Cost of living is the biggest issue

Cost of living is too high
>den move dur hur
I shouldn't have to. People shouldn't be able to make a tiny home cost 500k.

You fix the cost of living, and it fixes basically EVERYTHING.

That high debt from school? Well you paid off a house already, so it's extremely manageable.

Oh, you got laid off/fired? Well your home is paid off so the most you have to worry about is food (and you can have a mini garden so somewhat sustain you).

Fixing the cost of living = financial security because obtainable for basically 100% of people.

It gives less power to employers as well so you are no longer surviving on their mercy.

Cheaper homes turns into more buying power. More disposable income which results in more spending which means demand will rise so more jobs too.

Employers pay shit... but... if you fix the cost of living and make everything dirt cheap, it would be like everyone got a pseudo raise in their wages.

No longer will 78% of fulltime workers live paycheck to paycheck. No longer will 50% of renters spend over 30% of their income on rent and of those, half spend over 50% of their income on rent. No longer will 45% of homeless people that have worked in the past 30 days remain homeless.

The only REAL expense you would have to worry about would be food. That's it. That's how it SHOULD be.

Fix the cost of living and lower regulations for what a "minimum home" needs and you fix America. Simple.

fuck off. Most people don't benefit from real estate.

>b-but it's not that simple!
Yes it is. People just LOVE over complicating simple solutions when it goes against their agendas.

I've seen condominiums for 10k and actual homes (not mobile homes. I mean ACTUAL homes) for under 100k.

Don't feed me that bullshit that it isn't "doable".

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's supply and demand, retard. Either figure out how to post here or get back to plebbit. sage

>Don't feed me that bullshit that it isn't "doable".

Well, that's not what we mean though; how did the housing get unaffordable in the first place? Partly boomers actively pushing against more affordable housing because their home equity is their main investment, sure. But also, homes are more complicated to build than they've ever been, and there's a ton of regulation that didn't used to be there. It used to be much easier to get into housebuilding, now it isn't. It's not like a lean-to isn't just as easy to actually make as its always been, it's the machinery around it.

But why is that? Why all the regulations? Partially new technology, but mainly just businessmen, constructors and homeowners all wanting more security, guarantees and certificates in their homes. More middle-men and paper slips getting mandated by law to prevent this, that or the other. Which is a fundamental problem of trading freedom; which necessarily includes the freedom to get fucked over; for safety.

Well, why did people do that though? Because they weren't raised as rugged individualists and saw nothing morally wrong with relying on the federal government for more than the bare minimum, so they caved. Why? Because of the culture of experts they were raised in which oriented them towards authority. But where did they come from? Etc etc.

The point I'm trying to make is that housing is the way it is because of everything else. The system is dense, there's a lot of moving parts and everything's interwoven, it's hard to prune back any one thing without the other parts that depend on it pushing back, and things grew the way they did for a reason. It's never just one thing, it's always everything.

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No fucking shit, retard. If you live in an area that isn't too populated, Obviously it will be cheaper, dumbfuck. I am saying the whole concept of it is retarded. It shouldn't matter where you live, dumbass. Homes should be sold as cheaply as possible.

>But also, homes are more complicated to build than they've ever been, and there's a ton of regulation that didn't used to be there

I know that. I addressed that here:
>and lower regulations for what a "minimum home" needs

Do us all a favor and shoot yourself, commie. Are you really saying that homes in cities with extremely high demand to live there should be just as cheap as a home built in the middle of fucking nowhere? How the fuck could you even deal with the sheer amount of people trying to buy one house if your dumbfuck policy would be enacted? A lottery system? First come first serve? Auction? None of those would work at all.

God, you're braindead. Are you fucking 16 or something? If minimum home regulations were thrown out, homes would be turned into shitty 10 square foot coffins you have to sleep in standing up.

>I shouldn't have to.
Yes, and? You still do. Facts don't change just because you're uncomfortable with them.

Cost of living is just right. It kind of goes with the area's salary. Move to a low cost of living and land a high paying job and you won't be so whiny about it. I earn over 4x the median household income where I live, and that's just one earner. The only people living paycheck to paycheck do that because they want to. It's like fun for them or something. Not many people get excited by investing when they could instead buy some piece of garbage or waste it on some other dumb bullshit experience.

