
Hey Jow Forums, I just wanted to ask, am I at least an OK trap?

Attached: IMG_0072 (1).jpg (680x1216, 676K)

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No, you don't pass as a trap. You look like a Jewish ogre.

Hide your face

Nope. Sorry dude, you don't pass and your legs are masculine.

Look at your photo and try to get a grip on yourself. Don't ever do this again

lol, thanks for honesty

Pick one, all trannies belong in an acid bath.

Im not gay and trans or whatever the fuck they're calling it these days. I'm just cosplaying and I want to know if I look like garbage

Get the fuck out of here you cunt, you posted this on /b/ too and got the same response.

my girlfriend and I have been laughing at your picture for the last 10 minutes.

get a longer wig and do makeup

cute outfit though

Trying to reach the widest audience. btw posted at same time

No you literally look like a dude in girls clothes.

I find shemales attractive but this is godawful. You have a long way to go before a guy considers it. Check out some of the trans streamers on youtube if you want inspiration to see what I mean

Camwhoring is not welcome on Jow Forums. Go on grindr, you'll find boys who
will call you pretty and accept you as you are.

lol, well at least I have done something positive

>Do not post pictures of your hideous self on Jow Forums.

You look like that fucker from frozen in a skirt

>that legs and face

Attached: 1540762075199.jpg (777x932, 58K)

again, not gay lol. just trying to see if I look really bad in this cosplay

what is your instagram i want to follow you
you are very beautiful and i want you to continue

Based and redpilled.

Trannies gtfo my board.

I want you to post a timestamp, otherwise GTFO.

>face hidden
>cheap clothes
>no hips
>manly knees & legs
I'm afraid not, but I could help you become one.

timestamp? what do you mean?

>he actually went out of his way to get those clothes
>he probably spent money on them

OP is a fake until he does a time stamp

take a piece of paper and write "r9k i love you guys 3/26/2019" with a whole body shot otherwise you're fake

For one person I don't think it's worth anyway I took off the cosplay like 20 minutes ago and it's to much of a pain for only one person. I'm getting the feedback I want anyway. and it's not like I look good so I don't see what I would get out of posting a cancer image of a stranger would get

take a picture in time stamp, it doesn't have to be in cosplay

but I would look way different out of cosplay, is there much point

post the time stamp in that room. otherwise you're clearly fake.

Holy fuck op just saw the pic and laughed, thanks for making my day better. You're like a 0/10.
Too tall, extremely poor hip to waist ratio, shoulders appear to be broad. Calves are too muscular and thick and knee caps are scuffed.
And the wig and face is another problem on its own.

Attached: 1535306875590.jpg (457x495, 126K)

timestamp is done

Attached: IMG_0081.jpg (3264x2448, 1.09M)

The legs and face are a dead giveaway that you're a dude.

Attached: 34aa9efa81b7d3a9e1e0a018998c2cc48bd47fd6_00.jpg (287x430, 48K)

thanks guy, appreciate the honesty

who are you cosplaying?

OP, you are very cute. I want more pictures of you. You are such a beautiful darling.

Do you have any places where you upload your cosplay? I want to see more!

Ai Mizuno

All right, Sir. Everything seems to be in order. Y'all post safely now.

I don't really exist online, this is the first time i've even taken a photo of myself, let alone posted anywhere, LET ALONE R9K

So what do you want out of this? You already knew how you look.

You should go to and ask for advice on how to look even cuter. They are the experts, and people on Jow Forums cannot help you.

Trap? More like a huge warning sign.

I just wanted opinion if the cosplay looked alright as I have no idea of what looks good or not

is that way boy

thanks, I didn't really know that existed

you should make a thread there, they love people who ask for advice.

I sincerely hope that's not sarcasm

This is why the Caucasian race will not survive.

It's not sarcasm. They can be a little rough, but they support people who have potential like you. Just go in and ask for help. They will help make you as cute as possible. They are the experts.

What's is the difference between posting on /b/ & Jow Forums and cgl? They're just clicks away from each other.

So I can take credit for its downfall?


Dude, your messages sound like those from a creppy middle aged man wanting to fuck kids

Well I suppose you should expect comments like that when you post something like this

I just find the OP to be so beautiful. It's hard to contain myself when I look upon his eyes.

If that's the same person I'm surprised you're still lurking here

I just want OP to post more pictures of himself. I want to see his beautiful face more.

The answer has already been established, now go away, you lamebaiting faggot.

As much as I appreciate the "interest" I really don't know how to respond to you

No, he should stay and post even more pictures of himself. He has such a magnificent figure.

I just want you to post more pictures. Why do you have no love for yourself?

Yes you can. With Caucasian declining birthrates already you (to be fair you have plenty of company) force Caucasian women to search for partners elsewhere and their offspring are no longer Caucasian. The Caucasian race will disappear.

Thanks for the response friend. I probably wouldn't have kids anyway. I haven't had a girlfriend for like 3 years

more pics dude

Mainly because I find it hard to talk to others

It's okay. It's normal to be shy at first. But with your looks, you will transform into a beautiful butterfly soon. You should post more pictures to overcome your anxiety.

Yeah no you look way masculine

Ok, I'll take one more picture, but I've got to get back into cosplay . Just after that. chill

thanks, its not for lewd or something, i just want see better.
maybe you are cute,maybe not,idk
ps 4-5 pics

yeah the angle and lightening can make all the difference

yep boy, you understood it

Attached: 1549062751485.jpg (532x604, 32K)

>Unironically browsing /b/

Attached: 1551548464013.png (258x544, 105K)

That's it, no more pictures.

Attached: IMG_0109.jpg (1280x960, 291K)

neat it's upside down, well fuck it

actually, you're pretty dang cute. Not the most effeminate but plenty enough to be sexable. I'd say 8.5/10

well,if you are a good lady-boy for lewd sex, you can enjoy it.

You look masculine enough to get a gf so don't try to be the gf .

Lol again, not gay. I'm just cosplaying and asking if it looks trash or not. Plus on a side note if you couldn't tell by how idiotic I look. I have trouble talking to people so a relationship is not plausible

Try a different wig.

Gotcha, thanks for the advise