I'm a little toddler. I like to color in my coloring books and play with my toys. I'm still learning how to count...

I'm a little toddler. I like to color in my coloring books and play with my toys. I'm still learning how to count. It's pretty hard. I know most of my letters though, even if I can't spell my own name.

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Hey man can you kill yourself?

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Cool now take your dose of cummies

i am a bebi!

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doremiposter drew this

That's a really cool picture! I don't know how you did it so good. I'm still trying to stay in the lines.

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jevin dubs!
i lub doremi poster. nice OC!

i do not know how to draw in lines..
i am a bebi!
i did not draw but your drawing is bury good!!!

Attached: hellomydarling.jpg (600x800, 51K)

hehe. I din draw this. These are just cute pictures I found. Mommy usually helps me find them but mommy is asleep right now.

What did you do today? I played with blocks and my stuffy! Oh and mommy got me a new blankie yesterday! It's pink with butterflies! Mommy said I earned it after being so good yesterday.

Attached: Kanna_Anime.png (503x516, 566K)

Wew dubs!
umm.. today i drank formula but you got new blank! i am jealous bebi! mommykins log me on to Jow Forums using Jow Forums pass an i hab fun wid fren on Jow Forums! ids brety fun but i want earn new blank so i try to help fren on Jow Forums to earn new blank!

Attached: imrpovelifeanhabfunanbenice.jpg (680x680, 112K)

I'm stil tryna earn a big stuffy. Mommy said that if I make it to the big girl potty 5 times she said she'd get me a stuffy even bigger than me! Is really hard tho... I still can't make it yet.

Bleh I hate formula. I always eat applesauce and drink milk from my sippy. Big kid stuff is hard.

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>she'd get me a stuffy even bigger than me!
you can get there i belieb in you!

Attached: bigstuffytime.gif (1000x1000, 443K)

hehe. Thanks fren. You're really nice. Not many people are nice to me.

I'm hungwy. I wish mommy was awake to give me baba..

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Don't worry, I've gotcha covered!

Attached: baba.jpg (850x999, 165K)

Mommy said not to take things from strangers... she said only she's allowed to give me baba...

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thank! nice pill is most important pill.
i like being nice to you ids fun!
try not to cry your mommy needs sleep to work hard next day
do your best!

Attached: onlyfren.gif (720x410, 152K)

So, you'd be okay with starving if mommy never woke up? I'm just trying to help, but fine. Be that way!

I'm not gunna cry. I'm a brave little girl! When she wakes up I get to get a baf. I really need one too. I'm yucky rn.

I dun wanna starve!!! I am awful hungwy tho... I jus dun wanna get in trouble...

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why are you posting on this god forsaken shithole

i'm genuinely curious as to why you are posting here

I was sad and lonely and mommy is asleep right now. I got scared of the dark and my night light stopped working so I got into mommy's laptop. She says I'm not allowed on but... I got scared...

Attached: kamui-kanna-cute-kobayashi-san-chi-no-maid-dragon-horns-purple-hair-23151-resized.jpg (650x366, 34K)

do you want some music fren?

because i am a bebi an ids fun to hab fun wid fren on Jow Forums!

Attached: mommykins.png (1400x1600, 375K)

I'd like some music yupyup. Can I hold on to my stuffy while I listen? She helps me feel less alone... But mommy said I can't go in the toy chest without her saying so...

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dubs! i am spooked now!

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was dubs? Is it a ghost?

Attached: kamui-kanna-kobayashi-san-chi-no-maid-dragon-loli-horns-cute-anime-14998.jpg (1920x1080, 319K)

Imagine being a grown ass man and posting this

How do you even get into such position

here's a song by the man, the myth, the legend himself. Fats Domino.

no! laptop get haunt wen lights are dark! spooky!

Attached: spookedbuteberytingwillbealright.jpg (225x225, 12K)

It's 5AM and I'm laughing my ass off.

I kinda like it I guess. The trumpet makes my head feel achey.

Laptop not haunted! It's mommy's. It can't be... I want stuffy...

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nice dubs!
you make whole post but leab some numbers uncheck?! imagine!

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Hi, I'm kidnapping you!!

Noooo! No no! I dun wanna go! I still need a baf because I'm all yuck...

Why is everyone here so mean... I just wanna be frens.

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here's a less achey song

hehe. Thank you. Dat is a nice song.

Oh oh! Mommy's awake! Mommy's awake!

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It's so you can come over to my house to be my friend

I gotta take a baf first. Mommy is gonna change me and feed me and then i can come over!

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Hi we can take one together and play with my water toys

I dun like takin bafs with people there aren't mommy... it don't like others seenin me without clothes.

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Your mother has been posting explicit images of you online. You need to get out of that household NOW!

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Thas not me silly! That's a girl from this TV show I Really like. I can't remember what it's called tho...

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Mommy just gave me a baf and clean training pants. She combed my hair too!

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