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for every homeless person in america there are 5 vacant homes

For every homeless person in America, there should be one bullet casing and a shallow grave.

>Do us all a favor and shoot yourself, commie. Are you really saying that homes in cities with extremely high demand to live there should be just as cheap as a home built in the middle of fucking nowhere?
Yes, fucking faggot. I am.
>How the fuck could you even deal with the sheer amount of people trying to buy one house if your dumbfuck policy would be enacted? A lottery system? First come first serve? Auction? None of those would work at all.
Auction would work, dumbass.

>God, you're braindead. Are you fucking 16 or something? If minimum home regulations were thrown out, homes would be turned into shitty 10 square foot coffins you have to sleep in standing up.

Retard. I actually want a small home about 500sqft.

You are a complete closed minded IDIOT.
There should be more options for homes that a MINIMALIST wants, you utter fucking retard. Groe a fucking brain, retard. Not everyone wants a fucking mansion, down syndrome cunt.

You are such a sheep that can't question the system. So god damn PATHETIC. Kill yourself.

>duuur deal with opression!
Your logic is like of slaves would just be like "welp. We're slaves. Oh well let's deal with it"

You're an idiot.

>Cost of living is just right

I lold hard. Cost of living has been going up and wages haven't been keeping up. For instance, millenials get paid 20% less than boomers did when taking inflation into account, yet homes cost 3x as much as it did for them.

"Just right"

Why don't they just buy one then? Oh... right. Because they are stupid, drug addicted, just all around bad people who would rather be homeless than productive members of society.

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45% of homeless people have worked in the past 30 days, dipshit.

wtf bro just stop being poor
like if u dont want to be poor, do what i did. have your dad give you a job at his office for promising to stay off pills

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Then houses in cities would be just as expensive as they are now, probably even more expensive. You do realize that the process of buying a home basically is an auction already, right? Also if homes were the same price anywhere, nobody would buy rural homes and every city would just explode into endless suburban bullshit.

I'm glad you're a fucking retarded cuck that wants a tiny-ass house, but hardly anyone else does. Plus, there are a BILLION ways to get a small house that is very affordable. Just fucking build your own. Live in a van. Live in a mobile home. Live in a shipping container. I for one, have lived in a 1000 square foot house and I think that is about perfect. I do more in my house all day than sit at my computer, so I need space for that shit. Where am I going to cook in a 50 square foot kitchen?

I also already went through my "question the system" phase when I was an edgy little 16 year old. Idealism is fun, but it NEVER works. Everything is more complicated than your tiny little naive mind thinks it is, and this plan of yours would require tearing down the entire system for an experiment that probably won't even work. So yeah, the utter fucking retard here is you.

More to the point though, how would you get the regulations removed? Like seriously, walk yourself through that political process. How do you build a campaign around removing whatever pencil-pusher jobs are created by those laws rather than enacting new and exciting laws? How do you convince people that removing whatever regulations you want to remove isn't just setting them up for unsafe housing?

Hell, how do you decide which regulations to remove? Is it going to be like every time you decide to clean out your closet? You know there's too much stuff in there, but each individual object has a story and a practical use (you think), so you never actually throw anything out. Well the plain fact about regulations is that they're not made arbitrarily, all have justifications and a history. You'll look at each one individually and see how it got there, which will make it hard to throw away, and if you only throw away the obviously bad ones you'll have done almost nothing to reduce the regs.

How do you prune the hedge when each branch fights back, and nobody agrees which branches to cut, and cutting them just ends your political career anyway, and the branches grew for a reason? Haven't you ever considered that maybe there's a reason the Republicans never seem to actually remove much regulation when they're in office?

>wants to live in an area for winners
>isn't a winner
>"this isn't fair"

You live within your means. If your means is lower than your current town, you need to move to a town that is within your means.

Life isn't fair.

So what do you propose we do about it? Burn them down so we have even less homes? That's stupid. If you really think they are overvalued then just wait it out and buy once the correction hits. Cost of living is always going to be perfect because that's just how capitalism works. It is a flawless system. I'm not buying a house today because I believe they will drop, or if not I'll just build since I'll be getting exactly what I want for about the same cost. You are essentially bitching about water being too wet when you could be swimming and splashing around. Enjoy the good times. No telling how much longer they will be around.

