How do I force myself to study?

How do I force myself to study?
Pro tip: I don't want any motivation this, motivation that reply, pls keep motivation out of the equation

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Take your books/notes and go to the library. Leave your phone at home. With no distractions you'll find it much easier to focus.

That's hard to do. Hard things require high levels of motivation.

Studying is for normalfags might as well take the noose option.

How far are you from your nearest library?

20 minutes, and I also hate going outside

Do it even if you do hate it.

The short answer is motivation. The long answer is growing up and accepting that sometimes we have to do things we don't enjoy because it benefits us. That's delayed gratification in a nutshell. Or, to put it another way, you must choose to suffer now because failing to do so will mean greater suffering later. Life will grind that lesson through your skull sooner or later.

Do adderall

>find character you want to be like
>doesn't matter what medium the character is from
>act like character at all times

This actually worked for me, I got fit and got an education.

Jannies please ban this robot until he has done his homework, it's your responsibility if he ends up a bum

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user, what you need is discipline.
You have been pampered, now if there's no instant gratification, you don't feel like working.
Move your fatass in the library, stop complaining.

Consider using stimulants

I usually say to myself that I will regret it later if I don't study right now. If i am too bored i just scream in my head "just do it!"

I wish I knew user but at this rate it's gonna take me 8 years to get a 4 year bachelor's

Which character did you become?

Superman, originally

Jesus, that's a little bit too original for me.

god i fucking hate your kind, the fucking pampered entitled faggot who crumbles at the first instance of being uncomfortable. act like a fucking adult and do your homework

You can't force yourself, you can only trick yourself into doing it. For example you could write a check for $100, give it to someone, and tell them to cash it if you don't study. Use the Pomodoro method to focus. Resistance to doing it decreases the more consistently you study

Start getting ready to study until you hit the point of resistance and want to do something else. Then just sit down and wait in that state, don't start doing something else. Keep studying in mind, and take notice of what sort of feelings the idea of studying provokes in you. Focus on them for a while. After a few minutes, those feelings should begin to subside, and you'll be more willing to study. The most important part is to resist distracting yourself from these feelings; know that they'll go away eventually if you simply wait.

being surrounded by normie SWPLs would be distracting af to me personally

Discipline. Motivation is not required.

I have a psychological trick for you, you don't study because you hate doing it and your brain will subconsciously force you to avoid things you hate. The key is to change the studying into something more bearable.

Whenever your about to do some stupid shit that you know is a waste of your time (you can define this yourself, for me it would be watching a random youtube video that ill probably forget
about in 2 days.) stop and study for 15 mins. The key is here is the 15 mins It's very easy and doable. If you only do this once a day you're still making a giant improvement. If you study one day a week for 2 hours it'll be way more difficult and you'll not want to do it again because it felt terrible. Studying once a day for 15 mins is easy and you'll feel great because you're doing something productive. The super bonus is that by the end of the week you would have studied for 2h15mins which was even more than the binge study session. If the 15mins is too hard for you, just do 5 and slowly increase it until you cant stand doing it anymore.

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that's like tiny habits by bj fogg

Not OP but I've tried that once