ITT: anons judge you based on your filters

ITT: anons judge you based on your filters

Attached: 1546526741821.jpg (750x717, 57K)

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i'll start


>ITT: anons judge you based on your filters
I have no filters

Came here to post this. Maybe use tumblr instead if you want a website to make into your personal safespace.

None because I'm not a pussy who can't just simply ignore content he doesn't wish to see or engage with

>ITT: OP tries to find out what anons' filters are so he can find a way to bypass them and shill more effectively

botch job, enjoy.

Attached: hello friend.jpg (483x640, 39K)

enjoy half your catalog being
>tfw no gf

Why are you here? This has always been the lonely virgin board. Go somewhere else.

i'm here for real feels not relating to wanting a human chore

So you're a redditor who only came over here after the incel sub got shut down? Cool, thanks for clearing that up. Now die.

>human chore

beautiful. name another statement more exact.

Attached: wop.jpg (850x349, 67K)

none so I can call fags faggots and bully incels

check out this super tard.

Attached: yup.jpg (450x436, 41K)

>human chore
More like chuman whore. Amiright fellas?

Attached: 30 Year Old Boomer (Classic).jpg (235x215, 8K)

Huh? What? You went to the shoe store?

Attached: 20190325_235602.png (445x532, 88K)


sip yourself to the gravestone.

Attached: so terrible.jpg (750x1238, 207K)

Basado anons

Guess you faggots like seeing sissy threads fill up your catalog

>not being able to just ignore threads you don't want to participate in
wow, get a load of these gigafaggots.

If I go on Jow Forums why would I want to scroll through countless threads that don't interest me just to find something I like?

because that's part of the whole experience. i've been here long before the filters were implimented, and i used to be a /b/tard so i guess it's just what i got conditioned to be used to.

Rate me incels

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That's a shit experience though, why would I go through that if I don't have to?


sifting through shit makes finding gold seem more valuable. i won't be able to convince you with my arguements, do as you will. but you're still a faggot.

No I think you're just a faggot that likes finding excuses to waste half his day on Jow Forums. Have fun sifting through fag threads to find your gold greentext so you can post it on reddit

#NoFilter UwU

ew, gross. and no, i work 10 hours a day.