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I said productive. Standing on a streetcorner spitting on pregnant women might be considered work but it isn't exactly productive or helpful to anyone.

>lifes not fair!
>oh well better not think about it too much or try at all to advance society
so based dude.

if your argument for capitalism applies just as easily to feudalism your argument sucks shit. virtually in all of human history, the advancements humans have made have been in the name of making life more fair and effortless. industrialization, medicine, transportation
you suggest to give up now because its convenient and change is hard. sure is cool we peaked riiight at the point you happened to be alive.

>Then houses in cities would be just as expensive as they are now, probably even more expensive. You do realize that the process of buying a home basically is an auction already, right?

No it's not. Explain how. Auctions = there's a base price and then it goes up. "Will probably be more expensive" source?
>Also if homes were the same price anywhere, nobody would buy rural homes and every city would just explode into endless suburban bullshit.
I would. And I NEVER said "same price". Price should be determined by cost of materials and possibly a few other things. A 500sqft hone shouldn't cost the same as a 3000sqft home.

>I'm glad you're a fucking retarded cuck that wants a tiny-ass house, but hardly anyone else does.
Source, bitch?

>Plus, there are a BILLION ways to get a small house that is very affordable. Just fucking build your own.
I lold. It WOULDN'T be cheap, dipshit. Buying land = moving somewhat far = more money on gas. Also, you would have to set up a sewer system, a well, solar panels, and all the other expenses. How about you show me just how cheap that can all be? Not very. You'd be better off just buying a typical home in society even if you bought a premade one like the nomad cube.

>Live in a van.
A van isn't a proper home, fool. Hardly an alternative.

>Live in a mobile home.
Can actually be more expensive because you still have to pay rent for living in a trailer park
>Live in a shipping container.
What is the cost of installing the toilet, shower, and kitchen? Are they located near stores?

>where am I going to cook in a 50 square foot kitchen?
When did I say a home should be 50sqft??

You are also IGNORING how homes used to be cheaper when taking inflation into account, you stupid ass retard.

Okay, let's hear what changes you would make if you had the power to do so.

>I also already went through my "question the system" phase when I was an edgy little 16 year old.
Oh I forgot. It's a "teen" thing to question inefficiencies,huh? Fucking dumbass. That's like saying "well I questioned slavery in my teen years, but I grew out of it and firmly believe in it now" as if growing older magically makes a shitty situation better.

LMAO retard

>Idealism is fun, but it NEVER works. Everything is more complicated than your tiny little naive mind thinks it is, and this plan of yours would require tearing down the entire system for an experiment that probably won't even work. So yeah, the utter fucking retard here is you.

Retard. Again. Cost of living has been going up for years and you call that a "good and efficient system".

What a fucking brainlet you are.

lol u mad, guy

He meant "fair", not actually fair. We currently live in the fairest times, where burger flippers and generational millionaires have the exact same opportunities and access to investing. No other time in human history has the wealth gap been so small. If you can't make it on tutorial mode like we currently have here you wouldn't make it under any system.

I concur.
>be me
>under achiever and conservative
>always passed classes without homewerk
>hate rednecks and niggers too
>ergo no college for me, no blue collar work
>thus destined to be a min wage worker
>also omega male and want to live alone
>implying with min wage part time you can afford to live alone
>implying they''ll even hire you if you are not a highly motivated human

But anyway, I won't even bother to work at all with living in a car being literally illegal and all. they have no respect for my personality type. I will NOT pay even 500 a month rent and the average twice that, three times that in my state that I was forced to be born in. I am not capable of doing it. If twelve years of school didn't turn me into a bitch that craves work then I will never genetically be able to cope with wage slaving.

