I'm a little toddler. I like to color in my coloring books and play with my toys. I'm still learning how to count. It's pretty hard. I know most of my letters though, even if I can't spell my own name.
I'm a little toddler. I like to color in my coloring books and play with my toys. I'm still learning how to count...
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Hey man can you kill yourself?
Cool now take your dose of cummies
i am a bebi!
doremiposter drew this
That's a really cool picture! I don't know how you did it so good. I'm still trying to stay in the lines.
jevin dubs!
i lub doremi poster. nice OC!
i do not know how to draw in lines..
i am a bebi!
i did not draw but your drawing is bury good!!!
hehe. I din draw this. These are just cute pictures I found. Mommy usually helps me find them but mommy is asleep right now.
What did you do today? I played with blocks and my stuffy! Oh and mommy got me a new blankie yesterday! It's pink with butterflies! Mommy said I earned it after being so good yesterday.
Wew dubs!
umm.. today i drank formula but you got new blank! i am jealous bebi! mommykins log me on to Jow Forums using Jow Forums pass an i hab fun wid fren on Jow Forums! ids brety fun but i want earn new blank so i try to help fren on Jow Forums to earn new blank!
I'm stil tryna earn a big stuffy. Mommy said that if I make it to the big girl potty 5 times she said she'd get me a stuffy even bigger than me! Is really hard tho... I still can't make it yet.
Bleh I hate formula. I always eat applesauce and drink milk from my sippy. Big kid stuff is hard.
>she'd get me a stuffy even bigger than me!
you can get there i belieb in you!
hehe. Thanks fren. You're really nice. Not many people are nice to me.
I'm hungwy. I wish mommy was awake to give me baba..
Don't worry, I've gotcha covered!
Mommy said not to take things from strangers... she said only she's allowed to give me baba...
thank! nice pill is most important pill.
i like being nice to you ids fun!
try not to cry your mommy needs sleep to work hard next day
do your best!
So, you'd be okay with starving if mommy never woke up? I'm just trying to help, but fine. Be that way!
I'm not gunna cry. I'm a brave little girl! When she wakes up I get to get a baf. I really need one too. I'm yucky rn.
I dun wanna starve!!! I am awful hungwy tho... I jus dun wanna get in trouble...
why are you posting on this god forsaken shithole
i'm genuinely curious as to why you are posting here
I was sad and lonely and mommy is asleep right now. I got scared of the dark and my night light stopped working so I got into mommy's laptop. She says I'm not allowed on but... I got scared...
do you want some music fren?
because i am a bebi an ids fun to hab fun wid fren on Jow Forums!
I'd like some music yupyup. Can I hold on to my stuffy while I listen? She helps me feel less alone... But mommy said I can't go in the toy chest without her saying so...
dubs! i am spooked now!
was dubs? Is it a ghost?
Imagine being a grown ass man and posting this
How do you even get into such position
here's a song by the man, the myth, the legend himself. Fats Domino.
no! laptop get haunt wen lights are dark! spooky!
It's 5AM and I'm laughing my ass off.
I kinda like it I guess. The trumpet makes my head feel achey.
Laptop not haunted! It's mommy's. It can't be... I want stuffy...
nice dubs!
you make whole post but leab some numbers uncheck?! imagine!
Hi, I'm kidnapping you!!
Noooo! No no! I dun wanna go! I still need a baf because I'm all yuck...
Why is everyone here so mean... I just wanna be frens.
here's a less achey song
hehe. Thank you. Dat is a nice song.
Oh oh! Mommy's awake! Mommy's awake!
It's so you can come over to my house to be my friend
I gotta take a baf first. Mommy is gonna change me and feed me and then i can come over!
Hi we can take one together and play with my water toys
I dun like takin bafs with people there aren't mommy... it don't like others seenin me without clothes.
Your mother has been posting explicit images of you online. You need to get out of that household NOW!
Thas not me silly! That's a girl from this TV show I Really like. I can't remember what it's called tho...
Mommy just gave me a baf and clean training pants. She combed my hair too!