When did you give up and accept your fate as a permavirgin?

When did you give up and accept your fate as a permavirgin?

For me, it was 2007. I had just turned 19 years old and made a god honest attempt to clean myself up and get laid. I lost 65 pounds and got in to a normal BMI the only time in my adult life. I started dressing like a normal person. Got in to shape with running. Got a nice haircut, a job, and actively put myself out there. Always making passes at bitches on MySpace (2007, remember?). I did this for almost exactly two years.

But it wasn't enough.

I was still ugly. Still short. Still awkward. Girls still treated me like dog shit.

I was the most attractive I had ever been in my entire life, and it just wasn't good enough. My best isn't good enough. It still haunts me to know that. and shortly after my 21st birthday in 2009, I turned to alcohol and haven't looked back.

I accepted my fate and just gave up. Whether I'm the 31 year old grayheaded 250-pound alcoholic neckbeard wearing piss-scented Hawaiian shirts and sweatpants, or a young 19 year old athletic 145-pound actually trying his best, women treat me exactly the same: like a subhuman.

But at least I tried, and I feel a bittersweetness knowing that I gave it a legitimate godhonest shot. I just had to find out if there was someone in me that was capable of being a normal human being with a sex life. There's not, but I just had to make sure.

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about 13-14 so 6-7 years
then I tried again at 21 and now I've accepted it again

At 19 you don't know shit. You shouldn't choose to be a permavirgin at that age.

>implying I have a say in the matter

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when you are old enough to have graduated uni is when you can say for certain if you are doomed to be forever alone
if you are untouched and unloved at 22 you are fuckiing doomed

If it helps I went through thousands upon thousands of swipes on tinder, hundreds of matches, shitloads of conversations and only got laid by one girl (1 month relationship).

Oh and this was over the course of 2 years and she ended up being a mental case anyway.

Gave up at about 29, gave up a lot of other things as a result, because if i'm not trying to bait a girl then why am I doing many other things as part of a daily routine. Now and then you get delusions of trying again but I have a rubber band like device for such occasions, I won't let my desire to relationship throw me off my otherwise steady emotional state, not worth it.

If I can't have sex with a 2D girl there's no point to companionship or sex.

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>if i'm not trying to bait a girl then why am I doing many other things as part of a daily routine

This x1000. When I accepted my fate, it was just a burden off my shoulders because I didn't have to bust my ass keeping myself groomed and in shape anymore. Daily showers, shaving every day, going to the barber regularly, skin care, running five miles a day, following a strict diet, meticulously choosing outfits, yada yada yada. If it doesn't make any difference if I give 200% or 0%, why bother?

You chose at 19 to give up on life and never talk to a girl again. You literally chose this life.

Around 2008-2009, but I wasn't really a virgin then and I met my wife the very next year, so it's safe to conclude that my conviction I was dying alone was not based in reality. I urge you to fact-check your brain as well, OP.

Just go to a prostitute dude.

You can find ones that provide a girlfriend experience for the duration of the experience if you want (the illusion of) some sort of emotional connection.

Fucking retards thinking if you are a virgin at 19 or 22 your life is over. And these stats are old, people lose their virginities later these days.

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>women 0% virgin by age 26-27
this ain't true. maybe 0% virgin women age 20-21 lmao

Well post a source for that if you think NSFG is not reliable.

I've had a lot of sex but then again I live in London and you meet a lot of loonies here

>80% are virgins at 15
Did they interview single-sex schools for that statistic

>it wasn't your looks that were the problem

What should it be then? Got another source?

OP here. That was one of the most crushing realizations because you can't diet away being autismo. I mean, I was ugly as shit too and that definitely worked against me, but fuck.

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>uses "god honest"
>uses it twice
haha no
you're still full of doubt because you know you could've done more, but built the entire structure on your appearance
>w-well i'm awkward can't change that, that's who i am
you're a weak, selfish, stupid and lazy piece of shit with no character
>muh fate, muh short
if your chin wasn't located in your neck, your face wasn't full of pimples and had teeth that resembled a human's, then you got literally no excuse

I actually found people started treating me worse when I started putting effort into my appearance

You were not just being yourself and this confuses the normalfag and makes them lash out

OP here, and same. There's something pathetic about an ugly person trying to look good, and people picked up on that from me. Also in a tremendous act of autism, I didn't actually KNOW I was ugly for a long time so I exuded massive confidence and holy fuck, women were overtly rude to me and called me ugly all the time when I would dare to talk to them. When I finally figured out that I'm subhuman, that's what brought on me the aforementioned dropping all that weight and taking care of myself.

So you were socially incompetent, you lost a lot of weight, and you continued to be socially incompetent?

Pretty much. Like I said in an earlier post, I can't diet away autism, and realizing that my problems ran deeper than my appearance was a blow.

i lost my v card 3 weeks ago to a hot 18yo lol godspeed

>can't diet away autism
literally what zyzz did
he full on admitted that he was a total mongoloid who couldn't talk to girls at all so he got shredded so he didn't have to know how to

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Not a virgin (it's overated, btw) but I stopped giving a shit years ago desu, and it's liberating to say the least.

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actually planning on going to Nevada because they got those legal hookers, but I don't wanna aim too high because in 2019, female self-entitlement is so rampant that literal prostitutes can and will refuse you if you're too ugly.

>if you are untouched and unloved at 22 you are fuckiing doomed
>tfw 22 and kv

h-heh heh I don't believe you

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