Rent alone kills independence and to add insult to injury you're paying for land that someone logically cannot own as land is finite and not made by anyone. It makes me want to have a communist revolution just to take away from the over achieving greedy bastards that psychologically project and assume that I can live as they do. I'd rather you just leave me alone and let me be, but you won't, so you deserve to be attacked you really do, capitalist pig. why not let me work just enough to feed myself, buy gas, and nothing much else? The cost of living triples if not quadruples the efforts that I instinctively am willing to put out. They would just arrest me for trying to live in a van if I could not afford insurance, even if insurance if no proof of address they force you into jail eventually as the law goes. Even if you get away with it all, why work when it is faggot enabling a system that does not benefit you? Tax me for who? Profit is slavery for the gullible. You have no time to use your money nor think, you are nothing but work. Your notes in your pocket mean someone else you get to own someone too, rape culture. Slaves and Sadomasochists.

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You poor fool. Of course housing shouldn't be so costly. Of course paying off a fucking house shouldn't take many decades. But that, you see, destroys the industrial age. If you have a house paid for, you don't have to work back breaking labor until you're 55 just to not go homeless. People didn't travel as far or live quite as long 200 years ago, but they also didn't work for anywhere near as much, at any age. It would be insane to be working 40+ hours a week after 30 back then. Even the peasants got a nice gig compared to modern life where a fucking upper middle class man has to work just as horribly long as a blue collar ditcj digger. The industrial revolution hinges solely and completely on the lack of cheap housing.

And they're not gonna let it change.

it's all about the cost of land, and how much a richer person would be willing to pay to expand their territory into that land
of course a shit condo will cost 500k if Ben Starbuck wants to bulldoze the block and put a Starbucks on that corner that can make 300k/year

Honestly can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

But regardless, in any country worth a damn, the government pretty much pays for you to go to university or trade school if you're too poor to afford it yourself. There's really no reason why anyone past their early/mid-20s should be unemployed or working a minimum wage job.

Sure let me just shotgun some out
>return to tax systems America was at previously during economic prosperity, marginal tax rate AT LEAST of 70% starting at 1 mil income, preferably smaller
>end mass incarceration, private prisons, and the war on drugs
>drastically reduce military spending and end interventionist wars
>divert funding on investing in the country itself and its citizens, cheaper education, more pell grants, affordable housing in urban areas
>socialize healthcare
>raise the minimum wage to be a living wage and have it locked to that so it changes alongside inflation
>make unions easily accessible and available to all workers
>more open immigration as economists almost universally agree this strengthens our economy, esp among working class
>close off tax loopholes, heavily punishing people hoarding wealth in offshore accounts to dodge taxes
>make corporations pay their fare share in taxes, end corporate welfare

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lmao just get more money

>So what do you propose we do about it? Burn them down so we have even less homes? That's stupid.
That would make homes more expensive than they currently are wtf.
>If you really think they are overvalued then just wait it out and buy once the correction hits.
Which will be? Cost of living doesn't seem to be anywhere as cheap as it was for boomers.
>Cost of living is always going to be perfect because that's just how capitalism works. It is a flawless system. I'm not buying a house today because I believe they will drop, or if not I'll just build since I'll be getting exactly what I want for about the same cost. You are essentially bitching about water being too wet when you could be swimming and splashing around. Enjoy the good times. No telling how much longer they will be around.
You are basically saying "the housing market will correct itself".

Seems since dumbasses actually liked getting cucked, only thing I can do since I can't personally change this system is just buy a cheap 80k home in florida.

No, this isn't a good system when you have to move from a fucking state you were born in just to afford to have a box where you can cook, shower, and shit.

Homes could literally be 100x more expensive and you'd STILL argue "ain't it great"?

You implied every homeless person is homeless for their own fault. The fact that 45% have worked in the past 30 days shows that's a shitty assumption

>we need to work to keep things going
>hurr knock over what we just built and build it again

The moon is ronery. All those nukes could have been spaceships.

Just move somewhere else.
Get a better job.

I'm sure the 1k a month will solve everything

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Oh look here comes the bastard that makes more money than most around him to say everything is fair game just because hes the only one winning

Wages are going up with cost of living. Just check if you don't believe me. I don't mean using your commie libtard sites either. Let's just pick a stable job with lots of growth and that only takes a two year degree. Hmmmm, looks like they already make about double what the average individual income is for the US. Registered nurse isn't even some unheard of niche thing no one has heard about either. Why didn't you become a nurse?

