Cashier Interactions

ITT: Greentext your interactions with cashiers

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Other urls found in this thread:

>c-can i get a green tea frappe please
>"okay green tea latte coming right up"
>t-thank you

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>buying keyboard at Staples
>QT cashier
>palms are sweating
>put credit card in card reader
>suddenly remember i have a Staples gift card in my wallet
>yank credit card out while machine says "Do not remove card"
>Me: "o-oh is it too late to pay with a gift card?"
>QT: "You pulled it out just in time!"
>Me: "heh... I'm sure there's a 'that's what she said' joke in there somewhere"
>QT: "hahaha... well I never have to say that. I'm on the pill"

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>be me
>14, going to cafe with best friend
>usual hangout spot, go here often
>new cashier at the register
>qt3.14 senior I knew decently well from my school
>super kind, loved same everything as me
>same music, games, books, everything
>on top of that, hot as fuck
>friend knows I think she's cool
>she makes me go order for us
inb4 "you can't be friends with a girl, fake and gay"
>go to order
>qt3.14, her name was Lauren
>"hi user! what can I get for you?"
>get my usual order as well as best friend's
>stutter the entire time
>I already have a stutter and tend to draw words out
>me talking to her makes it worse
>takes me a minute to order
>"that'll be $x.yz
>take out money to pay
>drop all of it
>a mix of 1s and 5s
>after what feels like an eternity, I finally pay
>she's smiling at me
>heart flutters
>"your order will be ready shortly, user"
>walk away, smiling like idiot

Believe it or not, I ran into her during college and we started hanging out.

I'm still best friends with my best friend, by the way.

Well, this is kinda special because I knew her before she was a cashier, but I guess I'll share a case of autism with you.

>Her: Hey user!
>Me: Hi ____
>Her: How are you you doing?
>Me: I'm doing fine, you?
>Her: I'm doing pretty good, much better than yesterday
>Me: That's good.
>Her: So what would you like?
>Me: I'd like a _______
>Her: Great! That'll be _____. Hey, user, do you love me?
>Her: What?
>Me: Is your shirt inside out? (She was wearing one of those shirts where the seams were intentionally on the outside)
>Her: Hahahahaha no, it's the right way. Hey [person behind me] he wouldn't say he loves me and thought my shirt was inside out.

Go ahead and laugh at me frens.

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nah you are basically seinfeld without any money, fame, or accomplishments

>At gas station buying beer (A couple tall cans of Steel Reserve is my usual)
>New checkout girl I haven't seen before, about my age (Early 20s)
>She IDs me
>"Aw, you look so grumpy!" (My license is prison mugshot-tier, I get reactions like this from ladies at stores and bars all the time)
>"Heh, I get that a lot."
>"You should smile more, honey"
>I do that nervous kinda laugh-grin thing
>"Aw, see? Next time I'm not gonna let you leave til you smile"
>I started rotating stores cause I don't want her to think I'm an alcoholic

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>(A couple tall cans of Steel Reserve is my usual)

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I'm a cashier and I always make sure to touch hands with girls as I give them the money back

Ouch. Not me, but that's happened before.

I've never had a unique interaction with a female cashier. Guess I'm just real ugly

>visit grocery store store at night
>I'm only customer in the story
>going to checkout
>QT cashier: "Oh we're closed haha"
>"funny... usually when I come in here all the cashier have a stick up their ass"
>"yeah well... it's late. besides I don't care. stuff happened to me when I was little"

what did she mean by this?

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>tfw I've started having to drink myself to sleep a few nights a week
this is me in 2 years, isn't it.

I'm so preoccupied with a fear that the cashier will think I'm trying to hit on her or w/e that I stumble horribly through every one. I wouldn't even know if a girl ever smiled at me. I'm too busy staring at the ground.

>this is me in 2 years, isn't it.

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I don't know frogposter desu. Maybe someone shoved a stick up her ass? I have no idea wtf you were going for with any part of that interaction though.

if bobandy is my final form that can't be so bad, can it?

holy chad

>I have no idea wtf you were going for with any part of that interaction

my goal is to not spill spaghetti. i can do this for 15 seconds... after that, there's no telling what happens.

fuck off you cheeseburger sasquatch

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This Thread IS Now A Your Interactions With Customers Thread

>Guy comes in
>Yes? Sir, What are you looking for?
>Guy with only a third of a head of hair tells me he needs a specific hair dye

>Spic buying his 5th Plan B in two months complains about being one of Plan B's biggest customers
>Really hard for me to contain myself. I'm just itching to tell him to stop being a degenerate or to at least get a vasectomy.

