navigated itself past her cervix, into her uterus, past the fallopian tubes and into her ovaries - where it burst one of her cysts open.
>Nobody is a virgin at 20.
Thank you based OP. See you later, virgins!
Sex in the shower is retarded. Just washes away the lubrication. Trying to have sex in a jacuzzi was one of the dumbest things I ever did.
two black fridays ago and my ex just lied there and didn't do shit. I'm still bitter about it.
unironically lost my virginity two weeks ago at age 20 to a virgin girl
we're both schizos
Lost mine at 25 only a few weeks before my 26th.
Everyone does life at their own pace. I don't really have any regrets about it, i've been in a loving relationship with the same girl since.
She teases me about it when we're joking around and I tease her back that she couldn't make a virgin cum until our third session.
Last time for me was a few weeks ago. Last time I enjoyed it? It's been years..
Two ish weeks ago. Ex gf.
>nobody is a virgin at 20
what if im a 20 year old virgin femoid who can get none despite being a solid 7
wish i was lying
be my electrical gf
24 virgin.
my ancestors smile me, fag, can you say same?
Who told you you were a seven? How many cats do you have?
25 and haven't had sex in almost a month now lol, may as well just be a virgin again
so long as you do not pour water on me
a few guys have.
just one cat for now. i got some time still before i quadruple that number if this is what you are getting at
I'll give you some fuk if you're down
>nobody is a virgin at 20
I took my bf's virginity when he was 23-24. He's older than me and thought it would never happen. There's hope for you all I guess
Cats are typically a red flag.. all it takes is one. Jokes aside I am not going to ask you to be my e-gf so stop trying
Fuck you op, I'm gonna be 20 in less than 3 months. Don't pressure me into losing my virginity before then.
dinner first
god damn it, way to ruin the masterplan, cunt
Ten years ago, 31 I lost it from some girl from work. I had a few girls fool around with at hospital and rehab.
Sounds good to me what do ya want BBQ? Mexican sushi? Or I can head over to the store and try something home cooked.
>Has a cat
Lmao, any reasonable guy will never call you back, doubly so if you manage to bag a drunk Chad
i expected to be yelled at or cussed out or some shit, but now i'm at a loss of words. i don't require much, just do what's easiest and cheapest, yeah?
Lmao she wants Chad to bring her a wet sandwich more than you to spoil her with any decent food, your new egf has already cheated on you KEK
sounds like something a dog person would say.
how much peanut butter you got in store, cunt?
i need some context
post your physical and mental stats and i'll tell you why you're still a virgo woman
As it should be for a first date I suppose. Maybe pick up some food for a picnic supposed to be warm this week.
Dude chill out seriously.
I'll try my best but im clumsy and tend to get girls wet
i don't entirely know what you mean by mental stats, but i'm 5'4 and 109 lbs.
Stfu disgusting smelly cat girl, they give you the same brain worm that infects half the population of Brazil and makes them fucking retarded and unpredictable
as it should be
i wont judge harshly