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In a competitive society there has to be losers due to genetic mutations. Some wil be better than others, they cannot make jobs for everyone as not everyone will be able to compete to societal standards. Even if you can do work they won't hire a bum due to ethics that you just now shitposted.

>booze on his breath?
>i can't trust him with this hamburger patty
>who gives a shit that booze was done since the dawn of mankind?
>he used a profane word
>time to arrest him
>his arrest means lost work
>fired for being a man

Is literally how it goes.

>Nigger mentality

see this pic you freaking goober
2013 article. Old but relevant

>No other time in human history has the wealth gap been so small
Lold hard

He's a bootlicker, they're intelligent but not very admirable. To themselves they are, but it's their type only that likes that shit.

reminder that the majority of billionaires in the US inherited their wealth and are not self made
reminder that capitalism will inevitably fall, just as feudalism did

Completely agree. High cost of living gives waaay too much power to employers

>eveyone becomes a nurse
>supply curve shifts right and wages drop

You don't need solar panels, solid gold toilet seats, or quartz windowpanes like you seem to think. Gas in a negligible increase, just compare it to price of buying a penthouse condo downtown if that is where you freqently travel.

Land is about 15k/acre for a nice place in town, a small house is about 20k to build, maybe half that if you fall for the tiny house meme, triple that if you really go all out and do the entire bathroom in marble. Water/electric/sewage would be around 8-12k depending on site specifics. Since you don't seem smart enough to figure out how hammers work I'd suggest just buying a house in good condition. Should e easy to get a 20 year old one for 40-80k. Get a home inspector though. If you see exposed wires that is a bad thing. I know you'd want to lick them to see if it's safe but in your case you need the stupid tax, pay an electrician or whatever. We're still under two years salary to get you moved into your own place. With FHA loans only needing 3.5% down I think you are looking for reasons to whine. Truth is you have such an insignificant problem it's almost funny you thought anyone would sympathize.

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Indeed. The USA had a dream to get rid of class, it utterly failed and all empires fall on average every two centuries. It's why we have so much civil unrest. No matter how strong we're just moving faster due to burning twice as bright. The 500 years it would have last are ending now.

Everyone will speak chinese but swear in English two hundred years from now. Like with Latin prefixes and Greek suffixes and such.

The only thing more powerful than ethics is greed. Unfair society creates civil unrest and that creates a falling society where everyone that's poor that holds up the pyramid lets it fall to the ground and crush them first, but then the top comes down right after. It can go fly away and land on some other people but if too heavy it will just squash the next line of slaves too. A reset button of fairness happens for that reason where they have to let that money go a bit. Then the later generations slowly forget what happened.

Trump became a millionaire by age 8 cause his dad gave him 200k starting by age 3. Lel

It's not funny user.

The power is in land owners actually. Not him.

Sorry, I must have used too big words for you. I mean if house cost too much man no buy. Man no buy then man no sell. Man change price to smaller. Now man buy. Sale is completed and man get money in exchange for house. You said houses coost 100x higher than they are worth, which I think is unrealistic, but ok. So a simple 3bed2ba house costs 100k, you wait until it is 1k and buy at the correct value price. Just letting you know, I plan to snap one up around the 30k mark. There might be others will to buy in at higher or lower than me. It's just a waiting game.

It is their fault though. Dealing drugs in the last 30 days isn't really a good example of how much they deserve a 5 story mansion. Bad people work. Good people are productive members of society. It's a fine line(to you) but the distinction is there.

who cares about minimum wage? I would pick a higher paying career. Did you forget that people have some choice in this whole thing? Become a fucking CEO if that's what gets you off. Or do you think that takes too much work?

Based and FPBP OP is a brainlet

Not him but
>anyone can choose to be a CEO
Competition needs losers dumb ass. Be realistic. People have zero choice in doing min wage. They are who they are. Choice is a spook. You don't choose your limits. Even if you did, someone else will choose to make their limit even higher faggot. You have to lose to the greedy egotist that loves money more than himself.

>smart people move to different field
>still enjoy making double the average
>retire before second career is oversaturated

>being this retarded
>announcing a sage
How about you figure out how to ban evade yourself faggot.

