My only hope of a sustainable NEET lifestyle

Is probably the lottery. It's why I bother going out regularly, twice per week, in order to buy one and pray. I've been doing this for one year and a half now. If it wasn't for this, I'd never leave home. As I don't even have a credit card that isn't restricted by banks, I have to go in the stores by myself with pocket change in order to acquire one. One little chance of being free. Everytime I go out of the house, it's full of anxiety and hope that I'll manage to financially secure my passive lifestyle by the time the drawing results are announced. However, when I'm outside, I try to stay there as long as I can bear it so that it gives the impression that I'm either at school or working at a part-time job.(it depends on what kind of lie I tell my family beforehand, I've gotten pretty good at this actually. They believe I'm at Uni.) I wander around in the streets, or just sit in a restaurant, library, bus, public WC and lurk here.
As you may already have figured by this point, I still didn't win and probably never will. I know full well that the odds are ridiculously low, and that I'm probably a degenerate gambling addict. But I honestly don't know of any other way to finally be able to retire outside of society and spending my time doing nothing productive. So, I've been slowly but steadily throwing my savings away hoping that I'd hit it rich on a whim of fate. To pass time meanwhile, I used to focus on something else like watching anime, jerking off or playing videogames until the drawing results. But around five months ago it wasn't enough stimulation anymore, so I developed I a new hobby which was basically shilling the lottery on Jow Forums. I loved acting as if I was paid for it. I would often fantasize about myself winning and flaunting my newfound wealth status to their pathetic faces, because they vehemently didn't believe me.

Picture in the OP is half-related. I've picked it because I figured that most people are from the US, when I'm actually from Europe.

Attached: Lottery and Jackpots.jpg (810x455, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You seem already aware that your story... probably won't end in a good way. I may sound like a shill, but why not considering finding at least a real part time job then getting into cryptocurrencies? From your point of view, going all in on a shitcoin with x2 to x10 potential may not sound that different from gambling, but you have way better odds than with the lottery. The probability of winning the jackpot is a percentage so small that most people's brains can't process even when they see it written. What are you going to do if you ever win the jackpot? Do you find you'll find something else outside of a way to sustain a NEET life?

In any case, good luck with your life user. I'll root for you as a fellow robot.

Attached: Hand.png (1402x1080, 450K)

stop what you're doing and save your money
learn to program
learn how to draw
suck dick if you must but don't give your money to the lottery jew it's not worth it at all

At times I play the lottery too, must be once every two months. Just to try my luck in a casual manner. On the other hand OP, you have a serious gambling problem and I'd unironically recommend you to see someone to address it, especially when you say you've been going at it for one year. Get your life back in track because nobody else is going to do it for you and certainly not lottery companies who thrive on exploiting desperate and poor people such as you. It's not called the idiot tax for nothing. If you browse Jow Forums you are better than that

I can't believe people actually buy lottery tickets. I've never even considered it, those odds are so bad you're literally throwing money away.

Throwing money away is a specialty of mine

>What are you going to do if you ever win the jackpot? Do you find you'll find something else outside of a way to sustain a NEET life?
I suppose you meant do you think*
And no, I don't believe so. I'm just seeking for a way to live effortlessly while avoiding to face responsibilities at the same time. But at least with the lottery I could manage to make my family financially safe as well and don't become a disappointment when they'll ultimately realize how much time I've wasted doing nothing but wandering aimlessly without a goal.
>then getting into cryptocurrencies?
I've considered it on several occasions actually. But I don't believe I'll be able to get enough money on the long term, also it gets really technical and difficult if you want to actually trade instead of gambling.
>learn to program
I'm unfortunately not very good at math, and I would lack the necessary dedication in the first place. What good would it bring?
>learn how to draw
Same. Doesn't help that I'm unable to draw since my earliest days and I didn't improve at all while growing up. Even trying to replicate simple geometric forms gave me trouble back then in primary school.
>suck dick
I did it at some point, sacrificing my sexual orientation and dignity because I really needed the money to keep appearances for a prolonged period of time, but I got disgusted with it eventually. I was also scared of getting a disease so I don't do it anymore.
Why should I care about this e-celeb
>you have a serious gambling problem
This is true, but what else can I do?
>It's not called the idiot tax for nothing. If you browse Jow Forums you are better than that
I wasn't born that bright in the first place anyways.
It makes me feel a little better sometimes even when I lose considering I still contribute in one way or another to my country's economy.

Thanks for the replies, in any case. I know I'm a lazy piece of shit but it's nice to talk once in a while.

Attached: Kaijiiiiiiiii.jpg (864x480, 51K)

>Why should I care about this e-celeb
Because he's right. Everything he brings up is completely correct and valid regardless of your opinion on him.

you're literally elliot rodger-tier stupid right now

I didn't know he was a lottery freak as well. Was that one of the main factors pushing him over the edge?

yes the little bitch boy meditated and prayed that he would win the lottery and freaked out when he didn't

He became obsessed with it for a short time, after seeing the huge jackpots and thinking that it was his "destiny" to win. He saw the hundreds of millions of dollars as potential prizes and thought he deserved to win, so he put a few hundred dollars on it like 2 or 3 times. He only played the lotteries with the worst odds because they had the highest prizes.

I'm a little scared because I used to have the same thought process regarding destiny.

Attached: HAHAHAHAHAHA.png (1057x1262, 1.7M)

Kill yourself OP and give me your money beforehand. I'll need it more than you do nigger

didn't read because your text is too long and indigestible

Lottery isn't sustainable though.

You're better off going to a casino than playing the lottery. And it's way more fun. And everyone there is degenerate just like you so no judging from normies

Hasn't a math professor won the lottery multiple times? Find him and see if you can exchange your story for his secrets.

Research Bitcoin.

Then buy Bitcoin.

(Your eyes passing over this post marks a very important moment in your life. If you don't act on this advice, you will bitterly regret it in two or three years. Sincerely, someone who knew about Bitcoin in 2011 and didn't buy. Visit Jow Forums if you have questions.)

Attached: Bitcoin.png (530x526, 161K)

Bitcoin mooned because everyone already knows what it is. Will never happen again dummy. If anything he could make baby gains on shitcoins but that requires a modicum of intelligence that a lottery player definitely would not have

>Will never happen again dummy.
>he doesn't know about the halvening

Attached: golden_bull_thinking.png (823x527, 223K)

Outdated and no use cases.

OP you must know what's the real project being shilled on Jow Forums but unironically for good reason if you go there often. I don't have to name [redacted] for you to understand, right? Drop the lottery and believe in McDonald's instead.

This is why I will never invest in crypto. The stock market is bad enough, imagine staking your entire future on some faggot who heard from some faggot that this coin, created from thin air by some faggot, will be worth a lot to a bunch more faggots in an indefinite period of time - trust me, this other faggot told me that another faggot got really rich!

Future suicides.

Screencap my posts, and always remember that an user who cared about his fellow robots tried to help.

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>I'm just seeking for a way to live effortlessly while avoiding to face responsibilities at the same time.

Let me make things easier for you.

What you want can't be found because it doesn't fucking exist. You're not going to win the lottery, there are literally millions of people who had the same idea as you, they can't all win. If you want a stable source of income there's only one thing you can do:





You do know that hopping on, hoping for a short-term increase, and then hopping off is what makes crypto a worthless investment, right? I live in Silicon Valley, and met people who got rich mining bitcoin and people who got rich pump and dumping shitcoin, but what they all have in common is no reason other than pure speculation to ever invest in any of it.

My NEETbux come from cheap rental properties. All you need to do is work enough to get one and it'll start the ball rolling