>Obviously gay dude buying an OTC HIV Test

>Persian lady with Louis Viotton Bag and Mercedes keys telling me how she lost her $2 coupon and she's on a tight budget and how nice it would be if I could just replace the one she
>Being a 30 something robot, and being stuck working at a drug store, I just give her a $2 credit and get her the fuck on her way.
>randomly give nice customers 2-3 bucks since I always have to let the idiots have their way.

Cashier here
I try to make socially awkward people feel as awkward as possible

have you ever considered how you will ever recover when I'm so catastrophically awkward even you can't handle it?

I can definitely handle it and my coworkers and I will laugh about you

>If you want to see me smile take me out on a date, otherwise leave me alone.

Came up with it while I was still reading your story so I could have said it in time in real life. It would work fine because I phrase it to appear indifferent because I am indifferent. People respond well to honesty.

One time I asked a dude cashier how his day was...
>"Better than yesterday. I saved my dad from killing himself."
>"ugh i shouldn't be talking about this. I'm so stupid!"
>"uhhh noooo... it's... ok. like it's a big deal"
>awkward silence for the rest of the transaction

>go to gas station
>see a girl that liked me in school, she's a 8/10
>problem is: she's a single mom
>when i walk in and someone else is at the cash register, she'll make them fuck off before i get to order
>she remembers my order and smiles and giggles when i sperg out
>if she can't go to the cash register, she'll look at me multiple times and when we catch eyes, she'll smile and wave at me
>i don't want to do anything because i'm not a step-dad beta cuck

>go to restaurant drive thru
>cute 6/10 girl working there
>she gives me 10 ketchup packets every time when she's only supposed to give me two
>if there's a manager behind her, she'll give me two, wait until they go away, and give me a fuck ton after that, then she'll giggle and laugh about it
>she remembers who i am and notices anything different about my appearance, then proceeds to compliment me
>i can only go see her once a month now because i can't drive a car by myself (permit)
>basically forced by circumstance to not make her my gf
>have decided to give up on her

And lastly:
>go to mcdonalds a few times, go inside to order because drive thru people are retards with orders
>4/10 girl is always at the register
>the fourth time i go in there, she says "hey i remember you, you're the quiet nice guy"
>cool someone remembered me

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>"hey i remember you, you're the quiet nice guy"

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>buying groceries
>cashier is a hot guy
>"that's a cute shirt"
>"no problem,that'll be $x"
Felt happy for the rest of the week

I should also say that I didn't say anything but a simple "mm hm" indicating I heard her. They just took my order and I picked up my spilled spaghetti and got out of there.

There's also this 5/10 girl at a dollar store near me who called me "sweetie, honey, darling, hon, etc." all in one time. I've seen that she doesn't do this with other customers. I might actually try to wife that shit.

bang the dollar store QT

>If you want to see me smile take me out on a date, otherwise leave me alone

Very cringey and completely retarded. You would only embarrass yourself by saying that.

>walk up to counter
>female cashier frowns

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>me today
>buying six pack of beer
>two cash registers open (both on same desk)
>place beer in between
>"hmm which one do i choose?"
>girl on my right says she'll serve me
>get served
>no awkward voice cracks or fumbling
>leave with a smile
is nofap finally working guys?

I just order what I need online I cant be bothered to deal with people

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This sounds like a fucking commercial.

She is either ugly or this is fake

Is she going to cream into my coffee?

Come back on your lunch break again please you're beautiful and charming.

>Hand the QT cashier an empty carton of milk, a small empty pack of chocolate milk and 2 empty ice cream wrappers
>Feels the weight and looks up at me
>"Got bored waiting in line so I had my dinner"
>Mom and kid ahead of me stop in their tracks
>Normies behind in line take a step back.
>Bewildered, scared look on QTs face and she scans and bags the groceries faster than ever
>Looks down at her register when I walk away looking at her
>Can feel her stare at me while I walk out the door.
>Didn't hear a single beep till I was out the door

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>what is your phone number? (in my language)
>Excuse me, Hello??, can I have your phone number (in english)

uh what for?

>For warrantly. Or would you prefer a receipt?

I'll take the receipt

Fuckers wanting to dox people nowadays

>answered "no problem" to a cashier's "thank you" after I handed her the money

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I hope you die a painful death.
And her as well, fuck it.

>buying basic groceries with gf
>we have to buy condoms
>the only one I can use are kingsize
>cashier is a 10/10 qt 3.14
>try to go to a male cashier instead because it's less embarassing
>gf complains and says there the qt cashier has no clients
>qt cashier starts doing her job, she seems bored as fuck
>When she see them she glances at me but keep doing her job
>When I pay she gives me the brightest smile ever and wink at me while my gf is puting the groceries in her bag
>Mfw I could fuck most stacies if they knew I have a big peepee
>Mfw I have to keep with 5/10 gf because I can't get any better

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Not a cashier, a waiter, male at that.