The boomers just won't fucking die. The ones in nursing homes aren't the ones who need to be abused to an early death.

>So a simple 3bed2ba house costs 100k
holy fuck are you stupid. 3bed2ba dont cost 100k unless youre in like, fucking middle of nowhere in wyoming or some shit
people need to live in cities, suburbs, etc, as well
>buh buh but just move somewhere cheaper
SOMEONE has to work at the grocery stores in cities. Nurses making 60-70k a year in cities cant afford a house, do you think cities just can't have hospitals, stores, resutraunts, etc, and just should be playgrounds for the wealthy? or people should commute hours to go do the NECESSARY jobs in cities and other places with high cost of living?
if being poor was a choice then the majority of workers wouldnt be living paycheck to paycheck. Living wages should be guarenteed because people should be able to live off work. Someone has to do these jobs, a working class will always exist. they shouldnt stave.

the incentive to become a CEO or whatever should be for LUXURY, not just to fucking survive you actual sociopath

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>live off grid meme
Could cost about 100k at a min from what I've read.
It's still stupid needing to go out of your way to do this just to escape the bullshit housing market. Plus, you're not even taking into account gas money. Just living 20 miles from a store will cost you a lot. Again, I'm better off just moving to florida and buying an 80k home.
>licking exposed wires
projecting now? You've done it before, huh?
Enjoy getting cucked in life, faggot.

I only want what I need to be happy. I currently earn way more than I need, so I sock it away in hopes of le early retirement meme. I will neet it up when I am 40. If I don't have as much as I projected to maintain my current living standards I will expat. Not like I have friends anyway. I just want a comfii place, some fancy interior because I like nice things, fast internet, and lots of wine. Spain could be a nice cheap place for my hair to turn white. Maybe Croatia if I'm flat broke at 40 but still don't want to work. The thing about being CEO is you only compete with other people who want to be CEO. It's not the entire world as you seem to think. Many people are perfectly content working minimum wage and won't dare to try and get more than that. There is competition in everything, but either I'm just super good at everything, or there just isn't as much competition as you believe.

itt fucking bootlickers

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*cost could

Unfortunately, some people, such as that faggot I'm arguing with, actually LILE getting cucked and LIKE it when wages don't keep up with inflation.

They LIKE it when they are at the mercy of an employer. They LOVE how an exoensive cost of living acts as a leash to keep them at the mercy of an employer.

Bunch of bootlicker cucks in this world

>I mean if house cost too much man no buy. Man no buy then man no sell. Man change price to smaller. Now man buy.
Not the dude you were replying to, but the issue with that is that there isn't much alternative than to buy or rent a house or apartment, and most people don't even know about the few alternatives that exist, or are unwilling to do them. Housing isn't like vidya or junk food where you can just not consume if you need to save cash or simply don't need to.

>isn't really a good example of how much they deserve a 5 story mansion
Putting words in my mouth now, retard?

Wyoming is very pretty, why wouldn't you want to live there? I prefer my area, so I stay in the south. Tennessee, Gerogia, Mississippi. Lots of cities to live in, even suburbs if you like shitty suburbs. I prefer cute towns, so I live in one. It's about a 20 minute drive to work. The trick is working somewhere close to your house. Driving 3 hours would be a very foolish idea on your part. This is basic grown up stuff. Like what did you doo all your life to not understand this yet? Nurses making 70k can afford a house in the city, I work with several who do just that. The cities even have hospitals where they work at. Nurses are most commonly employed in hospitals so this isn't even a surprising fact, read an article on nursing if you don't believe me. At this point I think you are purposely trying to sound retarded. Like if you want to live and work in the city then do it. If you don't then don't. I can't even follow your point anymore because it's gotten all jumbled up.

Why are you stuck on the live off grid thing. Do what I said and live on grid as I explained in Crazy as it sounds you can find land in America that has electricity running to it. It's very common. 15k/acre is on the higher side of average too.

>blah blah bitty blah I'm better than you
k asshat it is what it is.

I get mad I take that shit from you is why you should be concerned though.

