Imagine being Wage cuck who has to clean stuff like this daily for monetary compensation of 1100euros a month?

Imagine being Wage cuck who has to clean stuff like this daily for monetary compensation of 1100euros a month?

Be thankful NEETs' and protect your NEET rights!
Imagine how much our ancestor fought oppression from tyrans to save us from WageSlavery, don't let yourself do this again!

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This guy has the worst fucking aim.

if you aren't completely retarded you'll get better jobs than this even without experience

What's that in freedom?

lol this is exactly why we need illegal immigration. we poor and desperate fucks to clean shit like this

about $1250. Imagine making only $1250 a month holy shit lol

I purposely go to fast food bathrooms and shit on the floors and pee on the toilet paper

I kiss the tip, gently

I make over 12k a month after taxes lol, clean my shit you poor faggot

Tfw making $320 a month in huehuemoney.

God, literally and unironically kill me.

And you're still on here loser, lmao what are you even bragging about?

what is your job? doctor?

>wanting people who can't even flush toilet paper in the toilet, preferring to toss it in a basket or on the floor; if they even use a toilet in the first place

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That's actually over the median wage for people where I live. USA btw. Average person earns about $13,500/yr here.

I could persue a job making 50k-80k a year but it'd be too much work. Much happier working my comfy work from home do nothing job making 12k a year.

They don't flush because you can't put paper down a squat toilet. A simple sign saying that you can flush paper in a regular toilet would solve that issue.

>mfw 2000 euros/month from union neetbux

I would not even get up from bed for 1100 euros.

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12k a year user here. jokes on you I actually enjoy my job... Sure it's not a lot of money but that never bothered me. Imagine only working for money, that's a yikes from me.

Cock expert

Here is the thing, comfy jobs like that don't really exist here. Agricultural is the big thing here and most of the people here make less than minimum wage. It's strange living in this dystopian shithole but I wouldn't have it any other way.

>this is exactly why we need illegal immigration
fuck off. plenty of people would clean that shit for the right price

Okay so nobody works. Nobody does anything. No more factories, no more farms, no more call centers for questions about phone bills, etc. So what then? What do everyone do, NEETs? How would society function if everyone was bums?

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>nobody works
this wouldn't happen ever

i am a NEET but if someone paid me enough i would work. there's just too many people competing for too few jobs. i have 5 year work experience and a college degree but i can't get a job for shit

i also hate employment, it makes me miserable. NEET life is just superior. no reason to be a wagie if you're never gonna get a gf (bald, short, ugly, etc)

Can you show us the way senpai?

A NEET probably did that

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>Be thankful NEETs' and protect your NEET rights!
>Imagine how much our ancestor fought oppression from tyrans to save us from WageSlavery, don't let yourself do this again!
more important than the first and second amendment, to me
I'd rather be a serf in medieval europe than a wagecuck in the modern world
imagine being a literal slave, lol

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based neets brappin on the wagies desu

i do janitorial part time for a small company and I make 18.50 an hour. its a pretty sweet gig and I never see stuff like this

Only people who work these kinds of jobs are the losers who couldn't scam for NEETbux.

I live on $950 a month. Anything above $20k a year is rich to me