>ordered something
>he came to charge me
>i give him the money
>he proceeds to give the change back to me without actually taking my money
>i'm confused
>my gf is confused
>he's even more confused
>starts walking away slowly
>i call him back and tell him he didn't take my money
>he takes it and walks away
funny guy

pump n dump my fren.

I don't understand. I mean sure it might be weird to dinner chocolate milk and ice cream but to the point of being paralyzed by fear? jesus fuck

based chad


>be militaryfag
>friday before block leave so nothing is getting done
>be new guy at unit
>hey user, wanna go get coffees for the boys?
>agree because want to be cool
>total sperg when it comes to any social interaction that doesn't involve military pers.
>call ahead with order of like 15 coffees and a bunch of shit
>i-i would like to place an order
>hang up
>go to tim hortons on base, its fucking packed
>wait in line with my retardedly long order
>one of them is in literal disgust for me not calling ahead
>start to read it
>'can-i uh uh get a a large black with 2 cream and 2 sugar
>cashier looks at me like Im retarded
>realize this order is FUCKED
>keep going
>line behind me is getting visibily angry
>Sergeant Major behind me is giving me death stare
>dude looks like he's going to kill me
>cut the order in half out of fear and take it the tim hortons out of town
>order the rest there
>come back like 2 hours later
>no one there
>holy fuck user, everyone already left, what are you doing here
>oh uh i-
>go home dude, its 10am, enjoy your holidays
>y-you too
Military is just being a robot with yelling and shooting. It doesn't make you a chad folks

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At least Israel is thankful for your service

my country doesn't work for israel, but I'm pretty sure working for them would be better honestly

My barista saw my record vinyl sitting in the passenger seat and started talking to me about what she listens to. She also said my glasses looked nice.

>be me
>go to grocery store
>go to cashier
>nothing happens because I am not a fucking retard like you

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>last year at state fair
>wait in long line to pay to get inside
>should have brought sunscreen
>finally get in
>see lemonade stand
>wait in lemonade line
>likely visibly worn at this point
>order large lemonade
>cashier is like an angel
>her smile is so beautiful
>I think she leaned over to show me her cleavage on purpose
>look away, don't want to soil my purity
>get lemonade
>remember that I'll be alone forever
>at least there was one good interaction in my life
thanks lemonade

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>Go to cashier
>One red Marlboro please
> Can I check your ID?
>I handle it over with a smile and making a joke about how I look young
> Thank you sir that'll be X
>Smile, pay and go out
Nothing special huh

that was the time you drop birth control red pills to her

I drank a gallon of milk, half a liter of chocolate milk and 2 ice cream bars while waiting in the line

get off this board you fucking chad

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>Be me
>standing in line at McDonald's
>Deep in thought cause nothing to do
>I'm next
>Oh shit forgot to rehearse my order
>qt3.14 cashier asks what i'm going to have
>autism kicks into overdrive
>walk out of there without saying anything

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>started cognitive behaviour therapy
>tasks was to start and try to go into a coffee shop
>could barely go in without feeling like I wanted to die from embarrassment
>eventually starting to get better
>cute barista
>short, THICC, hair in pigtails, freckles
>instantly crush on her
>one day as I'm leaving ask her what time it usually gets quiet
>next time I'm in there my therapist comes with me
>it's super busy
>had to try and make light conversation
>tell her that it's busy here today
>she replies about how I should've come in when it was quiet (in a friendly way)
>she actually remembered what I asked her
>start going at around 3pm and reading for a couple of hours a few days a week
>she remembers my order
>she starts asking me about the books I'm reading
>she walks past and sticks her tongue out at me
>my therapist and all my friends told me she was flirting with me
>becoming more comfortable being outside
>but the thought of asking her out was making me so stressed it made me feel ill
>sat around one day and she's talking with another employee
>realise from the conversation she's talking about her bf getting a new car
>instantly crushed
>lose my nerve asking her out
>never really go back

What the oreganol FUCK

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How do you drink an entire gallon of milk in the span of like 10 minutes and without vomiting

Oh, fuck it, just make a clean sweep of it and kill everyone. It's so much tidier that way.