>>most are fine with mim wage
blatant troll for the record

It's trolling and no one is that retarded to actually bootlick then come on this website. Actual bootlicking normalfaggots would have something better to do and the thread is full of anger mongering due to them having such shit personalities that this is the only way they get to talk to people is by making them mad. It's low quality bait but due to my having low standards I'll talk to anyone that tolerates (((toxic))) maverick thought processes that go through my head.

Seriously they're just trolling you to keep the conversation going, no one is that retarded. A motivated and successful individual doesn't shitpost on Jow Forums all day when he could be out making money. Don't be fooled.

Best. Picture. Ever.
>economy is doing well, so I'M doing well

There shoukd be small pod apartments to rent cheap. Public latrines, and nudity in public should be legal and only required to wear clothing on the job.

>said sufficiently smart people are the only people able to have stable marriages where they're able to afford children as well as spend time raising them
>complain when white birth rates drop and divorce rates surge

True, but it is like food. Just a part of life that you need to eat and sleep somewhere. Keep food and housing under 33% of your income and you're doing pretty well. What OP can't seem to understand is that he's not the only person who has to put in effort to make it work. If I couldn't afford to live alone I would get a roommate or something, move in with parents, whatever. It all depends on how much money and how badly I needed to save up.

No. Did you read it?

The fuck does birth rates have to do with anything? If you want to save the white race then start making babies. Let me guess, too much work, especially when you're a literal man loving faggot. Starting to see a recurring theme here. Maybe you should just kill yourself.
>waaaa, coffins and funerals cost money toooooooooo

>no. Did you read it?
Noooooo. What do you think?

>It is their fault though.
Some maybe. Not the ones working or looking for work.
>Dealing drugs in the last 30 days isn't really a good example of how much they deserve a 5 story mansion.
Again. Ones that are working at a MINIMUM deserve a home. "Waah waah no they don't!". This is why this society is a failure.

>Bad people work. Good people are productive members of society. It's a fine line(to you) but the distinction is there.
It's not. Workers are workers. Period.

>I can't even follow your point anymore because it's gotten all jumbled up.
its not my fault you're too retarded to read.

also 70k isnt NEARLY enough to afford a house in major cities. I know because i know people who make around that and live in major cities and they need apartments with roommates.

I'll try to make my point as clear as possible and use small words for you.

Everywhere, workers are required. Big cities need workers. Small towns need workers. You can't suggest for people to simply "get a better job" or "move somewhere affordable" as a solution to cost of living, because SOMEONE has to work jobs in the city. Like you said, communing several hours is "very foolish", so it a lower cost of living is important so that the workers who work in cities can live in those cities and do the jobs that they need to do.

>millenials get paid 20% less than boomers
Across western nations thats more like 1/2 of the buying power boomers in the 60s and 70s had. In countries like australia in the 70s you could buy a nice house and large plot of land for 1-3 years average salary. Now its 20-30 years average salary and the plot of land is 1/4 to an 1/8th the size.

Cost of living being high isn't some accident, nor is it a complex economic issue in some chaos-theory tangle of cause and effect. It's actually very, VERY simple. The promise of the industrial revolution 200 years ago was that everyone would live like kings, and there is enough wealth in the world for everyone to do so TODAY. Poverty and wagecucking is a deliberate situation created to keep us in a form of modern slavery to maintain a hierarchical society. George Orwell summed it up pretty well
>The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labour. War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent.
This is one of the deeper reasons behind modern wars the US keeps starting on flimsy pretenses, beyond "oil lol".

Easy connection to make if you stop to think for 5 seconds.
The more wages fail to keep up with the cost of living, the more hours you have to work to compensate, and the more likely you are to need both parents in a household work to keep your family afloat. With inconsistent work schedules, the marriage and the children both suffer.
That's why marriages are most stable for high earners.
It used to be that a man could leave high school and earn enough to raise a kid on a mafacturing job.
Used to be that you could pay for your higher education just by working part time and a summer job.
Most people are dumb, so if you want to change the course of society and fix negative social outcomes, you can't tell people what to do on an individual level.

So now you've changed it to major cities? Post after post all you've doe is move goalposts. You don't have any points to make. 70k is plenty to afford a house in the city.

