They actually did it. They actually fucking made a board about Reddit. No dog whistles, no allusions...

They actually did it. They actually fucking made a board about Reddit. No dog whistles, no allusions, just pure straight Reddit pleb shit. Every fucking line is a meme. EVERY SINGLE ONE. There isn't one joke or quote in this threads that wouldn't get you at least 50 upvotes. If you plan on voting for Bernie Sanders this board is for you. If you own a fedora this board is for you. If you like taking turns with your girlfriend getting rammed in the ass by imported black cock this board is for you. If you're a normal fucking person who votes Republican and enjoys boards about niggers, jews, and dank frogs this piece of shit board is not for you and given the fact that there are no boards like that anymore because mods and posters can't get enough meme stickies shit you're better off just finding another board or killing yourself.
Fuck Reddit, fuck memes, and fuck whoever likes this board.

Attached: 1499800936176.jpg (450x675, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

don't insult reddit like that

what the fuck is that monkey doing

preparing your dinner

He's sitting on a log.

>that pic
step your game up faggot

Attached: cactus.jpg (293x425, 19K)

>be me
>be on stupid text based browser game
>have friend send me that picture as just a url
>copied url like a pleb
>laugh heavily at pic
>someone on game asks for a link to a user guild for the game
>accidentally send that pic
>Kid never posts again.

Attached: 1515307982930.jpg (282x466, 25K)

she is Iberian

What are you on about, Zak?
This board is usually posting Pepe's all day, to counter the anime faggotry.
There is not a bunch of leftardation here. What this board has a lot of is the gay.

Attached: post.gif (360x240, 1.99M)

Don't invite that guy. Avoid the "L" word, please.

Ebin meme war xd

I'm just going to leave this here.

Attached: Monty Python foot.png (442x397, 205K)


> the sprouts

Attached: 1523971275912.gif (400x533, 1.24M)

p-pu-please stop mankee.

Attached: c09.gif (200x200, 108K)

What are you talking about what's wrong with log?

What the hell you babbling about?

You must be new and don't know about the Andy Sixx poster that asks you if you would eat a log of his shit.

Attached: login.png (528x550, 21K)

I know who that fag is. I had to make tons of filters for him. The OP sounded like he was complaining this board is reddit or something.

holy fuck newfren at least try to be subtle about it

Attached: 1516921642167.jpg (600x400, 38K)

Sorry, wrong poster.

But he really only targets the word log in OP posts. He doesn't catch it in the thread posts.


Thank you, user. I feel safer now.

Attached: Log from Blammo.jpg (432x333, 22K)


Attached: shit.jpg (600x646, 51K)

See. This is just an Irish user being a cunt. The real one is pretty much a bot.

Yeah, I'm never going to post it again. It just felt wrong.