I was raised on a farm and weigh 300 pounds

>have autistic friend
>go to chic fil a
>he orders a strawberry shake
>gets chocolate
>drinks it and then tells me it was chocolate
>asks me to say this exactly "my autistic friend ordered a strawberry shake but he got chocolate"
>go up to counter
>I was about to omit the autistic part when I notice he's peeking over the separator
>look the cashier in the eyes and say what he told me
>she's very understanding and tells me she has an autistic cousin and gets him a free strawberry shake
>when I sit down he tells me the first shake was strawberry

>walk into take out place
>cashier ask me what I would like
>"one order of the spicy lamb dumplings please"
>okay your total is 7.50$
>hand him the cash
>he says have a nice day
>I say thanks you too
>get my food and leave

What the fuck is wrong with this thread. Cashiers see hundreds of people a day they could care less about some random sperglord.

That sucks user but that method sounds like a good way of making friends/gf you should try it again or try and just make friends, with a guy obviously.

Go to rite aid cashier smiles at me . Until she sees the item am buying is stool softener .

>she says that will be $23.30
>I know what dollars are but I am too stupid to do change math
>I dont know what quarters, pennies, dimes and nickels are worth
>hand her a $50 and say keep the change
>find out I gave away over $20 for nothing

I am an idiot. I am 29 for fucks sake

Frig off Lahey you drunk bastard

VERY cringe and autistic




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Hehe, I like your friend

Based big cock user.

baste chad

Holy bajoozle doozle

>two cashiers, one line
>both surly middle-aged latinas who speak little english
>as one cashier is still checking out one guy, she yells "nexs pliz!"
>have to give my credit card under the arm of the guy who is getting his receipt
>have to just say my order loudly, no "hi" or "please" or "thank you"
>"medium coffee"
>the other surly latina cashier gets it
>my cashier thrusts my card at me as she says "nexs pliz"
>have to grab my coffee and receipt without spilling either while the guy behind me is saying his order
>coffee apparently comes from a well that leads directly to hell judging by how hot it is
>they only have these plastic cup holders that don't work and also have some obnoxious advertisement on them
It's the only place that's both cheap and convenient. The coffee isn't bad, though.

Yeah, if people ask me random things where I am not prepared for talking I sperg out.

It's not just because of the big condoms, it was also because your gf was with you. Women are more attracted to men with partners than single men because it means you must be desirable and it also means they have to work to beat your partner if they want you. If you were buying the condoms by yourself she probably either wouldn't care or would think you were just buying them in an attempt to show off/hit on her.

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Sometimes girls flirt with people when they have a BF user. You could have been a plan B. Some people never go without being in a relationship and always have a fallback plan. This does not make the plan B worse to her, more just the timing.

>high on russian anxiety meds
>need my nic fix
>goes to the gas station
>asks the qt cashier laidy for a box of lucky strike true blues
>"a box?"
>no, i meant a pack
>she gives me a qt smile and gives me my cigs
>i smile back wishing her a good evening
phenibut is fucking amazing.

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I have two stories that both happened sorta recently.
>Go to whole foods get some stuff.
>Go to cash register, 7/10 around my age girl working there.
>Shes packing my stuff and notices my shirt.
>"Oh is that inuyasha?"
>It was a lowkey yu yu hakusho shirt from uniqlo.
>"Oh no its from yu yu hakusho but the animation looks similar so I could see why you say that."

We interacted a few weeks later as well. She was walking around and saw my omocat shirt. She gave me like a weird drive by comment it was kinda spergy but cute too.

My other story is at a movie theater.
>Go to new fancy theater.
>Lets you order food in advance and its pretty good.
>Go to buy food, latin girl with kinda done up hair and lots of arm tattoos. (6/10)
>Ordering food shes very smiley and has me get the combo to save money.
>She small talks about how expensive the drinks are here.
>Addresses me as "love" , does it like 6 times.
>Feel good but then feel sad that I dont have a gf to actually call me that.

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>we both say hi
>she checks out my water
>I ask for a lottery ticket for this evening, too
>she tells me what I owe
>I pay and leave

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why do you guys have issues with this shit? its easy.
>walk up to line
>wait a few mins
>your turn
>put your basket up
>say "hello"
>they ask how your day is going
>they say "well thats good"
>they either stop there or mention how nice the weather is
>"yeah its nice out, might go do this or that"
>they say "ok your total is $39.50"
>say thank you
>walk out

and i thought i was autistic..

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I'd rather have the dick on the right. It still has foreskin and isn't fucking bent and dead.

Why are you guys calling him a chad? This is beta as fuck. The only goor reply would be actually using the "that's what she said" joke and going along with that.
She felt the beta in him and basically responded with "well the guys I fuck don't need to pull out". You should all kill yourselves if you think this guy is a chad.

i really want to suck the one on the right too.