>70k is plenty to afford a house in the city.
not him but it's not enough in my small non-US city. you can afford a shitty house on a tiny plot of land with walls touching your neighbors 1.5 hour drive from the city.

the omission/exclusion of "major" in me referring to cities doesnt change the point that, workers must always exist, and should be able to live where they work. The includes medium income workers in major cities, as well as low income workers in non-major cities.

resorting to "you said this word in the first post but another word in the 2nd post" shows how garbage ass what you're saying is, and how you have fundementally nothing to stand on. god if youre gonna make shit points at least dont be so boring about it

>70k is plenty to afford a house in the city.
imagine trying to argue about something you know fucking NOTHING about jesus christ.

Median price of a home costs nearly 700k in LA, fool.

Median wage in California is 19.67 an hr

Don't live in LA, then, retard.

This. No one should live in cities and we should all clap as our national gdp goes into a free fall.

>don't live in city
>don't get paid
>same difference
Was already explained in the thread by that guy. you have to live where the action is, the action makes competitive pricing.

No, people who can afford to live in cities, should live in cities. Maybe don't move into a city when you're making minimum wage and immediately become homeless.

>Maybe don't move into a city when you're making minimum wage and immediately become homeless.

And what if you were BORN there, dipshit?

>den move!
Again, the fact I even HAVE to move makes this system god damn shit.

Nice job ignoring the median wage so basically just masking the problem. Fucking dumbass.

Here's an idea.
What if we made living in cities more afforadable so that there'll be more consumers to drive industry in response to demand and to work the jobs that produce the relevant goods and services?
China is currently not only builds more afforadable housing for the population already there but actively builds housing AHEAD OF TIME in anticipation for people migrating in.

Dude, I'm on a shitposting streak, here. I don't have time to read the whole thread. This post is pretty productive, though lol

Cities need workers. Workers need to be able to afford cities. You need construction workers to build the buildings. It's not sim city, they don't just materialize.
People work in the restaurants in cities. In the retail stores. In the hotels. They work government jobs in maintenance for parks, waste management, garbage collection, etc.

Either you're suggesting that cities just go without having all the things i listed, or that people just don't live in cities and instead spend hours communiting into and out of the city for their jobs that are in the city. the latter being something people aren't willing to do, and causes worker shortages like that are happening in expensive cities such as Seattle.

learn what sustainability is and why its important

You can't just move at this point anyway, unless you're planning to move to fucking rural North Dakota or something, because the cost of living is skyrocketing everyfuckingwhere.

>He convinced himself that supply/demand has anything to do with capitalism
Look at the retard and laugh. 99% of the shit that's claimed about capitalism is pure mythology. People will always use money to buy power and suppress everyone else.

Cost of living sucks. Making money is however possible/easier in high cost of living cities. So it sort of balances out.

At the end of the day, why not work? I qualify for neetbux but choose to work my ass off just for the fun of it. Sometimes it's depressing but I have a stimulating job, and it's fun to learn new things. Unlike playing vidya and watching anime all day. I never understood why my father kept working. He makes about 300k a year and I always told him "If I had that kind of money Id retire". But why retire when you could be making that kind of money? It finally makes sense to me now.

>Wages are going up with cost of living
No they're not. This is a blatant fucking lie.

I live in the rural midwest and I'm going to tell you the claim that it's much cheaper is BULLSHIT. I have watched the price of all my utilities, food, supplies, everything double, triple or more in the past 10 years.

lol ok dude. If I can live on minimum wage with one roommate also on minimum wage and still have the time and money to go to college full time, you faggots can find a decent and inexpensive place to live.

Now try doing it alone. You literally have to have a roommate just to survive at this point, even in the cheapest cost areas of the nation. I am probably going to have to move because even in my cheap area, I just got priced out of my monthly income by one of my utilities doubling (fucking again).

Wow cant believe the dude with the dad making 300k a year cant understand that working doesnt immediatly solve all financial problems. Minimum wage is well below a living wage. Millions of people live paycheck to paycheck due to rising income inequality and cost of living.
enjoy your bubble though, faggot

So get a better job? Or get a place you can afford? Or live with family? That's what is normal human behavior